Don't eat at Wendy's in California


Well-Known Member
blazinlow89 said:
Dyncorp. Aircraft mechanic.
Excellent. You'll be working with my ex husband. Tell him that I said hello. He is a great guy with a great sense of humor. :yay:
P.S. Now you can pay your momma back.


Big Poppa
I dont want to sound like an ass. But at what age did you move out your parents house, this is open to anyone. And when you did get extra money what would you spend it on, i know very few people that would give there parents money. Il offer it to my mom but she rarely ever needs it. But please this is open to anyone lets hear it.


Well-Known Member
blazinlow89 said:
I dont want to sound like an ass. But at what age did you move out your parents house, this is open to anyone. And when you did get extra money what would you spend it on, i know very few people that would give there parents money. Il offer it to my mom but she rarely ever needs it. But please this is open to anyone lets hear it.
17. I paid my own bills. :shrug:


blazinlow89 said:
I dont want to sound like an ass. But at what age did you move out your parents house, this is open to anyone. And when you did get extra money what would you spend it on, i know very few people that would give there parents money. Il offer it to my mom but she rarely ever needs it. But please this is open to anyone lets hear it.

I have been gainfully employed since I was 12...working on farms and such. Purchased my first vehicle (and paid for it myself) when I was 15. Always had my own money for the most part, but IF I did need to borrow some from my dad, it was paid back the next pay period. Joined the Navy at 19 and have been on my own every since.


Super Genius
RoseRed said:
Unfortunately, no matter how book smart and educated you are, grammar, spelling and punctuation make a HUGE difference as to how you come across in a resume and your writing skills.
It also helps if you can spell CAD (not cadd). :lmao:


Well-Known Member
It is used both ways.

CAD = Computer Aided Drafting
CADD = Computer Aided Drafting & Design

Yes, it's absolutely still used. I've been doing it for 20 years.
Someone has to make drawings to send to the fab shop so that they can fabricate the item.
And my company is constantly looking for good CAD(D) folks.

We're hard to come by. :diva:


Well-Known Member
keekee said:
It is used both ways.

CAD = Computer Aided Drafting
CADD = Computer Aided Drafting & Design

Yes, it's absolutely still used. I've been doing it for 20 years.
Someone has to make drawings to send to the fab shop so that they can fabricate the item.
And my company is constantly looking for good CAD(D) folks.

We're hard to come by. :diva:
Do you have to be able to spell, use correct grammar and punctuation, and be responsible?


Well-Known Member
blazinlow89 said:
I dont want to sound like an ass. But at what age did you move out your parents house, this is open to anyone. And when you did get extra money what would you spend it on, i know very few people that would give there parents money. Il offer it to my mom but she rarely ever needs it. But please this is open to anyone lets hear it.
I moved out when I was 17. I had a job in high school, and paid for my own school supplies, clothes etc. My parents never bought me a car, I saved and bought it with my own money AFTER I moved out. And even though I don't have "extra" money, I will buy my mother things, even if it's just a gift certificate to get her hair done, take her car to the carwash, whatever, because I think she has earned it. Kids these days have no respect for a dollar, they think it still grows on momma tree, and I know, I have a 21 and 18 year old also. They think it is their right to have mom pay for everything! One day I hope you realize the sacrifices your mother made for you.

And when you mature a little, you will realize that proper English goes a long way in life. The I don't care attitude will get you nowhere fast.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
The acronym may exist, but it's not least, I've never heard it used. In fact, from reading the description, it doesn't even make sense.

Actually, I've heard the term CADD used quite a lot, especially on the GIS systems I've worked on in the past. The terms CAD and CADD appear to be interchangeable today. :shrug:


New Member
blazinlow89 said:
I dont want to sound like an ass. But at what age did you move out your parents house, this is open to anyone. And when you did get extra money what would you spend it on, i know very few people that would give there parents money. Il offer it to my mom but she rarely ever needs it. But please this is open to anyone lets hear it.

I don't see anything wrong with living with your parents while you are obtaining your education. The cost of living in this area is very high and someone fresh out of highschool will not make the income to afford rent and utilities and other necessities. I hope when my children are in college that they will stay at home and go to a university within driving distance and work part-time for spending money.

I moved out at 19 and went back home briefly ( 6 months) when I was 22. I'm 28 now and I just purchased my second home. My parents are still very helpful, they buy most of my daughter's clothes and treat us to dinner at least twice a month. My parents have a little extra money so they help their 3 children out when needed and never expect us to pay them back, but I make it a point to at least give them some money and to treat them to dinner and if I see something I know they would really like, I get it for them. I also go out of my way so they can see their grand daughter at least once a week because I know how much they enjoy her. So what I'm trying to say is there are other methods to let your parents know you appreciate their help.


Well-Known Member
barncat said:
I don't see anything wrong with living with your parents while you are obtaining your education. The cost of living in this area is very high and someone fresh out of highschool will not make the income to afford rent and utilities and other necessities. I hope when my children are in college that they will stay at home and go to a university within driving distance and work part-time for spending money.

I moved out at 19 and went back home briefly ( 6 months) when I was 22. I'm 28 now and I just purchased my second home. My parents are still very helpful, they buy most of my daughter's clothes and treat us to dinner at least twice a month. My parents have a little extra money so they help their 3 children out when needed and never expect us to pay them back, but I make it a point to at least give them some money and to treat them to dinner and if I see something I know they would really like, I get it for them. I also go out of my way so they can see their grand daughter at least once a week because I know how much they enjoy her. So what I'm trying to say is there are other methods to let your parents know you appreciate their help.
The issue is not him mooching off his mom. It is that he spends his extra money on traveling rather than helping her. She is a single mom of 3.


New Member
sockgirl77 said:
The issue is not him mooching off his mom. It is that he spends his extra money on traveling rather than helping her. She is a single mom of 3.

But he might do other things that shows his graditude? Maybe his mom would rather him experience life a little than be strapped down with bills and never have any fun. You're only young once and many of us have been loaded with adult responsibility early in life, what's wrong with experiencing life a little before taking on adult responsibilities?

We don't know the full story, maybe she gets support for all three children, maybe she has enough money and doesn't ask that he pay her for certain things. Whatever agreement he has with his mother regarding his $ responsibility to her he might be meeting and she's satisfied and doesn't require more.

Heck if my child will attend college and do well I will be happy to pay her living expenses while she's in school and let her play with the money she earns.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Back to the Original Topic

I think all of you should rent/buy/borrow two movies - Waiting and Fast Food Nation :yay: :yay: And then start a part II to this thread.