Dr. Tilley


Well-Known Member
sockgirl77 said:
Psst...It is not a secret :rolleyes:

I'm sure that you are 100% certain about that. She probably has it on the sign outside the building, "Dr. Polko, Lesbian Doctor"


yeah yeah
It all depends on who you are and how well you will mesh with a dr. I personally didnt "mesh" well with dr tilley, but that is because I am not good at dealing with him when I wanted to know everything that was going on with my pregnancy (although, I had some special cases as fertility drugs and mess were involved). He is like "bang bang bang, this is how this is and that" and he is done. Matter of fact and that is it. Dr. Polko is the same way- but she will answer your questions to the bare necessities of it all. And will tell you if you are being crazy- but will give you the reasons on why she thinks this- not just brush you to the side.

I too had a forced dialation by Dr. Polko, but she explained EVERYTHING before even attempting. It wasnt that bad. But- then again, I have a high pain threshold. So it didnt bother me much. It seriously felt like bad cramps. NOT LABOR cramps, but just bad cramps. But damn when that balloon comes shooting out... what does james brown say... "watch out now.. " :lmao: :lmao:

It is all a matter of your personality! And who/what you can handle! Above is just my experience. My good friend LOVES dr tilley, and he is a good dr. And I feel that way about Dr. Polko like she does with Tilley. She didnt care to much for Carol. She said she wasnt her cup of tea.

Just feel him out. Feel Carol out. If you dont feel right, move on. :smile: Always trust what you feel. If something isnt cool to you, try another.


New Member
I have been going to Dr Tilley since i was pregnant. I would never go see anybody else. When i had complications delivering my daughter he knew his stuff. Got her out in about 15 minutes. Even though i am not having anymore children i will never go to anyone else.


New Member
I have never had issues with dr polko. She wanted to strup my membranes when i was late with my daughter and i asked her not to, she said fine no prolbem. She was great in delivery room as well. I met carol dehaven once and did not like her at all. but again it is all a matter of personality and if you mix with that person. GOod luck


I only had one experience with Dr. Tilley, and it was not a favorable one.

I was having a miscarriage at 13 weeks and went in to his office to be examined (I had previously been seen by his partner). Even though I had never seen Dr. Tilley before, I was hoping for someone to have a little compassion and explain things to me. But no. He was so very matter of fact that it was extremely off-putting. He wrote me a script, sent me to St. Mary's Hospital for a sonogram, and that was that.

No explanation of what was happening, why it was happening, or any feel-good words to help me ease in to what was happening to me. I was scared and I wanted some kind of consolation that things would be ok. He offered none of that.

Regardless if he was having a bad day or something, I will NEVER have a high opinion of him.

I knew someone who used to work for him. Said that he is ok if he doesn't drink and stays on his bipolar meds.


Cowgirl Up
My grandaughter was delivered by Dr Tilley on Dec 21, 2006. I went with my son and his gf to the Dr's visits and she was seen by Carol quite a few times. I think that she had a very good bedside manner and didn't rush through things. I was there for the birth and Dr Tilley asked me if I wanted to cut the cord:biggrin:


New Member
I LOVE Dr. Tilley! He has delivered my 2 kids and will be delivering my 3rd soon. He really listened to me when we moved here as far as where I was and where I wanted to start back on my fertility treatments! I had appts here and there with Carol and she was ok but a little overpowering to me. We are a natural birth family but I still did not like her 100%. Then I got pg with #3 and called in for my script for progesterone suppositories like I have to have to avoid a M/C. The staff had her write it up but she did not bother to find out what I needed and just wrote a refill for a script I had had before to start my period! If I had not known better I would of taken them! Total neglect on her part and now I REFUSE to see her and just make all my apts with Tilley!


New Member
I only had one experience with Dr. Tilley, and it was not a favorable one.

I was having a miscarriage at 13 weeks and went in to his office to be examined (I had previously been seen by his partner). Even though I had never seen Dr. Tilley before, I was hoping for someone to have a little compassion and explain things to me. But no. He was so very matter of fact that it was extremely off-putting. He wrote me a script, sent me to St. Mary's Hospital for a sonogram, and that was that.

No explanation of what was happening, why it was happening, or any feel-good words to help me ease in to what was happening to me. I was scared and I wanted some kind of consolation that things would be ok. He offered none of that.

Regardless if he was having a bad day or something, I will NEVER have a high opinion of him.
I experienced the same exact thing.


New Member
Dr. Shanagan (sp?) was GREAT! It is Dr. Polko's fill in. She explained EVERYTHING in detail and had great bedside manner. I'd rec. her!


tired and content....
Dr. Shanagan (sp?) was GREAT! It is Dr. Polko's fill in. She explained EVERYTHING in detail and had great bedside manner. I'd rec. her!

She's the new doctor that works with her in her practice. She was very pleasant, I liked her a lot.