dog vaccinations


Jam out with ur clam out
good article I pass on to many

Lyme disease is caused by a spirochete called Borrelia burgdorferi. It is transmitted by the Black legged or Deer tick. Current evidence suggests that it takes around 48 - 72 hours for the spirochete to be passed from the gut of the tick into the tissue of the host. Once inside the host the organism uses its corkscrew shape to migrate through the surrounding tissue.

It takes around 2 months for the number of spirochetes to peak in the dog. Numbers are reported as 1.5 million spirochetes per 0.1 milligrams of tissue. This is a disease that is spread locally through the tissue it is not spread in the blood. There is no way to isolate the bacterium causing Lyme disease in the blood or the joint fluid because it is not there.

Clinical signs typically appear between 50 and 125 days post infection. Most commonly this presents as a single lame limb. Dog's limping on a forelimb are the most common signs that we see. Some of these dogs will have swollen joints and some will have a fever. Dogs will produce natural antibodies to Lyme disease. These typically peak between 90 and 180 days. Recent research indicates that the natural occurring antibodies last for a considerable amount of time but do not offer much in the way of immunity to repeat infection. There is also considerable evidence indicating that although we treat these dogs with antibiotics for an entire month the sheer spriochete loads in many of these dogs and the fact that they migrate to tissues with poor blood supply means that antibiotic treatment often fails to clear the disease. What we can achieve are remission states that more often than not persist throughout the life of the animal. If we see a return of clinical signs and there is still a pale blue dot we should think about repeating the treatment. The other thing we should be doing with these positive dogs is running serial urinalysis to be sure they are not leaking protein into their urine. This should probably be done every six months or so. I used to recommend that dogs with positive tests should not be vaccinated as there is some evidence that vaccinating can cause immune complexes that affect the kidneys. It turns out that if your veterinarian is using a vaccine that promotes immunity with the whole Borrelia bacterin then that is probably not a good vaccine for a positive dog. A non adjuvented vaccine with specific Ops-A protein immunity is not going to cause these same immune complexes and would be a good choice for a positive dog.

Prevention is of course always the best medicine. The first line of defense is rearranging your yard to lower the tick habitats. The second line of defense would be using a monthly topical to prevent tick bites and decrease the amount of time that ticks spend on your dog. The third and currently final line of defense is vaccination against lyme disease. Currently the majority of veterinarians are doing a single first vaccine boostered in two weeks and then yearly boosters. There is new research out there right now however, that sneaking in a third booster the first year at the six month mark goes a long way in providing better immunity. So the vaccine schedule I will be recommending until I hear otherwise will be 2 initial vaccines two to four weeks apart and a third vaccine six months later. The one year booster will be given a year from the initial vaccine and then once a year after that. Because the vaccine is against a bacteria and not a virus I do not see a three year vaccine on the near horizon as far as Lyme disease is concerned.


most snap test they have in house will check for Heartworm, Anaplasma, Ehrlichia and Lyme disease. the old ones did not check for anaplasma

..... ehrlichia .. the dogs will present with the same issues. Lethargic, lameness, loss of appetite, and fever.

He was all his normal self except that I noticed that he all of the sudden (matter of 2 days or so ) looked arthritic. His hind was moving as if it was a strain to get off of the floor. Highly unusual for then a 5 year old 105 lb English Lab.


Jam out with ur clam out
He was all his normal self except that I noticed that he all of the sudden (matter of 2 days or so ) looked arthritic. His hind was moving as if it was a strain to get off of the floor. Highly unusual for then a 5 year old 105 lb English Lab.

I think that it was Doxicycline

they dont have to show all they symptoms.. those are just the standard..

hope the dose was strong enough for him..... should have been close to 400mg two times a day


I have been wondering this as well. We just got our first dog after 15 years and of course got him rabies, and he's had his first distemper and will finish that in a couple weeks. Now I've got to worry about flea/tick prevention, lyme vaccination, heartworm, etc... I am definately going to put him on heart worm, but I worry about putting too much "stuff" in his little body in case it does more harm than good. BUT, some who lives near lost a dog to lymes, so it makes me wonder.


they dont have to show all they symptoms.. those are just the standard..

hope the dose was strong enough for him..... should have been close to 400mg two times a day

Yes, 2 horse pills twice a day. I had a lot of fun getting him to take his medicine. He made me eat 3 lbs of chicken hotdogs as he would only eat beef. I cannot stand chicken hot dogs now. I love my little boy but he is the pickiest Lab I have ever met.


one day the dark will end
Are all these shots really necessary? I understand where Rabies is important, but what about Lepto, Lyme, distemper? I just wonder if they are good for the dogs...if they're not necessary than I don't want my dogs to have them.

Ever seen a dog sick with distemper?
Or the damage Lymes does ( even to people) ?
Dont get a dog ( or child) if you think vaccines are not necessary!

What the heck....go Goggle these vaccines and educate yourself as to the pros and cons to HELPING keep you PET healthy!
Then ask your question again!

And WHY do you think rabies is important?????
I'd love to read your answer!


Well-Known Member
Ever seen a dog sick with distemper?
Or the damage Lymes does ( even to people) ?
Dont get a dog ( or child) if you think vaccines are not necessary!

What the heck....go Goggle these vaccines and educate yourself as to the pros and cons to HELPING keep you PET healthy!
Then ask your question again!

And WHY do you think rabies is important?????
I'd love to read your answer!

well Katelin...I've not seen a dog with distemper, yes Lyme. I have gone online and read about vaccinations and the Titer Test option. Rabies is required by law I believe and if you travel with your dog you may need proof that he has been vaccinated for rabies. Plus we had a rabid raccoon come it our yard several years ago and our dog went after it and he had to be quarantined for like 10 days even though he had his shot. Why so snappy with me? I've ALWAYS got my dogs vaccinated. When my dog got his Lyme recently he had a scary reaction causing me to question the necessity. I hope you loved reading my answer.


Adopt me please !
well Katelin...I've not seen a dog with distemper, yes Lyme. I have gone online and read about vaccinations and the Titer Test option. Rabies is required by law I believe and if you travel with your dog you may need proof that he has been vaccinated for rabies. Plus we had a rabid raccoon come it our yard several years ago and our dog went after it and he had to be quarantined for like 10 days even though he had his shot. Why so snappy with me? I've ALWAYS got my dogs vaccinated. When my dog got his Lyme recently he had a scary reaction causing me to question the necessity. I hope you loved reading my answer.

That gal has issues. She goes from clapping for people with praise to ripping people's heads off. I hope all her ill-will bounces back and slaps her in face, and HARD too.


New Member

Saw this on Pinterest and thought of this thread...


Active Member
Until I got my Pup Meatball, if there was a Shot for anything..all my animals got it! Then came Meatball. I travel by air with her to Florida, and my Vet recomended the Lymes, Bordatella, and Leptospirosis, along with the Rabies & Distemper she already had. Right afterward, she came down with Uvitis (Swelling & bleeding in the eyeball), and then the seizures. I never had a Dog that ever had any reactions to these injections. Her Uvitis really scared the Crap out of me, but the seizures iced the cake.! It got me to think that we are over-vacinatinating our Pets. Then comes the flea stuff on top of all of that. We put that on our Cats & Dogs every month. You know that has to be some potent stuff, to go through the skin, and kill fleas on their whole body. Which brings me to the Cancer issue. My Dog Molly died of Cancer last year, and I have to wonder if it's not my fault by getting her every Shot under the Sun, lathering her with the Flea Products, and the additives in the cheaper brand Dog Foods, not to mention the coloring they use that the animal could care LESS about!
Yes Kaitlyn, I have seen animals with Distemper. I worked in Vet Medicine for over 10 years back in the 60's, and 70's. My animals will always get that Immunization, and Rabies is required by Law.


Well-Known Member
Until I got my Pup Meatball, if there was a Shot for anything..all my animals got it! Then came Meatball. I travel by air with her to Florida, and my Vet recomended the Lymes, Bordatella, and Leptospirosis, along with the Rabies & Distemper she already had. Right afterward, she came down with Uvitis (Swelling & bleeding in the eyeball), and then the seizures. I never had a Dog that ever had any reactions to these injections. Her Uvitis really scared the Crap out of me, but the seizures iced the cake.! It got me to think that we are over-vacinatinating our Pets. Then comes the flea stuff on top of all of that. We put that on our Cats & Dogs every month. You know that has to be some potent stuff, to go through the skin, and kill fleas on their whole body. Which brings me to the Cancer issue. My Dog Molly died of Cancer last year, and I have to wonder if it's not my fault by getting her every Shot under the Sun, lathering her with the Flea Products, and the additives in the cheaper brand Dog Foods, not to mention the coloring they use that the animal could care LESS about!
Yes Kaitlyn, I have seen animals with Distemper. I worked in Vet Medicine for over 10 years back in the 60's, and 70's. My animals will always get that Immunization, and Rabies is required by Law.

I was thinking the same thing about the Frontline and the Interceptor. It does have to be potent stuff to kill a tick or flea as soon as it bites the dog. And we are supposed to wash our hands immediately after putting it on our pet? Its hard to know what to do for the health of our little guys. Is Meatball
doing alright?


I was thinking the same thing about the Frontline and the Interceptor. It does have to be potent stuff to kill a tick or flea as soon as it bites the dog. And we are supposed to wash our hands immediately after putting it on our pet? Its hard to know what to do for the health of our little guys. Is Meatball
doing alright?


I have wondered the same thing about this stuff. Does Skin So Soft repel mosquitoes or other nasties the way it does flies? I know that I used that on my Golden in the summer time for flies and she smelled nice while I did not have to be careful where I put my hand on her.


Adopt me please !

I have wondered the same thing about this stuff. Does Skin So Soft repel mosquitoes or other nasties the way it does flies? I know that I used that on my Golden in the summer time for flies and she smelled nice while I did not have to be careful where I put my hand on her.

Avon funded a study on SSS and it did NOT repel bugs very well, although they were happy that so many people thought it did, and bought the product. So what they did was come out with SSS based products that actually had bug repellent in them. They have a whole line now, but the anti-bug power only lasts a matter of hours.

Something I have tried in the past for my dogs is:

It doesn't work as well as the more toxic products, but it's an alternative since we can't just do nothing.

It's all about the active ingredients in the products, and hopefully someone will pipe in about some of less toxic products we can use.

I make up my own "herbal" fly sprays for the horses as an alternative to the toxic ones so I have an alternative to use. But the power of the herbal ones can't compare with the toxic ones.


Active Member
Thanks for asking. Yes, she is now doing fine. She will only get the Distemper, and Rabies from now on. I don't use the full strength of her Vectra 3-D either. (Flea Medicine)


New Member
Peanut had another seizure today :frown:

We JUST finished getting him all caught up on shots and stuff. He just got the Distemper and was given a heartworm pill.

He had been doing so well. He went from having a few a month to having one (now two) in the past 3 years....but both have been within the past six months.

It makes me scared.


Well-Known Member
Peanut had another seizure today :frown:

We JUST finished getting him all caught up on shots and stuff. He just got the Distemper and was given a heartworm pill.

He had been doing so well. He went from having a few a month to having one (now two) in the past 3 years....but both have been within the past six months.

It makes me scared.

Sorry to hear that. Hope Peanut is OK.


New Member
I agree with everyone thinking our pets are being over vaccinated. When my dog was a puppy the vet wouldn't give his rabies shot in the same visit as his parvo/distemper shot. She said she felt it was too much for a puppies system. I don't use flea or tick preventative and have only found a flea once and a tick twice in almost three years. I frequent the dog park and occasionally take him for walks in the woods. When the mosquitoes are bad are bad I use a herbal repellent. The problem with the flea and tick meds is they are only effective after the bite. So there is a chance of transmitting disease. I definitely feel the cancer rate is related to all the stuff we put on or in our pets. The same is true for ourselves. Sorry to all of you who have had reactions in your pets due to medications. One of my nieces dog has developed seizures. I forwarded this thread to her in case her situation is related to vaccines or flea meds.


Active Member
I think this year, we will have the Fleas from Hell because of the mild weather we've had this Winter. Don't forget that Dawn Dish Liquid kills them, doesn't repel them, and it doesn't work long-term like the Prescription Medicine. The only thing Flea Collars are good for, is to put a chunk in the Vacuum bag.