Do you think police in Southern Md. are respected?


I heart CLeValley
For the most part yes, but there are a few out there that really erk me. Especially the young, cocky ones...they are the ones that drive through my neighbor hood from dusk until dawn *harassing* people. I do not think that sitting on the back of MY car with a neighbor is reason enough to stop and yell to us "Yall got anything illegal going on?" And then they have the nerve to get pissy if you tell them "A Newport isn't illegal" WTF? You were talking to me! I have a problem with them speeding through the neighborhood everyday, not paying attention to the kids that are outside. Kids that *are* being supervised. Like I said...most of them are respectable...the young ones...they get no respect...mainly because they give none. And I don't care if you have a badge or not, you give no sure as hell aren't getting none from me in return. JMO

I agree with you. We have some really good friends that are police and my dad was a 25 year veteran metropolitant police. The young ones have the "Super Cop"a attitude.
I agree with you. We have some really good friends that are police and my dad was a 25 year veteran metropolitant police. The young ones have the "Super Cop"a attitude.

I agree with you. We have some really good friends that are police and my dad was a 25 year veteran d.c. The young ones have the "Super Cop" attitude.



I know one CC Cop I can beat in the head... and it's not my homey... :whistle:

I know one CC Cop I can beat in the head... and it's not my homey... :whistle:




I know one CC Cop I can beat in the head... and it's not my homey... :whistle:

I know one CC Cop I can beat in the head... and it's not my homey... :whistle:



Do you think police in... 03-04-2008 07:02 PM retard retard

Hey anonymous chicken sh!t - I sign my red.


New Member
I don;t like the cop who arrested me and wrongfully charged me with posesion of crack cocain. I don't do drugs. It isn't my fault some jerk left some drugs in my car.


Highlander's MPD
I don;t like the cop who arrested me and wrongfully charged me with posesion of crack cocain. I don't do drugs. It isn't my fault some jerk left some drugs in my car.

It sounds like the officer didn't wrongfully charge you. You had crack in your car. You had constructive possesion. Now, it's up to the court whether they believe your story. If you wanna be mad at someone, you should be mad at the "friend" who left it in your car. Why would you hang around someone who uses crack?

Sorry, I'm just not seeing any reason to blame the cop for this one.


New Member
I don;t like the cop who arrested me and wrongfully charged me with posesion of crack cocain. I don't do drugs. It isn't my fault some jerk left some drugs in my car.

The same thing happened to me, a cop found weed in my pocket, but they were not my pants, I was wearing my cousins pants. The cop locked me up! corrupt officers!


New Member
It sounds like the officer didn't wrongfully charge you. You had crack in your car. You had constructive possesion. Now, it's up to the court whether they believe your story. If you wanna be mad at someone, you should be mad at the "friend" who left it in your car. Why would you hang around someone who uses crack?

Sorry, I'm just not seeing any reason to blame the cop for this one.

I didn't know they where using crack in the back of my car. I am really not even sure which one of my friends was using crack.

They found the crack on the floor by the back seat. Since it is my car and I was in the drivers seat it should have been obvios to the cop that the crack was not mine. I even told the cop that I wanted him to finger print the crack rock to prove it wasn't mine. Then he told me some BS line about how they couldn't finger print the crack.