I don't like zombies, especially the "realistic" looking zombiesbabies. I think they're creepy, and I find it particularly creepy when I see little girls running around playing with them.
I also have an 8 month old daughter who is the only baby on both sides of the family. She is constantly receiving gifts from friends and family who love to dote upon her...and unfortunately, those gifts are usually zombies. I always thank the giver graciously as I would with any gift, and then hide the zombies up in the baby's closet because they freak me out. She doesn't know the difference right now, but I'm afraid that my taking her toys away is going to permanently scar her when she's old enough to understand what's going on. Nevertheless, I don't want her getting attached to any zombies, and the only way I can think to do that is just to remove them from her toy repertoire.
So how do I discreetly drop the hint (without betraying the fact that I'm a total head case or outright offending anyone) to family and friends that if they feel like being generous toward my daughter, that I would prefer they do so in a form other than zombies, or not at all? I feel badly that the baby won't get to enjoy their gifts, and it seems wrong to let them keep throwing effort and money down the drain. ("Just give her the zombies, you freak of nature" is not an option, thank you.
