Email to the President


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
I sent this. Wonder if anyone will actually read it?
President Bush,
Millions of gallons of gas can be saved every day in the Washington, D.C. area alone. You should mandate that all Federal workers and contractors that can do their job telecommuting stay home. They need to be available during work hours by phone and email and be on call to come in. This could save billions of gallons if expanded to all Federal installations.



2ndAmendment said:
I sent this. Wonder if anyone will actually read it?

I read it.

On first glance, it appears to have merit, but after 3 seconds of thought, I discovered that it's actually a horrible idea.

I was a federal contractor not so long ago.

I had a computer deskjob where all I did was play with software that I could easily email back and forth to my office - or upload to the Govt database at any time, and never leave home.

Unfortunately I have 3 children at home, one of which is a baby, and another of which is a toddler - and neither understand that daddy is trying to work.

All they know is : I WANT ATTENTION :tantrum: AND I WANT IT NOW.

I'd love to telecommute.

But there's a reason I have an office that is not in my house.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Toxick said:
I read it.

On first glance, it appears to have merit, but after 3 seconds of thought, I discovered that it's actually a horrible idea.

I was a federal contractor not so long ago.

I had a computer deskjob where all I did was play with software that I could easily email back and forth to my office - or upload to the Govt database at any time, and never leave home.

Unfortunately I have 3 children at home, one of which is a baby, and another of which is a toddler - and neither understand that daddy is trying to work.

All they know is : I WANT ATTENTION :tantrum: AND I WANT IT NOW.

I'd love to telecommute.

But there's a reason I have an office that is not in my house.
I get more done when I work from home. Fewer distractions.


Football addict
2A, wouldn't the president want to sell more gas, more product? More product out of the door, more money for the U.S. companies overall.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
BuddyLee said:
2A, wouldn't the president want to sell more gas, more product? More product out of the door, more money for the U.S. companies overall.
Hello? Is this thing on? Have you been watching the news? The pipelines that supply much of the gas and jet fuel to the east coast are not working. The refineries that are in the New Orleans area are not functioning and may not be on line for months. Because of the econuts like Al Gore and the rest of the greenies and newspapers like the New York Times (they use editorials) no new refineries or additional capacity has been added for years. There is no spare capacity at other refineries to take up the slack. Charlotte, N.C. was reported to be nearly out of gas. Dulles, Atlanta, and some other major airports will be out of jet fuel in a few days.

The U.S. is in bad shape and things are likely to get much worse before or if they get better.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
2A, of all the crackpot ideas. Most people are completely incapable of working unsupervised, so the government might as well just send them a welfare check if they're not even going to expect them to show up for work.


This Space for Rent
2ndAmendment said:
Hello? Is this thing on? Have you been watching the news? The pipelines that supply much of the gas and jet fuel to the east coast are not working. The refineries that are in the New Orleans area are not functioning and may not be on line for months. Because of the econuts like Al Gore and the rest of the greenies and newspapers like the New York Times (they use editorials) no new refineries or additional capacity has been added for years. There is no spare capacity at other refineries to take up the slack. Charlotte, N.C. was reported to be nearly out of gas. Dulles, Atlanta, and some other major airports will be out of jet fuel in a few days.

The U.S. is in bad shape and things are likely to get much worse before or if they get better.

2A, the last non-fully functional pipeline will be at 74% by Sunday and 100% shortly after. It was just power issues to pumps and they have worked most of those. In the NO area 8 refineries were out - as of yesterday 2 were coming completely online, and all but 2 had power restored. The others with power on were expected to come online shortly.


Football addict
FromTexas said:
2A, the last non-fully functional pipeline will be at 74% by Sunday and 100% shortly after. It was just power issues to pumps and they have worked most of those. In the NO area 8 refineries were out - as of yesterday 2 were coming completely online, and all but 2 had power restored. The others with power on were expected to come online shortly.
:yeahthat: It was my understanding that the Gulf produced 10% of our refined oil, no?


New Member
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New Member
I really don’t think many of us have secure phone or cable modems at our homes, so anyone dealing with secret or top secret material would not be able to telecommute, but those that don’t why couldn’t we just outsource those jobs to China or India and save millions in gas and billions in wage and benefits and cut my taxes!!!!!


2ndAmendment said:
I get more done when I work from home. Fewer distractions.

Sounds like telecommuting would be great then.

For you.

Blanket mandates, however, would be exceedingly insane.


Super Genius
Toxick said:
Blanket mandates, however, would be exceedingly insane.
Yeah, but encouraging telecommuting, when feasible, could help. Another idea would be to shift the work week to an even more compressed work schedule...10 hr days, 4 days a week. Not sure how much that would save though.

At the very least, I think Bush should come out and encourage everyone to carpool, use public transportation, or even bike to work if possible. I know some that are already doing these things.


I bowl overhand
2ndAmendment said:
I sent this. Wonder if anyone will actually read it?
And for every gallon of gas saved the state and federal goverment lose $.54 cents of revenue.. Dc would lose a considerable stream of tax revenue, and who is going to support the DC economy from their houses? Who's going to stay home to work, but commute to DC for lunch to keep their favorite restaurants in business??
The public transportation system would be broke in a matter of weeks.. busses and trains sitting idle, while all the federal workers sit at home, doing less work for the money..
SURPRISE.. I disagree with you again!!


I bowl overhand
OOH, and lets not forget while the federal workers are at home "working", how many it would send to the unemployment lines.. those that probably can least afford it.. the cab drivers, the train conductors.. the waiters, waitresses.. DAMN, I'm starting to sound like a liberal, looking out for the little guy!!


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
2A, of all the crackpot ideas. Most people are completely incapable of working unsupervised, so the government might as well just send them a welfare check if they're not even going to expect them to show up for work.
They can play solitare just as well at home. They can certanly surf SOMD forums better at home than they can under NMCI.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
FromTexas said:
2A, the last non-fully functional pipeline will be at 74% by Sunday and 100% shortly after. It was just power issues to pumps and they have worked most of those. In the NO area 8 refineries were out - as of yesterday 2 were coming completely online, and all but 2 had power restored. The others with power on were expected to come online shortly.
Glad that is the case. The reports I heard earlier were not so optimistic which is what I was basing my posts on.


Be about it
2ndAmendment said:
I get more done when I work from home. Fewer distractions.

Well of course you do, you don't have small kids. Did you read what Toxick wrote - because it appears that you responded personally, without taking into account his response.