

No Use for Donk Twits
You guys are woefully misinformed (again). It is the DEMS that are putting forward bills to curtail the oil speculators, but the high powered Wall Street Lobby and their Repub congresscritters are blocking these moves.

Care to guess the political affiliation of the speculators making $$millions$$ on their oil futures? (hint: it ain't D)

Talk about misinformed! :lmao:

Thought you guys threw Lieberman under the bus in accordance with MoveOn's orders? BTW, he has an (I) after his name.

Lieberman bills aim to curb funds' energy speculation - MarketWatch


Well-Known Member
You guys are woefully misinformed (again). It is the DEMS that are putting forward bills to curtail the oil speculators, but the high powered Wall Street Lobby and their Repub congresscritters are blocking these moves.)

You're not seeing the whole picture. It's not just that we have high gas prices - it's that we're dependent on a resource that is furnished by people essentially hostile to us. Even if gas prices are driven back down to where they were a year or two ago, it still doesn't change the situation this crisis has made us fully cognizant of - it's still gonna get worse. Maybe gas will go to 5 or 6 dollars a gallon - maybe not. One thing is certain - without a change in the way we get our energy, it absolutely will get that high.

In the short term - we need more oil and gas. Sitting on the crisis and disdainfully admonishing "you should have invested in a more economical car; you should have bought a hybrid; you should have..." is like telling someone who is starving they should have grown a garden. Maybe they should - but they're hungry right now. Next winter, when they need home heating oil, they'll be freezing, too.

Punishing oil companies won't get us more gas, and it absolutely will not bring prices down. It absolutely will raise prices. So what will taxing the hell out of oil companies do? Raises prices, gets taxes for Uncle Sam and does nothing for you and me. Worse, the cost of higher oil is in everything - costs of diesel and gas are in the costs of everything we buy. Maybe we can all ride bicycles or drive hybrids, but that's not going to operate the fleets of trucks and trains distributing goods.

Higher oil doesn't just mean higher cost of running your car - it means more for groceries and anything else you buy.

Care to guess the political affiliation of the speculators making $$millions$$ on their oil futures? (hint: it ain't D)

You don't know that - you're guessing as well. Fact is, the richest people in Congress are Democrats. You seem to be buying into the idea that rich people are Republicans and not so rich people are Democrats. If only it were true. What you're seeing is Democratic policy from the minds of men who don't worry much about money.

The Oyster Guy

New Member

The Oyster Guy

New Member
You seem to be buying into the idea that rich people are Republicans and not so rich people are Democrats. If only it were true. What you're seeing is Democratic policy from the minds of men who don't worry much about money.

I guess that means that 90% of my rich friends have bought-into that silly notion as well, because by-and-large, they're republicans...

Wall Street Lobbies to Protect Speculative Oil Trades washingtonpost.com - nation, world, technology and Washington area news and headlines


No Use for Donk Twits
There's more bills out there than just Lieberman's. Durbin (with Feinstein and Levin), as well as Dingell (with Barton) have also put forth bills aimed to limit oil speculators.

BTW, Lieberman doesn't have an R after his name.

Read earlier post, silly. You now have my permission to remove your other foot from your mouth.

Getting quite full in there isn't it?

The Oyster Guy

New Member
Yeah because a quick survey of YOUR friends is the best means of statistical analysis.
I guess you missed the joke... But anyhow, I can't believe you're actually arguing the correlation between income and political affiliation... The demographics are quite clear: the more money you make, the more likely you are to identify with the Republican Party.

Pew Research Center: Democrats Gain Edge in Party Identification
(See table at bottom of page)


Well-Known Member
I guess you missed the joke... But anyhow, I can't believe you're actually arguing the correlation between income and political affiliation... The demographics are quite clear: the more money you make, the more likely you are to identify with the Republican Party.

Pew Research Center: Democrats Gain Edge in Party Identification
(See table at bottom of page)

That's actually a very broad statistical representation. For example, the richest people in Mississippi vote Republican - but the richest people in New York and Massachusetts vote Democrat. Oddly enough, the richest people next door in Connecticut have begun to go Republican recently. Fact is, lots of things factor into that. The "rich" numbers only appear more Republican when you lower the cutoff down to 75k+, as that table shows. It changes when you slice up that panel a little more thinly.

The richest people in Hollywood, the entertainment industry and in the journalism business are very Democratic. Same goes for professors, lawyers, the news and communications industry and post doc researchers. The richest members of Congress are Democrats. Donald Trump? Ted Turner? George Soros? Warren Buffett? Steve Jobs? You gotta go down to the single digit billionaires to find the Republicans, generally.

Statistically, the uber-rich - the millionaires - tend to be Democrats - the "lesser rich" - those in the upper middle class like me and others on this board - vote Republican. Middle class runs about even, and the poor vote Democrat.

Oddly enough - the pattern also follows education levels. Post PhD types tend to vote Democrat, as do high school dropouts. The rest vote Republican, with variations in between that closely correlate with income.

Something else you probably already know - Democrats get their campaign money from fewer, richer donors - Republicans get their money largely from larger numbers of less-rich donors.

It's not an us-them, rich-poor situation. That's way too simple.


Well-Known Member
They're the only ones that can afford to be Democrats!


Basically - that is what I think.

The poor vote Democrat, because pretty much it's a matter of what government will give them, for free - because they're either paying nothing for it, or very little. The rich can afford it also, because while they might pay a half million in taxes - it's not like it's going to cause them any headaches - they might want to vote for universal health care, but they don't go to the doctor and wait in the waiting room like the rest of us schmucks. They don't have to work for scholarships or work summer jobs mowing lawns to go to school. They can afford to toss a few bucks to Uncle Sam so he can create the world for everyone else so they don't have to worry about it.

The rest of us have to worry if Junior's braces are gonna come out of our retirment or out of his college money. To us, taxes are a problem. Gas prices are a problem. Tuition money - that's a problem. If you're rich, you think why isn't college free for everyone? If you're poor, you wonder - why shouldn't health care be free? If you're everyone else - you wonder how come someone takes my money and tells me it's free?

You have to either be broke, or rich, to be Democrat.


NOT Politically Correct!!
Basically - that is what I think.

The poor vote Democrat, because pretty much it's a matter of what government will give them, for free - because they're either paying nothing for it, or very little. The rich can afford it also, because while they might pay a half million in taxes - it's not like it's going to cause them any headaches - they might want to vote for universal health care, but they don't go to the doctor and wait in the waiting room like the rest of us schmucks. They don't have to work for scholarships or work summer jobs mowing lawns to go to school. They can afford to toss a few bucks to Uncle Sam so he can create the world for everyone else so they don't have to worry about it.

The rest of us have to worry if Junior's braces are gonna come out of our retirment or out of his college money. To us, taxes are a problem. Gas prices are a problem. Tuition money - that's a problem. If you're rich, you think why isn't college free for everyone? If you're poor, you wonder - why shouldn't health care be free? If you're everyone else - you wonder how come someone takes my money and tells me it's free?

You have to either be broke, or rich, to be Democrat.

......................................:buddies: Well said and so true!!!


New Member
"how come someone takes my money and tells me it's free?

First, its not your money, get over it. The Obama "Change" machine only leave's you with the change in your pocket. The rest is all his.

Get over it.