

You must recite the fight song first!

Hail to the Redskins
Hail Vic-tor-y
Braves on the Warpath
Fight for old D.C.

Run or pass or score, something something a lot more,
Beat em' soomm em' TOUCHDOWN, get a pair.... soar!
Fight on, fight on, make them cry and then we YAY!
Sons of Washington, FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!

Good enough? :ohwell:


Football addict
Hail to the Redskins
Hail Vic-tor-y
Braves on the Warpath
Fight for old D.C.

Run or pass or score, something something a lot more,
Beat em' soomm em' TOUCHDOWN, get a pair.... soar!
Fight on, fight on, make them cry and then we YAY!
Sons of Washington, FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!

Good enough? :ohwell:

Now go get your official pin from Otter and Redskins tap water blessing from Gude.


New Member
Eggles are starting McNabb on thursday. Can he pull his head out of his ass and play the dayum game? if he has a rough 1st quarter like he did this weekend, you'll see Kolb in there and probably for the rest of the season after that.

McNabb has always needed MUCH larger targets than that little 5' nothing Jackson can give him. Hell, He couldn't even it TO in a wide open field. McNabb needs to have a BRILLIANT showing on Thursday if he has any hopes of keping his position with the Eggles.

I'm still picking them to win. The Cards just asin't lookin too hot, and the Eggles have to redeem themselves before too long.

One thing the Eggles have is alot of respect for Reid. They ain't gonna let him finish at the bottom when they have no excuses. They are all healthy. There's no reason for their caliber of play lately.

Ried needs to quit taking the blame every news conference and start calling his folks to the mat.

Cambells needs to market a soup with McDonalds. I'm thinkin' McNabb McEggle Soup. Bacon, chicken and cheese with biscuit chunks. :yum:



Eggles are starting McNabb on thursday. Can he pull his head out of his ass and play the dayum game? if he has a rough 1st quarter like he did this weekend, you'll see Kolb in there and probably for the rest of the season after that.

McNabb has always needed MUCH larger targets than that little 5' nothing Jackson can give him. Hell, He couldn't even it TO in a wide open field. McNabb needs to have a BRILLIANT showing on Thursday if he has any hopes of keping his position with the Eggles.

I'm still picking them to win. The Cards just asin't lookin too hot, and the Eggles have to redeem themselves before too long.

One thing the Eggles have is alot of respect for Reid. They ain't gonna let him finish at the bottom when they have no excuses. They are all healthy. There's no reason for their caliber of play lately.

Ried needs to quit taking the blame every news conference and start calling his folks to the mat.

Cambells needs to market a soup with McDonalds. I'm thinkin' McNabb McEggle Soup. Bacon, chicken and cheese with biscuit chunks. :yum:

The Cardinals put up 29 on the Giants and were close much of the game. :confused:


New Member
:smack: Don't you know not to argue with an Eagles fan?

Santa tried it once and...well...:ohwell:

What can I do? McNabb said that there is NO DOUBT that he will have a GREAT game on Thursday. I heard it with my own ears. :shrug:

Besides, it's only worth one point to me. One point ain't gonna make a bit a difference at this point. :lol:


Supper's Ready
What can I do? McNabb said that there is NO DOUBT that he will have a GREAT game on Thursday. I heard it with my own ears. :shrug:

Besides, it's only worth one point to me. One point ain't gonna make a bit a difference at this point. :lol:

Haven't seen the Eagles play that well for a while. And the Cards played terribly, to boot. :lol: