Does all bottled water...


New Member
itsbob said:
But most people don't swallow their toothpaste, so how does it help??

Bone absorbes flouride, hardening the bone. There is no proof that flouride will help your teeth if taken systemically, I.E. just swallowed. So.... just getting a flouride treatment from your dentist is the way to go. You know.. the trays you bite down on for a while, the flouride gets absorbed, and there it is.
Flouride is a by-product from the manufacturing of aluminum. As far as putting it in water supplies.... follow the money. Dentists disagree? Again... follow the money. How much training in nutrition does a dentist have anyway?


Well-Known Member
Coaster said:
Bone absorbes flouride, hardening the bone. There is no proof that flouride will help your teeth if taken systemically, I.E. just swallowed. So.... just getting a flouride treatment from your dentist is the way to go. You know.. the trays you bite down on for a while, the flouride gets absorbed, and there it is.
Flouride is a by-product from the manufacturing of aluminum. As far as putting it in water supplies.... follow the money. Dentists disagree? Again... follow the money. How much training in nutrition does a dentist have anyway?
Ka-ching!!!! What about companies who make toothpaste!


New Member
Coaster said:
How much training in nutrition does a dentist have anyway?

How much formal training do I have in nutrition, anyway? I know only what I've read about this. I've been wrong before.


Well-Known Member
greyhound said:
follow the $$...Colgate-Palmolive Co. is the #1 seller of toothpaste (ahead of Procter & Gamble) and a world leader in oral care products (mouthwashes, toothpaste, toothbrushes). There have to be a dozen or more oral care companies out there-how much profit do you think they are making on the flouride hype?
If you want to add flouride to your teeth, use a toothpaste for sensitive teeth (i.e. sensidine) with a higher amount of flouride in it than standard toothpaste. After rinsing your mouth out to flush out the crud from between your teeth, give your teeth a light brushing with fresh toothpaste, and then just spit, don't rinse. Do this when you brush your teeth at night, and the flouride in the toothpaste residue that is still on your teeth will absorb into your teeth while you sleep. That is what my dentist told me to do. After getting a filling, I had a VERY sensitive tooth, so he prescribed a Rx toothpaste that is 1.1% flouride (as opposed to .15% or thereabout for regular toothpaste) and told me to just spit, not to rinse. After doing this for about 2.5 months, the sensitivity is completely gone. He told me to switch to sensedine when I was out of the Rx toothpaste and gave me the directions above.


New Member
Lilypad said:
follow the $$...Colgate-Palmolive Co. is the #1 seller of toothpaste (ahead of Procter & Gamble) and a world leader in oral care products (mouthwashes, toothpaste, toothbrushes). There have to be a dozen or more oral care companies out there-how much profit do you think they are making on the flouride hype?

Ok...I just wasn't sure what you were asking. :yay:


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itsbob said:
I get a lot of comments from dentists about how hard my teeth are to drill, they connect it to me living my life on Army bases when I was younger.. They (military in general) were the first to start using fluoride in their drinking water.

You sure about that Bob? :whistle:

In the mid 1940s, four widely-cited studies were conducted. The researchers investigated cities that had both fluoridated and unfluoridated water. The first pair was Muskegon, Michigan and Grand Rapids, Michigan, making Grand Rapids the first community in the world to modify its fluoride levels in drinking water to benefit dental health on January 25, 1945

And for BuddyLee...
Bottled water and fluoridation

Currently, there is some concern among dental professionals that the growing use of bottled water may decrease the amount of fluoride exposure people will receive.[13] Some bottlers such as Dannon have begun adding fluoride to their water. Most bottlers, however, do not add fluoride, and fluoride concentrations are not usually labelled on the bottle. As a result, people who have fluoridated water supplies may receive less than amounts of fluoride that fluoride proponents recommend if they choose bottled water over tap water.


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Lilypad said:
There have to be a dozen or more oral care companies out there-how much profit do you think they are making on the flouride hype?

20,000% markup if you believe the fluoride conspiracy. :lol:

Sodium fluoride, a hazardous-waste by-product from the manufacture of aluminum, is a common ingredient in rat and cockroach poisons, anesthetics, hypnotics, psychiatric drugs, and military nerve gas. It's historically been quite expensive to properly dispose of, until some aluminum industries with an overabundance of the stuff sold the public on the terrifically insane but highly profitable idea of buying it at a 20,000% markup, injecting it into our water supplies, and then DRINKING it.

Yes, a 20,000% markup: Fluoride-- intended only for human consumption by people under 14 years of age--is injected into our drinking water supply at approx. 1 part-per-million (ppm), but since we only drink 1/2 of one percent of the total water supply, the rest literally goes down the drain as a free hazardous-waste disposal for the chemical industry, where we PAY them so that we can flush their expensive hazardous waste down our toilets. How many salesmen dream of such a deal? (Follow the money.)

Independent scientific evidence repeatedly showing up over the past 50 years reveals that fluoride allegedly shortens our life span, promotes cancer and various mental disturbances, accelerates osteoporosis and broken hips in old folks, and makes us stupid, docile, and subservient, all in one package. There are reports of aluminum in the brain possibly being a causative factor in Alzheimer's Disease, and evidence points towards fluoride's strong affinity for aluminum and also its ability to "trick" the blood-brain barrier by looking like the hydrogen ion, and thus allowing chemical access to brain tissue.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Deer Park has bottled water that contains fluoride. It comes in an 8 oz bottle and is targeted for kids. If you're still doing time at SFW they may have it on the shelf there. My wife got some for the little guy at the Food Lion in Leonardtown.