Dr. Tilley


sockgirl77 said:
Which doesn't mean shiat because I believe that Dr. Lindemann used to be the Chief of Peds.


My SIL has the Chief of Pediatrics as her peditrician and I am shocked at some of the stuff he has advised her to do.
The Chiefs are probably in that position by process of elimination (meaning no body really wants it).


Erin said:
I would suggest investigating law suits/malpractice on the doctors as part of your decision making process. Any deaths blamed on a doctor (and there are a few) would scare me.

How would one go about doing this? I am trying online but getting a lot of lawyers wanting my business instead. TIA.


Thats how them b*tch's R
Radiant1 said:
I've been to Dr. Tilley as a GYN and liked him just fine. I don't care much about pleasantries, I just wanted a doctor who knows what he's doing and I appreciated his no nonsense say-it-straight approach.

I have information about Dr. Polko that I can't divulge but suffice it to say I wouldn't go to her as an OB.

Now you've totally peaked my interest. Not fair to say you have info but can't share, lol. :tantrum


Tinkerbell said:
Every time I see someone talk about how great Dr. Polko is, I just don't get it. I had to deal with her at the beginning of my labor when I had my second child. I HATED her. She was rude, talked to me like I'm stupid, was rough and did things without evening asking me - like FORCE dialating my cervix by 3 cm. -- that HURT and was NOT necessary. She also talked down to my husband. I was so happy when her shift was over and Dr. Polsky took over. He was so nice and I've been his patient ever since.

She aslo dialated my cervix and didn't give me any warning. Your right, it did hurt. I still like her :biggrin:


getbent said:
Now you've totally peaked my interest. Not fair to say you have info but can't share, lol. :tantrum

I wonder if it's legal or personal stuff.


Well-Known Member
missperky said:
I wonder if it's legal or personal stuff.
If it was anything true we would have heard it by now. I'm sure it is that she has issues with Dr. Polko being a lesbian. Which is completly ignorant because its the same as letting a straight man touch your cooter. Either way, I am sure at the end of the day after looking at so much rotten crotch, not many doctors get turned on by their patients.


sockgirl77 said:
If it was anything true we would have heard it by now. I'm sure it is that she has issues with Dr. Polko being a lesbian. Which is completly ignorant because its the same as letting a straight man touch your cooter. Either way, I am sure at the end of the day after looking at so much rotten crotch, not many doctors get turned on by their patients.

I was thinking the same thing, her sexual preferences never bothered me..


Well-Known Member
missperky said:
I was thinking the same thing, her sexual preferences never bothered me..
I have one friend who refused to go to her for that reason. She is a homophobe. Never understood that.


has Dr Polko's office moved to the other side of the hospital yet? I saw the new sign today


Thats how them b*tch's R
I've never had a problem with her sexual preference. I've met her "partner" and she is just as nice as Dr.Polko has been to me. But, to each his own I guess.


Soul Probe
missperky said:
I wonder if it's legal or personal stuff.

It's legal on my end, I work in the medical field and am under a contract of confidentiality.

sockgirl77 said:
If it was anything true we would have heard it by now. I'm sure it is that she has issues with Dr. Polko being a lesbian. Which is completly ignorant because its the same as letting a straight man touch your cooter. Either way, I am sure at the end of the day after looking at so much rotten crotch, not many doctors get turned on by their patients.

Socki, you are far too stupid to be so sure of yourself. I didn't know she was a lesbian...until now. My opinion of her is strictly from a professional viewpoint, I could care less what her sexual orientation is. How nice of you to out her personal life on a public forum though, heh. :rolleyes:


I am so very blessed
I only had one experience with Dr. Tilley, and it was not a favorable one.

I was having a miscarriage at 13 weeks and went in to his office to be examined (I had previously been seen by his partner). Even though I had never seen Dr. Tilley before, I was hoping for someone to have a little compassion and explain things to me. But no. He was so very matter of fact that it was extremely off-putting. He wrote me a script, sent me to St. Mary's Hospital for a sonogram, and that was that.

No explanation of what was happening, why it was happening, or any feel-good words to help me ease in to what was happening to me. I was scared and I wanted some kind of consolation that things would be ok. He offered none of that.

Regardless if he was having a bad day or something, I will NEVER have a high opinion of him.


BadGirl said:
I only had one experience with Dr. Tilley, and it was not a favorable one.

I was having a miscarriage at 13 weeks and went in to his office to be examined (I had previously been seen by his partner). Even though I had never seen Dr. Tilley before, I was hoping for someone to have a little compassion and explain things to me. But no. He was so very matter of fact that it was extremely off-putting. He wrote me a script, sent me to St. Mary's Hospital for a sonogram, and that was that.

No explanation of what was happening, why it was happening, or any feel-good words to help me ease in to what was happening to me. I was scared and I wanted some kind of consolation that things would be ok. He offered none of that.

Regardless if he was having a bad day or something, I will NEVER have a high opinion of him.

Who do you go to?


Well-Known Member
Radiant1 said:
It's legal on my end, I work in the medical field and am under a contract of confidentiality.

Socki, you are far too stupid to be so sure of yourself. I didn't know she was a lesbian...until now. My opinion of her is strictly from a professional viewpoint, I could care less what her sexual orientation is. How nice of you to out her personal life on a public forum though, heh. :rolleyes:
Psst...It is not a secret :rolleyes: