Don't eat at Wendy's in California


curiouser and curiouser
mkd20012001 said:
I wish we had a Ryan's here. Is there one close?
Nope. :lol: I usually go when I visit my dad in Tennessee. I think there's one in Fredericksburg.


Big Poppa
aps45819 said:
Join the Navy, see the world, learn to eat the disgusting food from all over the world.
I'll always remember the time in Korea I asked a waitress what I was eating and she replied "woof, woof"


And somdebay im 20 and i get penty of time to travel, and my parents dont give me a dime. I make 10 an hour and i have been to florida, OC, VB and indianapolis with my money, Its called saving. Only bills i have right now are car insurance and cell phone, im waiting till i get a comfortable job placement that pays well before i move out. I dont want to be one of these teens that gets out on there own and cant afford ####. Id rather have money to spend, and not be broke.

Il eat most fast food, ive had some of the best food come out of crap hole diners and fast food stands, and ive had some food that was completely horrible come from nice places. You cant judge a book by its cover. On a sde note the est MCD's ive been to was the one in fredrick MD.
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New Member
Reminds me of a trip to the McD's in Leonardtown last summer and I was eating there with my husband and my son and the place was infested with flies. My husband had ordered the food and brought it to the table and I told him to take a look around. He took a look around and he could not believe his eyes. I proceeded to go to the counter where you order the food and ask for the manager. The woman that called herself the manager came out about 2 minutes later, that gave me enough time to see that the kitchen where everyones food is prepared was just as bad if not not worse than the dining area. I told her that the resturant was infested with flies and that it was the nastiest thing I have ever seen in my life and her reply to me was, "Thanks for letting me know" and then she walked off. I then went back to my table threw all our food away and went home and called the corporate office. They sent me 2 coupons for a free quarter pounder or double cheeseburger....WHAT A JOKE!!! Since then I have not and will not ever eat at that nasty place again. I guess I should of learned my lesson when I had my son's birthday party there one year and a couple of the kids goodie bags had dead bugs in them....GROOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!


New Member
I got a solution, stop eating fast food. It isn't good for you and it is nasty anyway. Plus, a good majority of the criminal population flips burgers for a living. :shrug:

I got completely turned off on fast food for reasons I will not mention but believe me when I say, you never know who the hell is touching your food. I'd rather go to McKays, Subway, Shoppers and pick my own, open a can, heat up a pre-packaged meal than eat that crap!

Oh, one exception, I do like Taco Bell. :blushing:

I'm sorry but I'm not eating inside anywhere where there is a bug zapper. Those things belong outside. :barf:


Big Poppa
Don't eat at Wendy's in... 03-27-2007 09:41 AM Maybe you should give some of that money you are using to travel so much to your parents for footing your housing bill. Maybe somebay pays for their own housing and can't travel. GROW UP!

Wow people are ignorant. I have a lot of friends from school that have gone to the military, college, and just moved out. And i have a lot of friends who still live with there parents. Im still in college so its a little hard to pay the 800 a month for a ####ing apartment. Id rather pay that for a house that i will own. Like i said im waiting till i get a job that pays me enough so i can afford a house and everything else. I see alot of teenagers #####ing about this and they move out only to move back in with there parents cause they cant afford it. ITs not hard to save up money to take a short vacation, and my car insurance is through the roof right now im at almost 300 a month for a vehcile thats payed for and is 18 years old. I might borrow money from my mom for gas but she doesnt pay for anything i own, and on a side note i dont know my father. So for a single parent with three kids my mom is a hell of a woman, i dont pay rent but i help her out as much as i can. #######s.


Well-Known Member
multitaskerJuls said:
Reminds me of a trip to the McD's in Leonardtown last summer and I was eating there with my husband and my son and the place was infested with flies. My husband had ordered the food and brought it to the table and I told him to take a look around. He took a look around and he could not believe his eyes. I proceeded to go to the counter where you order the food and ask for the manager. The woman that called herself the manager came out about 2 minutes later, that gave me enough time to see that the kitchen where everyones food is prepared was just as bad if not not worse than the dining area. I told her that the resturant was infested with flies and that it was the nastiest thing I have ever seen in my life and her reply to me was, "Thanks for letting me know" and then she walked off. I then went back to my table threw all our food away and went home and called the corporate office. They sent me 2 coupons for a free quarter pounder or double cheeseburger....WHAT A JOKE!!! Since then I have not and will not ever eat at that nasty place again. I guess I should of learned my lesson when I had my son's birthday party there one year and a couple of the kids goodie bags had dead bugs in them....GROOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

Haven't you ever had a picnic? Been to a backyard BBQ? There are flies there too.....


Well-Known Member
If you spent time in the kitchen of any establishment, you would probably not want to eat there. It's no different than flies landing on your burger at a cook-out. It's good for your immune system.

I was at a grocery store last month, and there was a table with donuts on special. Flies had crawled into some of the cartons, which I thought was pretty nasty. Went back the next day... same donuts, but no flies. And I'm sure they sold them all! :lmao:

You have probably eaten hundreds of bugs in your lifetime and didn't even notice.


Well-Known Member
blazinlow89 said:
Don't eat at Wendy's in... 03-27-2007 09:41 AM Maybe you should give some of that money you are using to travel so much to your parents for footing your housing bill. Maybe somebay pays for their own housing and can't travel. GROW UP!

Wow people are ignorant. I have a lot of friends from school that have gone to the military, college, and just moved out. And i have a lot of friends who still live with there parents. Im still in college so its a little hard to pay the 800 a month for a ####ing apartment. Id rather pay that for a house that i will own. Like i said im waiting till i get a job that pays me enough so i can afford a house and everything else. I see alot of teenagers #####ing about this and they move out only to move back in with there parents cause they cant afford it. ITs not hard to save up money to take a short vacation, and my car insurance is through the roof right now im at almost 300 a month for a vehcile thats payed for and is 18 years old. I might borrow money from my mom for gas but she doesnt pay for anything i own, and on a side note i dont know my father. So for a single parent with three kids my mom is a hell of a woman, i dont pay rent but i help her out as much as i can. #######s.

Let me help you alittle with those college classes. The there you are referring to should be their.

Does that mean when you can buy your own house, you'll let your mom move in with you and not have to pay rent so she can finally save her money and travel? Just curious.

And as far as not paying for anything you own, I would think electricity, water, food etc. would be paying for things for you too, they aren't free. Think about that next time you leave a light on, waste your dinner and take an extra long shower.

Good on your mom, it's damn difficult to be a single parent!
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Pandora said:
I got a solution, stop eating fast food. It isn't good for you and it is nasty anyway. Plus, a good majority of the criminal population flips burgers for a living. :shrug:

I got completely turned off on fast food for reasons I will not mention but believe me when I say, you never know who the hell is touching your food. I'd rather go to McKays, Subway, Shoppers and pick my own, open a can, heat up a pre-packaged meal than eat that crap!

Oh, one exception, I do like Taco Bell. :blushing:

I'm sorry but I'm not eating inside anywhere where there is a bug zapper. Those things belong outside. :barf:

I don't eat at places anymore if I don't see the workers in the back using plastic gloves to prepare the food (pretty much all the fast food places).....I never see the Taco Bell workers wear them, I just hope they wash their hands really good, but I doubt it.
BTW I hate fruit flies the worst!!! :jameo:


Big Poppa
SoMDGirl42 said:
And as far as not paying for anything you own, I would think electricity, water, food etc. would be paying for things for you too, they aren't free. Think about that next time you leave a light on, waste your dinner and take an extra long shower.

Good on your mom, it's damn difficult to be a single parent!

I dont give a damn if my grammer is correct what are you an english teacher, and im taking engineering, cadd, and psychology classes. I could give a flying #### if i spell everything right or if the propper grammer is put in place.

As for what i pay for i buy my own food, i take maybe 10 min in the shower, and im harldy home long enough to use any electricity im always either at my girlfriends house, work or a friends house. I come home and watch tv maybe 3 hours a week and sleep the rest of the time. I hate this kids from high school whos parents give them everything in the world and they #### on there parents, and dont give a damn about anyone but themselves. You should ##### at them more than me.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
blazinlow89 said:
I dont give a damn if my grammer is correct what are you an english teacher, and im taking engineering, cadd, and psychology classes. I could give a flying #### if i spell everything right or if the propper grammer is put in place.

As for what i pay for i buy my own food, i take maybe 10 min in the shower, and im harldy home long enough to use any electricity im always either at my girlfriends house, work or a friends house. I come home and watch tv maybe 3 hours a week and sleep the rest of the time. I hate this kids from high school whos parents give them everything in the world and they #### on there parents, and dont give a damn about anyone but themselves. You should ##### at them more than me.

Unfortunately, no matter how book smart and educated you are, grammar, spelling and punctuation make a HUGE difference as to how you come across in a resume and your writing skills.


Big Poppa
RoseRed said:
Unfortunately, no matter how book smart and educated you are, grammar, spelling and punctuation make a HUGE difference as to how you come across in a resume and your writing skills.

Maybe i should have specified that in forums i really dont care. Things like that, formal letters/emails, and anything that requires me to put major thought into i will worry about it then. I will take teh extra time on things like that. On forums i dont give a damn, mainly because its not formal and im just trying to get a point across and if they have the courtesy to correct me then they obviously understood what i was trying to say. SO to me online its pointless to worry if i use the correct grammer/spelling or my use of words be perfect. And on a side note on any of my work i have done for english classes i usually get 90% or better, both in high school and the few college english courses i have taken.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
blazinlow89 said:
Maybe i should have specified that in forums i really dont care. Things like that, formal letters/emails, and anything that requires me to put major thought into i will worry about it then. I will take teh extra time on things like that. On forums i dont give a damn, mainly because its not formal and im just trying to get a point across and if they have the courtesy to correct me then they obviously understood what i was trying to say. SO to me online its pointless to worry if i use the correct grammer/spelling or my use of words be perfect. And on a side note on any of my work i have done for english classes i usually get 90% or better, both in high school and the few college english courses i have taken.

Please don't network on this forum for a job then.

It has been known to have happen, but in your case, your chances are slim. But that is only my opinion.


Well-Known Member
blazinlow89 said:
Maybe i should have specified that in forums i really dont care. Things like that, formal letters/emails, and anything that requires me to put major thought into i will worry about it then. I will take teh extra time on things like that. On forums i dont give a damn, mainly because its not formal and im just trying to get a point across and if they have the courtesy to correct me then they obviously understood what i was trying to say. SO to me online its pointless to worry if i use the correct grammer/spelling or my use of words be perfect. And on a side note on any of my work i have done for english classes i usually get 90% or better, both in high school and the few college english courses i have taken.
You even have to fill out a job application at Wendy's. You fail. :yay:


Big Poppa
I start my new job monday so that wont be a problem.

Damn i havent worked fast food since i was 15. I think for any of them as long as you spell your name and say welcome to XXX can i take your order, you qualify for a job as the manager.


Well-Known Member
blazinlow89 said:
I start my new job monday so that wont be a problem.

Damn i havent worked fast food since i was 15. I think for any of them as long as you spell your name and say welcome to XXX can i take your order, you qualify for a job as the manager.
Where is your new job?