Do you think police in Southern Md. are respected?


Boss Lady
I didn't know they where using crack in the back of my car. I am really not even sure which one of my friends was using crack.

They found the crack on the floor by the back seat. Since it is my car and I was in the drivers seat it should have been obvios to the cop that the crack was not mine. I even told the cop that I wanted him to finger print the crack rock to prove it wasn't mine. Then he told me some BS line about how they couldn't finger print the crack.

You can finger print crack????? :rolleyes:


Highlander's MPD
The same thing happened to me, a cop found weed in my pocket, but they were not my pants, I was wearing my cousins pants. The cop locked me up! corrupt officers!

Did you leave me this karma, 2balls? If so, I was laughing with you at the joke not at you. I knew you were being sarcastic and I laughed. Take back your red!

03-05-2008 03:39 PM it was a joke

General Lee

Well-Known Member
I didn't know they where using crack in the back of my car. I am really not even sure which one of my friends was using crack.

They found the crack on the floor by the back seat. Since it is my car and I was in the drivers seat it should have been obvios to the cop that the crack was not mine. I even told the cop that I wanted him to finger print the crack rock to prove it wasn't mine. Then he told me some BS line about how they couldn't finger print the crack.

You can't fingerprint crack......that statement shows you DO smoke crack.


Highlander's MPD
I didn't know they where using crack in the back of my car. I am really not even sure which one of my friends was using crack.

They found the crack on the floor by the back seat. Since it is my car and I was in the drivers seat it should have been obvios to the cop that the crack was not mine. I even told the cop that I wanted him to finger print the crack rock to prove it wasn't mine. Then he told me some BS line about how they couldn't finger print the crack.

Does Solja's reasoning make any sense to anyone else besides him? How was is supposed to be obvious that the crack wasn't his? I guess it could have only been his if it was in his seat, right? Your McDonald's cup, empty cigarette packs and porn magazines are in the back seat, why not your crack? How can anyone expect crack cocaine to be fingerprinted?

I would suggest you dress nicely for court, get a drug test, hire a lawyer and show respect to the judge and don't try using the excuses you are trying here. They won't work! The judge might give you "humor" points for the fingerprinting crack statement but it won't get you off the hook.
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My personal experience with the officers in St. Mary's and Calvert have been negative except on one occasion. The guy got arrested and we went to trial but he only got 3 months (should have been 10 years + for 3 counts of 1st degree assault), but he got off easy because he was Delegate John Wood's nephew. Years later I had a similar experience in Calvert but was too traumatized to write a statement. I was told I had up to one year to press charges. After months of therapy, when I was strong enough to stand against this man, when I called the Detective in Calvert, he told me that he would not allow me to pursue the case, and if I tried to, he would have me arrested for harassing the police department. I was like, WTF?!?!?!?! Some BS, huh? Well, anyway, my perpetrator did the same thing to another woman and her child, and now he's incarcerated up north in maximum security. I have about zero respect for the officers in St. Mary's or Calvert.


New Member
You can't fingerprint crack......that statement shows you DO smoke crack.

Why not? I find this very hard to believe. You can fingerprint anything that can be touched. If they coulrn't fingerprint it I'm sure they could check it for DNA fibers or somthing. They do stuff like this on CSI all the time.


'95 ZX6R
respected? no i don't think that most of the officers get the respect that they truly do deserve for putting up daily with having to look for people doing things they shouldn't then getting mad at the police for catching them at it. Think about it, most of the social interaction the police have every day is negative. People are either mad at them, trying to lie to them, or on a rare but heart pounding occasion; trying to kill them.

think of it like a customer service job. They get treated worse then the people working at the computer help center, and are still expected to be the very living example of what its like to be the perfect citizen, and be happy about it.

now granted there are some officers that make the rest look bad, but most of em are good guys honestly tryint to do the best.


respected? no i don't think that most of the officers get the respect that they truly do deserve for putting up daily with having to look for people doing things they shouldn't then getting mad at the police for catching them at it. Think about it, most of the social interaction the police have every day is negative. People are either mad at them, trying to lie to them, or on a rare but heart pounding occasion; trying to kill them.

think of it like a customer service job. They get treated worse then the people working at the computer help center, and are still expected to be the very living example of what its like to be the perfect citizen, and be happy about it.

now granted there are some officers that make the rest look bad, but most of em are good guys honestly tryint to do the best.



I heart CLeValley
Person who gave me red karma

:pete: To the person who gave me red and called me a fat -stupid -idiot. You didnt have the balls to sign it???? If you dont like what I say then DONT READ IT.