Duct tape can be your friend.



<<<<<< has read too many books for his own good.

The best consensus that I have gathered from reading these parenting books is that, “kids want guidelines”. They are constantly pushing and prodding their way along to see exactly what they can get away with and will take full advantage of any weakness that they find.

This of course does not apply to all children OR PARENTS. I’m quite sure there are plenty of parents that are only parents because human nature doesn’t seem to include the eating of the young, if it did, there would be fewer of the maggotry making more pups.


One of the sinners
I will definately agree that kids want guidlines. Most kids just want to see how far they can push their parents.

I came from a strict family, so I have noticed since Jaime and I have been together that I am a little too easy on my kids. One of the things I won't do though is step in when Jaime is punishing them, unless he is mistaken on what really went on (which hardly ever happens). I think, well fear, that if I step in it will undermind his authority. That is something I think he should have. Jaime has all the rights I do to the kids. He punishes them and everything to do with their health, education, etc. He is though harder on them then I. We sometimes bicker over it, but he wants me to jump in when he's punishing them and I won't.

One trick I have learned when dealing with Becca and Rachel fighting is to make each of them say they love the other and they are sorry over and over. They soon forget what it was they were fighting over and up till lately had not fought as much since introducing such a "loving" way of dealing with it. Although, when I do this, I'm not the favorite person for my kids.:confused:



If he starts getting an attitude or is cranky I put his little butt right in his crib.

That is the way it is suppose to be done!

You don't try to reason with children. My sister in law tries to reason with her 2 year old and it is like duh! she is 2.
So when she gets frustrated she yanks her up by her arm or slams her down on her rear end.

I think that is being a great mommy!