Early Lung Cancer Detection


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Early Lung Cancer Detection: Optical Technology Shows Potential for Prescreening Patients at High Risk

ScienceDaily (Oct. 9, 2010) — Researchers from Northwestern University and NorthShore University HealthSystem (NorthShore) have developed a method to detect early signs of lung cancer by examining cheek cells in humans using pioneering biophotonics technology.

Early detection is critical for improving cancer survival rates. Yet, one of the deadliest cancers in the United States, lung cancer, is notoriously difficult to detect in its early stages. Now, researchers have developed a method to detect lung cancer by merely shining diffuse light on cells swabbed from patients' cheeks.

Early lung cancer detection: Optical technology shows potential for prescreening patients at high risk


Methodically disorganized
This thread seems positive to me. AR didn't implore everyone to take off work to get tested, and heck, she didn't even use the :jameo:.

This is more of a Nonno-style C, P and run. :lol:


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My Father died of lung cancer a few years ago. As a former smoker, and the daughter of a smoker, I think I should be screened since I was exposed to smoke from the day I was born and have only been smoke-free for the past 10 years. Meaning all but 10 years of my life I was exposed to smoke.

People usually don't find out they have lung cancer until it's too late, like my Father. The time between his diagnoses and death was only 2 months. This would help a lot of people, who like me, fear becoming a lung cancer victim due to a family member succumbing to it. I've had chest x-rays, but lung cancer doesn't usually show up on x-rays in the early stages.

It has nothing do with not worrying about things, it's about EARLY detection. When new information comes out that can HELP people it's good to pass along the information. As far as the :jameo: that's a joke. I don't REALLY freak out like that. I throw that in for the humor factor. In life we needs LOTS of humor to help balance out the crappy parts of life.

Is there anything you don't worry about?


24/7 Single Dad
This would help a lot of people, who like me, fear becoming a lung cancer victim due to a family member succumbing to it.

It has nothing do with not worrying about things.


Sorry about your Dad.

How many family members have been mauled by cougers?


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He wouldn't like it if I took my horse whip to him. Which I will consider doing if he continues to be insensitive and mouthy to people. He must live alone as I can't imagine anyone being able to tolerate his mouthiness without trying to choke him to shut him up.


:lol: You know, he usually likes that sort of thing.