Elon Musk


PREMO Member
and the the rise of antisemitism , transgender hatred, racism and xenophobia on Twitter since Elon took over.

Yep and the majority is a hoax ...

Time and Time Again, leftists are caught spewing this hate mongering attempting to make out like Twitter is some cesspool its not.


PREMO Member
and now he censors any debate on Twitter he doesn't agree with.

Liar ...

He is imposing his views on the public through twitter and he paid for that privilege. That's the only reason he wanted to own it.

🤣 IMPOSING ... JFC you are delusional NOBODY IS FORCED to read Elon's Tweets ... in fact I thought all you leftists were LEAVING Twitter and going to Mastodon or Threads

Not to protect free speech which he blocks.

Liar, what speech, be specific ....

He has repeatedly closed or cancelled pro Harris online events or accounts

Liar .... what events BE SPECIFIC

Trump lie about everything from crowd size to Fema nonsense.

What Lies ... Be Specific, provide examples that use FULL QUOTES, not some 2 second out of context clip

Open your eyes.

That's rich coming from you ... STOP WATCHING MSDNC


PREMO Member
The days following Oct 7th were wild. And if you want to see the anti-semetic content, it was Palestinians and their sympathizers.

Hell I'lll even allow their are probably a couple of random skin heads there somewhere spewing NeoNazi propaganda, but the majority of Anti Jewish rhetoric is coming from leftists supporting Queer Palestine


PREMO Member
For leftists, they believe that they have an obligation to not only espouse their beliefs, but to impose them on others if those others won't get with the program.

Basically, because they're that way, they think everyone is that way.

Yep ....

MOAR Power, you are too stupid or selfish to make the proper decisions and sacrifice

and yeah they accuse the Right of doing exactly what they do.


Power with Control

But also million of people who realize what he really bought. A bastion where the folks who want to control what people can say can eff right off. Take just last week.

1. Trump did a decent thing and switched his rally over to music so folks needing medical care could be taken care of. Out of seven major media outlets, only one reported what happened accurately. One. Most folks found out the reality on X.

2. One of the formerly most respected names in coverage blatantly edited an interview with the VP to make her look better. The only reason we know that? X.

3. The FEMA and govt rescue response to the hurricane was abysmal. And we know that because of citizens on the ground were reporting it though X.


Just sneakin' around....
A good insight as to why Musk is getting involved in politics. About 7:20 for the good stuff.
