

PREMO Member
Dropped on his head?

Sold his soul to the devil?

Bad upbringing?

Raised by wolves?

Just guessing.:biggrin:

That wasn't very nice.
Can't we all just get along?
Peace my friend, peace.

My Dad dropped me on my head when I was little, but he told me I was fine.


New Member


My first year of playing football, I played for the Div II broncos. I didn't know anything about football, and the coach asked us our first day who our favorite teams were. My uncle, whom I have looked up to like a father my entire life is a huge Cowboys fan, so naturally I said the Cowboys. That was 1988. I fell in love with Cowboys football then. What it stood for, what it meant. I loved the rivalry within my own family as most are Skins or Giants fans.

Along the way I have named my first born Dallas, have made numerous trips to stadiums all over to see the Cowboys play (FedEx, Giants Staidum, Carolina, Tampa, and of course Texas Stadium). My basement is my Cowboys haven. My tickets are in hand for August 7th to see the GREATEST running back off all time enshrined in the HOF.

So if you are questioning my fanmanship then hopefully I have answered your questions. Any time anyone wants to, they can ask me, my wife, or any of my three sons. We are a Cowboys household, and love every minute of it.

Oh and Do, I hope I didn't sound like a butthead in all of this. I know that you are a Dallas fan as well. I just get kind of wound up when anyone doubts my love of this great team.


PREMO Member

My first year of playing football, I played for the Div II broncos. I didn't know anything about football, and the coach asked us our first day who our favorite teams were. My uncle, whom I have looked up to like a father my entire life is a huge Cowboys fan, so naturally I said the Cowboys. That was 1988. I fell in love with Cowboys football then. What it stood for, what it meant. I loved the rivalry within my own family as most are Skins or Giants fans.

Along the way I have named my first born Dallas, have made numerous trips to stadiums all over to see the Cowboys play (FedEx, Giants Staidum, Carolina, Tampa, and of course Texas Stadium). My basement is my Cowboys haven. My tickets are in hand for August 7th to see the GREATEST running back off all time enshrined in the HOF.

So if you are questioning my fanmanship then hopefully I have answered your questions. Any time anyone wants to, they can ask me, my wife, or any of my three sons. We are a Cowboys household, and love every minute of it.

Oh and Do, I hope I didn't sound like a butthead in all of this. I know that you are a Dallas fan as well. I just get kind of wound up when anyone doubts my love of this great team.
Hey Pop,
That is awesome.