Don't eat at Wendy's in California


Well-Known Member
Went to lunch at Wendy's Sunday. Wasn't until I was getting ready to leave that I noticed a BUG ZAPPER right above my head. If that wasn't bad enough, as I went to throw the garbage away, there must have been thousands of bugs crawling all over the window sill by the trash. I thought they were termites, but when I talked to the manager he said they were flying ants. WHATEVER! He said they send employees out every few hours with Raid and a broom and dust pan. I called the corporate office, but could only leave a message. Imagine that! I can't believe the health department will allow them to keep operating like that. I felt like I wanted to :barf: all afternoon.


Main Streeter
SoMDGirl42 said:
Went to lunch at Wendy's Sunday. Wasn't until I was getting ready to leave that I noticed a BUG ZAPPER right above my head. If that wasn't bad enough, as I went to throw the garbage away, there must have been thousands of bugs crawling all over the window sill by the trash. I thought they were termites, but when I talked to the manager he said they were flying ants. WHATEVER! He said they send employees out every few hours with Raid and a broom and dust pan. I called the corporate office, but could only leave a message. Imagine that! I can't believe the health department will allow them to keep operating like that. I felt like I wanted to :barf: all afternoon.

Did you mention something to the manager, fill out and mail a comment card, or call the health dept?


Yep, i don't eat fast food from here anymore. No Burger King, Wendy's, McDonald's..nuttin! Unless it is somewhere like Subway where I can watch my sandwich being made..and then go!


New Member
ALL food service establishments are required to maintain a insect/rodent control program. Many of the zappers are sold by the food service companies for that purpose. Yup, kinda nasty to see it in action though.


Roughidle said:
ALL food service establishments are required to maintain a insect/rodent control program. Many of the zappers are sold by the food service companies for that purpose. Yup, kinda nasty to see it in action though.

Reminds me of that part in waterboy...when bobby momma and coach kline are having "snake" and Coach Kline (Henry Winkler) asks whats for dessert? And you hear the bug zapper outside and Momma says 'Squirrel" !! haha


Lem Putt
nitwhit3286 said:
Yep, i don't eat fast food from here anymore. No Burger King, Wendy's, McDonald's..nuttin! Unless it is somewhere like Subway where I can watch my sandwich being made..and then go!

After your posts about all of the bugs in your apartment, I can understand why you wouldn't trust anyone.

nobody really

I need a nap
Try the Fast Stop in Chesapeake Beach - one cashier - fixes you up a sammich, no gloves, then runs the register. I'm sure after she picks her nose those sammiches are YUMMY!!! EWWWWWWWWWW


MMDad said:
After your posts about all of the bugs in your apartment, I can understand why you wouldn't trust anyone.

OMG!! Speaking of which..i did an incredibly utterly ridiculous amount of cleaning over the weekend...and what do I find crawling on my carpet!! Another spider!! Ahh! i completely flipped out.


Well-Known Member
Just got off the phone with the Health Department making my complaint. Said someone would be going out within the next week. I think I'll stop by on my way home and take some pictures!


American Beauty
PREMO Member
SoMDGirl42 said:
Just got off the phone with the Health Department making my complaint. Said someone would be going out within the next week. I think I'll stop by on my way home and take some pictures!

I haven't been in there in years. My reason: huge swarm of flies coming from the kitchen area. I left and have never been back.


Well-Known Member
Don't eat at Wendy's in... 03-26-2007 01:46 PM your story doesn;t make any sense. Whats next. Are you goign to claim that the cook was gay?

If you are the cook, then yeah, the cook was gay! :razz:

Richard Cranium

New Member
SoMDGirl42 said:
Just got off the phone with the Health Department making my complaint. Said someone would be going out within the next week. I think I'll stop by on my way home and take some pictures!

One of their health inspectors works for me (on the side). He's a real ass.

I've actually had some really good experiences with that Wendy's with the management. One guy with a messed up eye and the other with a ponytail. Both great guys.


Well-Known Member
Richard Cranium said:
One of their health inspectors works for me (on the side). He's a real ass.

I've actually had some really good experiences with that Wendy's with the management. One guy with a messed up eye and the other with a ponytail. Both great guys.
So in other words, I wasted my time making the phone call because the management are good guys?


New Member
SoMDGirl42 said:
Went to lunch at Wendy's Sunday. Wasn't until I was getting ready to leave that I noticed a BUG ZAPPER right above my head. If that wasn't bad enough, as I went to throw the garbage away, there must have been thousands of bugs crawling all over the window sill by the trash. I thought they were termites, but when I talked to the manager he said they were flying ants. WHATEVER! He said they send employees out every few hours with Raid and a broom and dust pan. I called the corporate office, but could only leave a message. Imagine that! I can't believe the health department will allow them to keep operating like that. I felt like I wanted to :barf: all afternoon.
Stop telling me what to do.

p.s. the bugs are probably better for you than the 'food'.

Richard Cranium

New Member
No, you might have a legitimate complaint. I wasn't in there today, so I don't know what it was like. All I'm saying is that when I went in there, the management was helpful when I had a problem.


Well-Known Member
Coventry17 said:
Point of order, spiders are NOT bugs. :razz:

Actually, spiders are not insects. If people call stomach bacteria bugs, then spiders can also be called bugs.