

New Member
Drill for OIL please

This one issue will throw the Dem's out of office. I sure hope the Republicans have the guts to go all the way.

One for the gipper please.
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No Use for Donk Twits

I agree we should drill. Ten years ago socialists were arguing that drilling wouldn't produce gasoline for ten years. Well, your deadline has come and gone, gonna move the goalposts again?

The rhetoric used by Obama is that drilling is the 'same old tired energy policy'. Well, since we haven't drilled in new areas since 1981, one would think maybe that policy should be tried since NOT DRILLING hasn't worked. NOT DRILLING has been the 'same old tired energy' policy for 27 years. And it hasn't worked.

Maybe Obama subscribes to Marxist policy that has NEVER worked because it overlooks the human condition.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
I posted this the other day in the News & Current Events forum.

Don't know why it didn't get any replies!

I signed this petition - it's up to about 928,400 signatures now!

Half a Million Americans Petition Congress to Drill for Oil Now


June 11, 2008

WASHINGTON, DC – American Solutions for Winning the Future announced today that more than half a million Americans have now signed a petition urging Congress to immediately start drilling for oil domestically to lower gas prices. The petition is part of the “Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less” campaign American Solutions launched a few weeks ago.

The petition reads:
“We, therefore, the undersigned citizens of the United States, petition the U.S. Congress to act immediately to lower gasoline prices (and diesel and other fuel prices) by authorizing the exploration of proven energy reserves to reduce our dependence on foreign energy sources from unstable countries.”

According to American Solutions’ new research data, 81% of the American people support the U.S. using more of its own domestic energy resources, including the oil and coal already here, to combat the rising cost of energy and reduce dependence on foreign energy sources. This belief is so widespread it is supported by a majority of Democrats, Republicans, and independents.

“Hard-working American families are struggling to pay the soaring prices for gas, diesel, food, electricity, and everything else affected by the high price of oil,” said Dave Ryan, American Solutions Executive Director. “The voices of more than half a million Americans are united in demanding that Congress offer real solutions to our energy challenges, starting with taking immediate action to drill here and drill now.”

As the “Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less” petition drive continues to gain more momentum, American Solutions plans to deliver 3 million signatures to both parties at their national conventions.

For more information about the “Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less” campaign, visit www.AmericanSolutions.com/DrillNow.



NOT Politically Correct!!
I signed it!!! :howdy:

I posted this the other day in the News & Current Events forum.

Don't know why it didn't get any replies!

I signed this petition - it's up to about 928,400 signatures now!

Half a Million Americans Petition Congress to Drill for Oil Now


June 11, 2008

WASHINGTON, DC – American Solutions for Winning the Future announced today that more than half a million Americans have now signed a petition urging Congress to immediately start drilling for oil domestically to lower gas prices. The petition is part of the “Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less” campaign American Solutions launched a few weeks ago.

The petition reads:
“We, therefore, the undersigned citizens of the United States, petition the U.S. Congress to act immediately to lower gasoline prices (and diesel and other fuel prices) by authorizing the exploration of proven energy reserves to reduce our dependence on foreign energy sources from unstable countries.”

According to American Solutions’ new research data, 81% of the American people support the U.S. using more of its own domestic energy resources, including the oil and coal already here, to combat the rising cost of energy and reduce dependence on foreign energy sources. This belief is so widespread it is supported by a majority of Democrats, Republicans, and independents.

“Hard-working American families are struggling to pay the soaring prices for gas, diesel, food, electricity, and everything else affected by the high price of oil,” said Dave Ryan, American Solutions Executive Director. “The voices of more than half a million Americans are united in demanding that Congress offer real solutions to our energy challenges, starting with taking immediate action to drill here and drill now.”

As the “Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less” petition drive continues to gain more momentum, American Solutions plans to deliver 3 million signatures to both parties at their national conventions.

For more information about the “Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less” campaign, visit American Solutions - Petitions.

American Solutions - Petitions


New Member
I didnt reply,but I signed it.

Not drilling is just plain stupid.

Its like a man dying of thirst in the desert saving his canteen full of water for later.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

This one issue will throw the Dem's out of office. I sure hope the Republicans have the guts to go all the way.

One for the gipper please.

Guts? Republicans? On what issue? George Bush and his decidedly non-conservative governing style and ideology is one thing. He couldn't have done it without a compliant congress and, frankly, dupes like me.

What matters to Republicans anymore?

We are into nation building.
Pro Big Brother.
Into mass expansion of scope and expense of government.
Getting into junk science on global warming.
Limits on free speech.
Uninterested in national sovereignty

After 7 years of doing nothing on national energy policy what makes you think we're going to suddenly actual fight for exploiting our own national resources instead of making our international opponents and our multinational conglomerates more powerful?

What does it mean to be a Republican anymore?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What is the argument against drilling? Because I don't understand why, if you can get oil domestically, you wouldn't.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's a...

What is the argument against drilling? Because I don't understand why, if you can get oil domestically, you wouldn't.

...good question. The 1st grade answer is that the greens have the power and influence to stop what they see as ugly and harmful to nature and that we're big and strong enough to come up with other energy solutions, nature friendly ones, if we only have to. So, no drilling, we have to come up with alternatives.

The advanced study answer is that we truly are running out of oil and 'those' people who actually run everything simply use greens as public cover to put domestic supplies off limits to be a long term emergency source while allowing prices to be driven up thereby forcing new solutions sooner rather than later.

Environmentalists do not see other nations as enemies or even competitors so, they don't view energy independence as a truly desirable thing; it's not necessary if we simply all get along and if we have to, we will.

In short, hellifIknow.


What is the argument against drilling? Because I don't understand why, if you can get oil domestically, you wouldn't.

The current CW is that Democrats don't want drilling because higher prices for oil means fewer people buying gasoline and more people riding busses and bikes. Their view of utopia isn't 1970 America where everyone is driving a Hemi or 454, getting nine miles to the gallon, and loving it... it is China where everyone is riding a bycycle.

What I am not seeing is how adding more oil to the market is going to change things much of you don't change the market? In a straight-up supply and demand market, increasing supply will lower prices, but we're in a speculative market. More oil just means more oil for people to but futures for, and making investments in, which keeps the price up. Everyday there are more and more investors looking for safe places to stash their money, and oil is at the top of their list. It isn't like there's a risk that the demand will ever go down, so they're flooding the market with money, buting up all the futures, and driving the price upwards. More oil is going to result in moer futures to be bought and not necessarily lower prices.


NOT Politically Correct!!
The current CW is that Democrats don't want drilling because higher prices for oil means fewer people buying gasoline and more people riding busses and bikes. Their view of utopia isn't 1970 America where everyone is driving a Hemi or 454, getting nine miles to the gallon, and loving it... it is China where everyone is riding a bycycle.

What I am not seeing is how adding more oil to the market is going to change things much of you don't change the market? In a straight-up supply and demand market, increasing supply will lower prices, but we're in a speculative market. More oil just means more oil for people to but futures for, and making investments in, which keeps the price up. Everyday there are more and more investors looking for safe places to stash their money, and oil is at the top of their list. It isn't like there's a risk that the demand will ever go down, so they're flooding the market with money, buting up all the futures, and driving the price upwards. More oil is going to result in moer futures to be bought and not necessarily lower prices.

Under the 2 years of a DemoRat house, oil shot up to it's current level and they have stood idly by doing NOTHING, their plan is a vision, concept, frankly bullsh!t talk, talk, talk ,and your analogy that increased supply of oil will drive prices up is ludicrous. The people have spoken loudly all over the nation that we have the resources to fix our own problem. Why are the DemoRats putting up road blocks and red tape over everything the people are demanding. At lease when it comes to being wrong, you're consistent!!!:coffee:


New Member
"Why are the DemoRats putting up road blocks and red tape over everything the people are demanding."

because, it keeps folks poor, and voting Dem's into office.


NOT Politically Correct!!
"Why are the DemoRats putting up road blocks and red tape over everything the people are demanding."

because, it keeps folks poor, and voting Dem's into office.

There's actually a lot of logic in that statement. DemoRats like governing the people because it's a form of power and control. :coffee:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Guts? Republicans? On what issue? George Bush and his decidedly non-conservative governing style and ideology is one thing. He couldn't have done it without a compliant congress and, frankly, dupes like me.

What matters to Republicans anymore?

We are into nation building.
Pro Big Brother.
Into mass expansion of scope and expense of government.
Getting into junk science on global warming.
Limits on free speech.
Uninterested in national sovereignty

After 7 years of doing nothing on national energy policy what makes you think we're going to suddenly actual fight for exploiting our own national resources instead of making our international opponents and our multinational conglomerates more powerful?

What does it mean to be a Republican anymore?

I dunno. But people in the country are getting MAD about the price of gas! So maybe they're starting to listen to us. Maybe. Keep the petition going - pass it on to others that you know.


Active Member
The current CW is that Democrats don't want drilling because higher prices for oil means fewer people buying gasoline and more people riding busses and bikes. Their view of utopia isn't 1970 America where everyone is driving a Hemi or 454, getting nine miles to the gallon, and loving it... it is China where everyone is riding a bycycle.

Yeah that is great if you live in a city but a little difficult in most suburban or rural areas. How many people can seriously ride a bike to work?


Active Member
I dunno. But people in the country are getting MAD about the price of gas! So maybe they're starting to listen to us. Maybe. Keep the petition going - pass it on to others that you know.

I doubt it. IMO the Republicans do not really care because the rich are not affected by the high prices and the Dems are more worried about raising the minimum wage so the poor can better afford the higher prices.
And the middle class? As usual they get screwed by both sides.:ohwell:

The Oyster Guy

New Member
You guys are woefully misinformed (again). It is the DEMS that are putting forward bills to curtail the oil speculators, but the high powered Wall Street Lobby and their Repub congresscritters are blocking these moves.

Care to guess the political affiliation of the speculators making $$millions$$ on their oil futures? (hint: it ain't D)