

Board Mommy
PREMO Member
How does a guy go about telling a new date he has erectile dysfunction?

I think he should put it right in his Match.com profile to avoid misunderstanding later. There are a zillion women out there who don't want to have sex and will be perfectly happy with a guy whose winky doesn't work.


New Member
Just tell her it takes time for the pills to kick in, so you need to know in advance if you are gonna get some. :smoochy:

This was my thought too, or is something where if she flogged the dolphin enough he'd be ready? I guess what it depends on the extent of the "dysfunction" as to when to discuss it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
How does a guy go about telling a new date he has erectile dysfunction?

I used to have ED.

I think his time would be better spent reducing the stress in his life and improving his health. Then, the ED will go away. You won't be 25 again but, when you have peace of mind and are in decent shape, everything will work just fine.

Or, he could take Vrail's advice and not worry about it.
