Dr. Tilley


Anyone have experience with his midwife? I have an appt and it is her that is going to see me. Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
flyingdog said:
Anyone have experience with his midwife? I have an appt and it is her that is going to see me. Thanks in advance!
Not with her. But Dr. Tilley is an idiot. I am pretty sure that they make you see the both of them. In my honest opinion, I'd run the hell out of that office and make a right hand turn just as you exit the door. You'll see Dr. Polko's office. She's wonderful, as the rest of her staff. :yay:


tired and content....
flyingdog said:
Anyone have experience with his midwife? I have an appt and it is her that is going to see me. Thanks in advance!

I thought she was a nice lady, no problems with her.


New Member
sockgirl77 said:
Not with her. But Dr. Tilley is an idiot. I am pretty sure that they make you see the both of them. In my honest opinion, I'd run the hell out of that office and make a right hand turn just as you exit the door. You'll see Dr. Polko's office. She's wonderful, as the rest of her staff. :yay:

Totally agee, Dr. Polko took care of wife while confined at St. Mary's she is very good and nice.
flyingdog said:
Anyone have experience with his midwife? I have an appt and it is her that is going to see me. Thanks in advance!
I'm thinking Tilley is the OB in charge so you most likely would want to be happy with Tilley as well as the midwife. :shrug: Use the forum "search" button and search on "Tilley". You will get many opinions from various sources... not just the ones who happen to post in this thread today.


New Member
Carol is good but a little chatty IMO. I saw her twice before changing to another practice for a home birth. She does not deliver, only office visits.


Baby blues
Every time I see someone talk about how great Dr. Polko is, I just don't get it. I had to deal with her at the beginning of my labor when I had my second child. I HATED her. She was rude, talked to me like I'm stupid, was rough and did things without evening asking me - like FORCE dialating my cervix by 3 cm. -- that HURT and was NOT necessary. She also talked down to my husband. I was so happy when her shift was over and Dr. Polsky took over. He was so nice and I've been his patient ever since.


Flip Flops Rule!
I love Carol DeHaven because she does talk to you, listens to you and is genuinely interested in your life, not just your crotch. She is personable, talks to you not at you and is very matter of fact. :love:


Well-Known Member
Tinkerbell said:
Every time I see someone talk about how great Dr. Polko is, I just don't get it. I had to deal with her at the beginning of my labor when I had my second child. I HATED her. She was rude, talked to me like I'm stupid, was rough and did things without evening asking me - like FORCE dialating my cervix by 3 cm. -- that HURT and was NOT necessary. She also talked down to my husband. I was so happy when her shift was over and Dr. Polsky took over. He was so nice and I've been his patient ever since.
I had her with my first two. I'd do anything for her to be down here with me. Every one of my friends in MD who has been preggers in the past few years has loved her. :shrug:


sockgirl77 said:
I had her with my first two. I'd do anything for her to be down here with me. Every one of my friends in MD who has been preggers in the past few years has loved her. :shrug:

I've had Bowes, Wills, Polsky and Polko deliver, out of these 4 I liked Polko and of course Naru.


Where are my pants?
I absolutely LOVED Dr. Tilley. When I found out I was pregnant I interviewed three of the OB/GYN's in the region (Including Dr. Polko whom I was not impressed with at all), and decided to go with him. He's very no-nonsense, which is precisely what I wanted in my doctor. Unlike the other Doctors I had considered, he listened to what I wanted, and did his best to accommodate.

For two or three of my office visits I was seen by Carol DeHaven. She was professional and knowledgeable, but far too "crunchy" for my tastes. I had no interest in a natural birth experience (in fact, I wanted and got a c-section), so her angle didn't appeal to me. If that's what you're into (and if you're looking for a midwife, I assume you must be), then I'd say she'd be right up your alley.


Baby blues
sockgirl77 said:
I had her with my first two. I'd do anything for her to be down here with me. Every one of my friends in MD who has been preggers in the past few years has loved her. :shrug:
It was the end of her shift, so it must have been a really bad night for her or something. Weird thing, when I was there, 9 other women were there too, and ALL of them, except me, were having C-sections. Seems like there is more and more of them these days. And is it true that once you have a C-section you always have to have a C-section? Yeah, I know...getting :offtopic:


Soul Probe
I've been to Dr. Tilley as a GYN and liked him just fine. I don't care much about pleasantries, I just wanted a doctor who knows what he's doing and I appreciated his no nonsense say-it-straight approach.

I have information about Dr. Polko that I can't divulge but suffice it to say I wouldn't go to her as an OB.


Soul Probe
Tinkerbell said:
It was the end of her shift, so it must have been a really bad night for her or something. Weird thing, when I was there, 9 other women were there too, and ALL of them, except me, were having C-sections. Seems like there is more and more of them these days. And is it true that once you have a C-section you always have to have a C-section? Yeah, I know...getting :offtopic:

That used to be true when C-sections were done via a vertical incision, but now that they are done by Pfannenstiel method a VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section) is a possibility barring the usuals such as cephalopelvic disproportion, fetal distress, active STD, etc.


Well-Known Member
Tinkerbell said:
And is it true that once you have a C-section you always have to have a C-section?
No, not necessarily. There is such thing as a V-BAC. It totally depends on the patient and the doctor. Alot of local doctors will not perform a V-BAC. However, alot of the newer doctors are all for it.


Well-Known Member
I cannot say enough good things about Carol and Dr. Tilley! I've been going to that office for at least 6 years now, never had a negative experience. Dr. Tilley worked with us during labor and delivery to make sure things went the way we wanted them, didn't try to pressure us to do anything we didn't want ( we went for natural childbirth) Carol is very personable, really cares about her patients.


Tinkerbell said:
And is it true that once you have a C-section you always have to have a C-section? Yeah, I know...getting :offtopic:

Not all doctors allow a VBAC, but Dr. Tilley does. Of course he takes into consideration what was the cause for the c-section before determining repeat or VBAC.

About Tilley, he is a bit of an azz, but he is the best (IMHO) when it comes to delivering the baby. It would be nice to have someone that makes you feel great about every little thing for the 9 months before baby, but it was far more important to me to have the right person at the time of delivery. Who cares about everything that leads up to that point; end result is what mattered to me.

I would suggest investigating law suits/malpractice on the doctors as part of your decision making process. Any deaths blamed on a doctor (and there are a few) would scare me.

Tilley is also the Chief of OBGYN at St. Marys (almost postive).


Tinkerbell said:
It was the end of her shift, so it must have been a really bad night for her or something. Weird thing, when I was there, 9 other women were there too, and ALL of them, except me, were having C-sections. Seems like there is more and more of them these days. And is it true that once you have a C-section you always have to have a C-section? Yeah, I know...getting :offtopic:

I have 4 kids and a c-section was only mentioned with my 4th, because of his size and I told Dr Polko, do what you have to, but I will not have a c-section. :biggrin:


Erin said:
Not all doctors allow a VBAC, but Dr. Tilley does. Of course he takes into consideration what was the cause for the c-section before determining repeat or VBAC.

About Tilley, he is a bit of an azz, but he is the best (IMHO) when it comes to delivering the baby. It would be nice to have someone that makes you feel great about every little thing for the 9 months before baby, but it was far more important to me to have the right person at the time of delivery. Who cares about everything that leads up to that point; end result is what mattered to me.

I would suggest investigating law suits/malpractice on the doctors as part of your decision making process. Any deaths blamed on a doctor (and there are a few) would scare me.

Tilley is also the Chief of OBGYN at St. Marys (almost postive).

Isn't there a local OB/GYN that has been in trouble?