Drug testing in public schools

Drug Testing in Public Schools?

  • YES there should be drug testing?

    Votes: 15 53.6%
  • NO there should NOT be drug testing?

    Votes: 7 25.0%
  • Drug testing should be voluntary?

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • Violation of rights.

    Votes: 3 10.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
the point would be that the fear of being tsted might lower that number.

The key word there is it "might" lower the number. I do think that teachers and faculty should be tested. Kids these days are getting bolder, so knowing they are going to be drug tested may not phase them. Besides what do you think they are supposed to do with all the kids that fail, suspend them? There would be hardly any students. Don't get me wrong I would like to say it would help kids stop doing drugs, but it just won't happen.


Well-Known Member
The key word there is it "might" lower the number. I do think that teachers and faculty should be tested. Kids these days are getting bolder, so knowing they are going to be drug tested may not phase them. Besides what do you think they are supposed to do with all the kids that fail, suspend them? There would be hardly any students. Don't get me wrong I would like to say it would help kids stop doing drugs, but it just won't happen.

this brings up something I have been curious of.

Lets say that you hang out with a bunch of people who smoke [pot] but personally don't take a hit. So lets say every weekend you're always with these people and they're always smoking and sometimes you're in a car with them smoking or a garage...ect (essentially hotboxing).

Is there a chance you will test positive on a Marijuana blood/pee test?


(for the record...not saying it applies to me...just curious...:whistle:)


I bowl overhand
this brings up something I have been curious of.

Lets say that you hang out with a bunch of people who smoke [pot] but personally don't take a hit. So lets say every weekend you're always with these people and they're always smoking and sometimes you're in a car with them smoking or a garage...ect (essentially hotboxing).

Is there a chance you will test positive on a Marijuana blood/pee test?


(for the record...not saying it applies to me...just curious...:whistle:)

They SAY it's not possible to burn a piss test through second hand smoke..

Personally i don't bellive it...


Lem Putt
They SAY it's not possible to burn a piss test through second hand smoke..

Personally i don't bellive it...

:rolleyes: Do you really not know this is true?

There is a threshold that must be exceeded for a test to be considered positive. That threshold is usually based on an amount that indicates use, plus a margin of error. If you exceed that threshold, there is just about zero chance you are not a user.

Since the THC metabolites are stored in fat, it takes repeated use to cause a positive test. One time use will not cause a positive, and low level second hand smoke will not cause a positive. If you are inhaling enough second hand smoke to cause a positive, it is no accident and is not a valid excuse.