Does anyone grow Lavender

huntr1 said:
Roundup is on the far side of the boat just so ya know. If it ever stops raining, I will spray. Need to hit the grass/weeds in the driveway too.
Is this the part in the conversation where she tells you to stop and get milk on your way home...:confused:
huntr1 said:
Well shiznet! Wish I had known this 2 weeks ago. I will check and see if any of it lived thru the transplant (didn't water any of it). If it did, you are welcome to it.
CMC122 said:
Some of the herbs lived. Not sure what types. Stop by sometime and I will show you where they are, and you can take whatever you want.


Go Braves!
huntr1 said:
Some of the herbs lived. Not sure what types. Stop by sometime and I will show you where they are, and you can take whatever you want.
When do the pizza's come in?