

New Member
What!?! Okay if this is how you feel, then, good for you. I will buy a dress base on what I like. I was just seeing from another eye what some of you think about the few I put up.. Just to get a feel..

I brought two dress today because I could not pass up the deal on them. I was just asking if beige a wrong color to wear to a wedding.. That is it!!
I think I am going back to buy some more dress just to have in my closet.. I personally like the first two dresses I posted up. However, after talking and listening to some I do see what other say about it not being right for a wedding. Now for New years eve party here I come..

( Well I just found out that this is a JPC Joke!! Well, tells you how much I am out of the loop!!!)
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New Member
:whistle: This is really passing the buck, or shirking your own duty.

The decision is your own to dicide based on how you feel about it.

Saying now that you did it because "we" said to do it is absurd.

We can not see the dresses on you, we do not know how you feel, we will not be the one at the wedding.

This is pressing the codependency thing by giving your personal power over to some one else instead of making your own decision based on how you personally feel about it.

And the fact remain that it could feel right at first and then get worse so you must make a second decision to keep picking dresses,

so blaming it on other people on an Internet forum would be absurd.

And if you are not going to blame us if it fails then why would you ask since none of us can posibly know how you feel.:diva:

Hey what the hell Kwilla!!! http://forums.somd.com/2383069-post16.html


And I thought I was special!! I guess not!
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