Ken King said:You believe that no crime is worthy of forfeiting one's life for. While I don’t agree with that view I can accept it, but I believe that certain crimes do demand death and when it is proven beyond reasonable doubt the guilty should be executed. There should be absolute irrefutable evidence that the person did in fact commit the crime and in cases where only circumstantial evidence was used to get a conviction it should never result in a death sentence.
I also believe that once a sentence is imposed that there should be no early release for good behavior and that we have minimum mandatory sentences in addition to the sentence for the crime itself when a weapon is used in the commission of a violent crime (like Project Exile). I would much rather see our justice system truly punish criminals instead of coddling them with amenities that have made incarceration the picnic it has become. This, in my mind, is why there is no deterrent for criminal acts.
Finally, a voice of reason and you didn't feel the need to verbally abuse me for my anti-death penalty stance - thank you.
Regarding the first half of your post, we’ll just agree to disagree and respect each others opinions. Also, thank you for not attempting to change my opinion. As to the second half of your post sir, I’m in total agreement.