Education Issues - Actions / Reactions


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NEA Mussolini Demands ‘All the Things’ in Unhinged Speech

In her heavily political speech, Pringle raised such progressive issues as LGBTQ rights, unrestricted abortion, equity and inclusion. She shouted about the union having “worked hard to rid ourselves of a tyrannical, deceitful, and corrupt [Trump] White House,” about resisting any “scheme” such as school vouchers to “drain resources from our beloved public schools,” about fighting nonexistent “book banning” in Florida, and about “transforming” the American educational system “into something it was never designed to be—a racially and socially just and equitable system that prepares every student, EVERY student, EVERY STUDENT, EVERY ONE!” [Italics added]

Declaring forcefully that “We WILL organize for power!” she referenced the legacies of other left-wing activists such as Cesar Chavez and Harvey Milk, then closed in a crescendo of screeching about the NEA being

the ones who help shape the heart of this nation’s hope and dreams! We are the ones who hold steadfast to the belief in the plausibility of the possible! We are the heirs of all who did this work before us! We must keep going! NEA delegates, we can do this work! We must do this work!

“Keep going, NEA, to preserve our democracy! We must win all the things,” Pringle continued to yell as she whacked the podium and waved her hands aloft. “Our students are depending on us to win all the things,” she continued, while chanting ecstatically, “All the things! All the things! All the things!”



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Public college pays censored students $330,000, changes policies to protect officials from liability

A permanent injunction and order says Clovis's poster policy violated the First and Fourteenth Amendments, the individual defendants violated the plaintiffs' constitutional rights by enforcing the policy against their flyers, and that the district is permanently blocked from enforcing "any unlawful viewpoint-discriminatory, overbroad, or vague regulation, or prior restraint, on the content of the speech of recognized student clubs, including but not limited to bans on 'inappropriate' or 'offensive' language."

The 9th Circuit, long known as the most liberal among federal appellate courts, said the poster policy was too broad and vague to pass constitutional muster.

It found the case was not moot because officials "could easily reinsert the challenged provision" if the preliminary injunction were lifted and they have "refused to disavow" the original policy as unconstitutional.

Obtained emails show President Lori Bennett and others devised a pretextual rationale to justify removal of the anticommunist flyers and then prohibit the pro-life flyers, with one even telling another "[p]lease don't share this email." Officials were facing the prospect of losing qualified immunity and suffering personal liability in district court when the case was remanded.

Clovis announced Bennett's pending retirement in April 2022, six months after approving the poster removal and four months before the lawsuit was filed. The old flyer policy had been blocked since October 2022.


Well-Known Member

NEA Mussolini Demands ‘All the Things’ in Unhinged Speech

In her heavily political speech, Pringle raised such progressive issues as LGBTQ rights, unrestricted abortion, equity and inclusion. She shouted about the union having “worked hard to rid ourselves of a tyrannical, deceitful, and corrupt [Trump] White House,” about resisting any “scheme” such as school vouchers to “drain resources from our beloved public schools,” about fighting nonexistent “book banning” in Florida, and about “transforming” the American educational system “into something it was never designed to be—a racially and socially just and equitable system that prepares every student, EVERY student, EVERY STUDENT, EVERY ONE!” [Italics added]

Declaring forcefully that “We WILL organize for power!” she referenced the legacies of other left-wing activists such as Cesar Chavez and Harvey Milk, then closed in a crescendo of screeching about the NEA being

“Keep going, NEA, to preserve our democracy! We must win all the things,” Pringle continued to yell as she whacked the podium and waved her hands aloft. “Our students are depending on us to win all the things,” she continued, while chanting ecstatically, “All the things! All the things! All the things!”

Why are negros put in charge of anything


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“Among the schools appearing on The Princeton Review’s ‘The Best 389 Colleges’ list, eight institutions — including New York University, Tufts, Brown, Yale and Washington University in St. Louis — have a sticker price of more than $90,000 for the 2024-25 academic year,” CNBC reported.

Those tuition prices could well cross into the $100,000 territory come 2026 so long as the adjustments average roughly 4 percent a year. Sameer Gadkaree, president of the Institute for College Access and Success, told CNBC the trend will likely “discourage students from seeing that [college] as a place they can attend, despite grant aid.”

“It’s simply unaffordable,” he said. “It’s absolutely a worrisome trend.”

Gadkree, however, added that schools with that high of a price tag represent “a small slice of the higher education pie.”

“The vast majority of colleges are open-access community colleges or state universities where the prices are not that high,” he said.



Beloved Misanthrope
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Because Democrats prey upon and exploit the confused, misguided and illinformed.


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