dog house


New Member
Has any one seen this?

JC Penney: Beware of the Doghouse | Creativity Online

My husband gave me an exercise bike for Christmas one year... so what was your dog house gift?

My Hubby sent that to me when he was at work. He was in the dog house for getting so wasted at the Ravens game on Sunday some stranger brought him home and i had to go get our truck out of the pound because it got towed. I bet you he wont be getting me a vacuum for!


New Member
I saw the doghouse the other day!!! It was funny. If I asked for a vaccume or kitchen appliance and got what I wanted, that would be fine. However, if I didn't ask for it.... "Move over little dog, cause the big dog is movin' in"!!!
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Having Fun!
I do believe that someone posted this in the Joke section of the forums. It is hysterical. I am lucky -- hubby hasn't yet given me a doghouse gift. He's also better at folding laundry than I am (more practice). Can't say any more 'cause he reads the forums.

That is a really nice necklace, though...:whistle:


Having Fun!
I can't believe I am writing this. I don't know what else to do. My husband and I both work long hours each on the same schedules so we can keep our son in Daycare.We are living paycheck to paycheck. We sometimes don't even have enough to get by on each week. I have to feed my entire family on hotdogs and bologna because after paying our monthly living expenses & trying to keep our creditors happy. I usually only have about $20 per week for food. And it doesn't help that I was out of work for 3 months while my son suffered from bacterial menegitis and was in Childerens Hospital. I couldn't bare to leave him up there by himself, when most parents did. We put ourselves on a very tight budget. Got rid of everything that was not necessary, I mean everything, but we still are just scraping by.Christmas is just around the corner & I can barely feed my Son. I have no idea how I am going to be able to get him anything for Christmas. When I say we are barely scraping by I mean it. We live in a tiny 2 bedroom apartment. If anyone out there could help us it will be greatly appreciated. Even just a few dollars. At this point every dolloar makes a difference for my family. Thank you for your time and your thoughts and prayers for my family. I figured it would be less humiliating if I posted in the ladies room than anywhere else....

Check out this thread

Also check Toys for Tots (you'll need to put in your location to find the local one)

And the local Department of Social Services (for other kinds of help), Catholic Charities, and local Food Banks. You may be eligible for the WIC program.

This is just a few to get you started...


I can't believe I am writing this. I don't know what else to do. My husband and I both work long hours each on the same schedules so we can keep our son in Daycare.We are living paycheck to paycheck. We sometimes don't even have enough to get by on each week. I have to feed my entire family on hotdogs and bologna because after paying our monthly living expenses & trying to keep our creditors happy. I usually only have about $20 per week for food. And it doesn't help that I was out of work for 3 months while my son suffered from bacterial menegitis and was in Childerens Hospital. I couldn't bare to leave him up there by himself, when most parents did. We put ourselves on a very tight budget. Got rid of everything that was not necessary, I mean everything, but we still are just scraping by.Christmas is just around the corner & I can barely feed my Son. I have no idea how I am going to be able to get him anything for Christmas. When I say we are barely scraping by I mean it. We live in a tiny 2 bedroom apartment. If anyone out there could help us it will be greatly appreciated. Even just a few dollars. At this point every dolloar makes a difference for my family. Thank you for your time and your thoughts and prayers for my family. I figured it would be less humiliating if I posted in the ladies room than anywhere else....

Hhhhmmm, maybe its me but something seems fishy about this. Im not judging, just something seems off. Every year my kids and I shop for kids who do not have much and we have helped many families. I have never seen someone put themselves out there like that. Like I said maybe its me!


Having Fun!
Hhhhmmm, maybe its me but something seems fishy about this. Im not judging, just something seems off. Every year my kids and I shop for kids who do not have much and we have helped many families. I have never seen someone put themselves out there like that. Like I said maybe its me!

You never know, and we won't unless someone knows this person or their situation, that's kind of why I referred them over to the other thread. This time of year brings out the truly desperate (who wouldn't ask any other time but choke down their pride for their kids) and the people who see an opportunity to scam. I'm hoping this one is the former and someone can verify....


Love Me or Hate Me
Hhhhmmm, maybe its me but something seems fishy about this. Im not judging, just something seems off. Every year my kids and I shop for kids who do not have much and we have helped many families. I have never seen someone put themselves out there like that. Like I said maybe its me!

I knew someone would get the wrong impression and that is why I am Embarrassed. I am willing to verify who I am and who I work for to anyone who could possibly help. I need help.... I have tried social services, but you have to fall under a $29,900 bracket in order to recieve assistance, my husband and I make $31,000. And honestly it's just not enough I don't care what anyone says. I just need help for my son for christmas, I could care less about myself and my husband


I knew someone would get the wrong impression and that is why I am Embarrassed. I am willing to verify who I am and who I work for to anyone who could possibly help. I need help.... I have tried social services, but you have to fall under a $29,900 bracket in order to recieve assistance, my husband and I make $31,000. And honestly it's just not enough I don't care what anyone says. I just need help for my son for christmas, I could care less about myself and my husband

Well, what is it you need then? I have seen people in need but terrified to ask for the help. Usually they go through agencies.


Love Me or Hate Me
Well, what is it you need then? I have seen people in need but terrified to ask for the help. Usually they go through agencies.

The names of agencies would help....Anything will help, I will not ask for specifics because anything given would be a blessing. Like I said My husband and I want nothing, we just would like help for our sons sake


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The names of agencies would help....Anything will help, I will not ask for specifics because anything given would be a blessing. Like I said My husband and I want nothing, we just would like help for our sons sake

Not busting on you, but anyone who would give money to some stranger on the internet is crazy.

They would be smarter to give to a legitimate charity where they know their donation will go to someone honestly in need. And you would be better off contacting one of those charities and seeing if they can lend you a hand.

Good luck!


Love Me or Hate Me
Not busting on you, but anyone who would give money to some stranger on the internet is crazy.

They would be smarter to give to a legitimate charity where they know their donation will go to someone honestly in need. And you would be better off contacting one of those charities and seeing if they can lend you a hand.

Good luck!

Can someone maybe give me some of the names of legitimate agencies that can help? I am willing to verify who I am and who my employer is to assure anyone who can help that I am not trying to pull some fake scam


Can someone maybe give me some of the names of legitimate agencies that can help? I am willing to verify who I am and who my employer is to assure anyone who can help that I am not trying to pull some fake scam

yes, the tips for toppick po-man's club is welcomed...:lol: