Economy is doing well


:rolleyes: Perhaps the housing boom increased borrowing? Hmmmmmmm You know that "highest percentage of home ownership EVER"? Using savings for downpayments?


This Space for Rent
Why should I feel bad that stupid people choose to spend more on stuff they really don't need instead of saving and I get more on my investments because of this stupidty?


I'm the Boss of Me
As usual, you're wrong.

The savings rate is computed by taking the amount of personal income left after taxes are paid, an amount known as disposable income, and subtracting the amount of spending. Since the figure has dipped into negative territory, it means consumers are spending all of disposable income and then some.

Pete said:
:rolleyes: Perhaps the housing boom increased borrowing? Hmmmmmmm You know that "highest percentage of home ownership EVER"? Using savings for downpayments?
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I'm the Boss of Me
Not when it's being propped up by borrowing.

Watch what happens when people can't borrow anymore, and start to pare their spending. That will mean layoffs creating even less consumer spending, and so on and so forth.

AndyMarquisLIVE said:
The economy's fine.


forestal said:
As usual, you're wrong.

The savings rate is computed by taking the amount of personal income left after taxes are paid, an amount known as disposable income, and subtracting the amount of spending. Since the figure has dipped into negative territory, it means consumers are spending all of disposable income and then some./i]

Like you said, life is good. :yay:


I'm the Boss of Me
Because your country's economy is close to going down the crapper??

FromTexas said:
Why should I feel bad that stupid people choose to spend more on stuff they really don't need instead of saving and I get more on my investments because of this stupidty?


forestal said:
Not when it's being propped up by borrowing.

Watch what happens when people can't borrow anymore, and start to pare their spending. That will mean layoffs creating even less consumer spending, and so on and so forth.
Eff you are a miserable son of a biatch. I bet you would euthanize a puppy because it is just going to die anyway.


forestal said:
Because your country's economy is close to going down the crapper??
Captain Overreaction! If I were you I would just end it all now you poor poor negative goober


Lem Putt
forestal said:
As usual, you're wrong.

The savings rate is computed by taking the amount of personal income left after taxes are paid, an amount known as disposable income, and subtracting the amount of spending. Since the figure has dipped into negative territory, it means consumers are spending all of disposable income and then some.
Easy economics lesson for people who are too stupid to understand the big picture:

Borrow when the interest rate is low. Save when the interest rate is high.

People are investing in property instead of putting money in the bank. When the market shifts, people will be sitting on low interest loans. What's the problem?


MMDad said:
Easy economics lesson for people who are too stupid to understand the big picture:

Borrow when the interest rate is low. Save when the interest rate is high.

People are investing in property instead of putting money in the bank. When the market shifts, people will be sitting on low interest loans. What's the problem?
It is futile. Captain Negative is too stupid to even apply the cut and paste he pulled off his liblog.

Say I make $55K, I pay 13K in taxes, that leaves $32K but I finance a new car at 2.9% and the car cost me $33K, My adjustable rate CC is low so I buy new counter tops and a fridge to dress up my house. I have just dipped negative BUT I added to the economy.


New Member
forestal said:
Not when it's being propped up by borrowing. Watch what happens when people can't borrow anymore, and start to pare their spending. That will mean layoffs creating even less consumer spending, and so on and so forth.
And it'll all be Bush's fault too!! He is controlling all our minds. We are all zombies under his control.

:jameo: :jameo: :jameo: :jameo: :jameo: :jameo: :jameo: :jameo: :jameo: :jameo: