Election 2024 Issues


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Pretty sure Rep Goldman of New York wishes he hadn't said Trump needs to be eliminated.
Sorry he said it but he meant it. Eliminated.


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Vivek Ramaswamy Makes MAJOR Announcement After Trump Picks JD Vance For Vice President!​



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Sacks then shifted his focus to the Democrats and torched Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

He said:

And what about the Democrats? They are in disarray after shielding President Biden from a vigorous primary and gaslighting the entire country about his fitness to serve. We still don't know which puppet Democrat party bosses will install as their nominee. But we know what their agenda will be: Four more years of chaos and failure both at home and abroad.

Sacks, who is a California resident, knows first-hand that a Kamala Harris presidency would be nothing short of a disaster. He mentioned the border crisis and how Harris was named "border czar" yet did nothing to address the crisis.

He continued:

In my hometown of San Francisco, Democrat rule has turned the streets of our beautiful city into a cesspool of crime, homeless encampments, and open drug use. Democrats, led by border czar Kamala Harris, have allowed millions of illegal migrants to invade our country.
They tasked homeland security, not with stopping the illegal aliens, but with bussing them all over our country.

Sacks then shifted focus to the economy:

Democrats have recklessly spent trillions of dollars of wasteful and unnessecary government programs, setting off the worst inflation since Jimmy Carter.

Sacks made foreign policy a major part of his speech:

But worst of all, the Biden-Harris administration has taken a world that was at peace under President Trump, and they lit it on fire. First, President Biden botched the Afghanistan withdrawal, displaying incompetence and weakness for the whole world to see. Then, he provoked -- yes, provoked the Russians to invade Ukraine with talk of NATO expansion.
Afterward, he rejected every opportunity for peace in Ukraine, including a deal to end the war just two months after it broke out. Now the war is deep into its third year, with no end in sight. Hundreds of thousands of people are dead, hundreds of billions of our taxpayer dollars have gone up in smoke.
President Biden sold us this new forever war by promising it would weaken Russia and strengthen America. Well, how does that look today? Russia's military is bigger than before. While our own stockpiles are dangerously depleted. Every day, there are new calls for escelation and the world looks on in horror as Joe Biden's demented policy takes us to the brink of World War III.

Sacks gave one of the most straightforward speeches of the night during the RNC. Anybody who is undecided and open-minded should listen to the Sacks speech and fact-check him afterward; the majority of people who do so will want Trump back in office.



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So what did everyone think of Sean Obrien's speech last night? I have to say I agreed with a lot of it as a kid growing up in a union household.


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Why America’s Zoomers Are Turning MAGA

About two years ago, she said, she first thought about politics when she started driving. Her parents told her all she had to pay for were gas and car insurance, but she says it was tough to get by—let alone save anything. Her retail job at the local mall was based fully on commission, meaning her paychecks could fluctuate from $400 to $1,000 a month.

“I was like, ‘This is terrible. I’m working so that I can pay for gas to get to school and to get to work so that I can make more money to pay for gas,’ ” says Carroll, twisting her side ponytail. “And then I thought, ‘Oh, this is because of Biden.’ ”

She remembers that under Trump, when she was around 12 years old, gasoline often hovered around $2 a gallon. Now she’s used to seeing the gas station sign read $4 or more. She says everyone she knows is in the same boat—“broke” and living with their parents. While most economists admit Biden has little control over the price of gas, voters are still prepared to punish him for it.

“I feel like I could’ve afforded a future,” she says about life under Trump. “But now I’m crap out of luck.”

Carroll is one of a growing number of Gen Z Americans, born between 1997 and 2012, who are planning to vote for Trump this November. The idea of voting Republican before 30 is like going on birth control at 60. You could, but why would you? Which is why the latest polling on the political leanings of America’s youth is so shocking.

New polls show that the Gen Z vote, which Biden won by about 20 points in 2020, is now in play. A recent New York Times/Siena College survey—taken after Biden’s disastrous debate flop—puts Trump ahead of Biden by eight points among registered voters aged 18–29. And Pew research, conducted from February 1 to June 10, 2024, shows the GOP is leading among those under 30.