Dream about forumites GWguy


New Member
My admin begs me every year for some, and has a panic attack if I tell her I'm too busy to make them. Last year I didn't make any, and she was absolutely truly was depressed.

That is very sweet of you.They certainly sound delectable!!!! Your admin will be a happy bunny this year.It can not have been a nice feeling last year.I know the feeling the time I forgot to take my muffins for a picnic with relatives.
The only thing I have been asked to make this year are my Jalapeno poppers.
I dreamt last night that I met you. You happen to be someone I already knew outside of the forum. You came to my work and BB666 was there, she pointed you out to me. We sat at and talked over coffee before I got back to work. Will I be seeing you in the next few days?

:twitch: ..... interesting .... :smack: .... Get it together!
I have cousins in Bari, Italy..... one of them I talk with a few times a week. What part are you from? My family is from Abruzzo.

I have no idea where that is. My family has been in the united states since the 1800s...some of my family speaks it, some doesn't. I learn the language because I do want to visit Italy sooner than later... all I know is one of my Great Uncles was deported back to Italy because of his mafia-ties. .... it was bad ju-ju


I have no idea where that is. My family has been in the united states since the 1800s...some of my family speaks it, some doesn't. I learn the language because I do want to visit Italy sooner than later... all I know is one of my Great Uncles was deported back to Italy because of his mafia-ties. .... it was bad ju-ju
You need a cornicello :yay:

do you speak it at all?

My cousin is teaching me very slowly.... I'd like to take it but CSM doesn't offer in L-town.