Email to the President


I bowl overhand
2ndAmendment said:
Works for me. Sorry about those it does not work for.
Because you'll still have a job, but the thousands in DC that depend on the commuters will be unemployed? That's not a very good attitude to have.. It's ok for thousands to lose their jobs as long as you get to stay home?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
JabbaJawz said:
Well of course you do, you don't have small kids. Did you read what Toxick wrote - because it appears that you responded personally, without taking into account his response.
You can still take your kids to day care if you like. Hope it is close to home. If it is not and it is just as economical to travel to the office after dropping off at day care, then go to the office. :rolleyes:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
itsbob said:
Because you'll still have a job, but the thousands in DC that depend on the commuters will be unemployed? That's not a very good attitude to have.. It's ok for thousands to lose their jobs as long as you get to stay home?
Never mind. You are a brick wall.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Okay, I've rethought it - still a crackpot idea.

If it was only done one day a week, it would save lots of gas and no one would loose their job :)bawl: itsbob). Supply vs demand - demand lower = lower prices - simple economics.


I bowl overhand
2ndAmendment said:
Never mind. You are a brick wall.
How do you oh brilliant one, propose, that if the federal workers stay home, that the government replace the lost revenue??

How do you propose the restaurants stay in business without the lunch clientele?

How do you propose the public transportation that is used every day by them stay in the black??

There is no fuel shortage, you just fell for another oil company ploy to raise prices.. If the price of gas went from 1.70 to 2.50 and stayed at 2.50 people would be upset, especially when they saw the profit statement at the end of the next quarter.. now there is this national "Emergency" so they can raise gas to ASTRONOMICAL prices, and in a few weeks prices will "normalize" around 2.75 and everyone will be ecstatic, and not care about the profit margins.. Profit? Who cares, we HAVE gas, and 2.75 is a lot better then $4.00!!

You're gullible, and you fell for it!!

I've gone out to get gas three times since this NATIONAL fuel shortage.. and other then the price I've had no problem finding gas.. NONE of the stations I sent to were out.. nobody is rationing. There is NO shortage!


I bowl overhand
2ndAmendment said:

If it was only done one day a week, it would save lots of gas and no one would loose their job :)bawl: itsbob). Supply vs demand - demand lower = lower prices - simple economics.
Gas defies the laws of supply and demand.. if it adhered to the "rules"gas would cost 5 cents a gallon..

One day a week.. WOW that's ONLY a 20% loss of revenue for everyone else concerned. I don't know about you, but I don't want to take a 20% pay cut, and I'm sure those affected wouldn't want to either.. And if I'm a business woner and lose 20% of my business, that would translate to money saving measures. ANd where does that start? Less employees..


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
itsbob said:
How do you oh brilliant one, propose, that if the federal workers stay home, that the government replace the lost revenue??

How do you propose the restaurants stay in business without the lunch clientele?

How do you propose the public transportation that is used every day by them stay in the black??

There is no fuel shortage, you just fell for another oil company ploy to raise prices.. If the price of gas went from 1.70 to 2.50 and stayed at 2.50 people would be upset, especially when they saw the profit statement at the end of the next quarter.. now there is this national "Emergency" so they can raise gas to ASTRONOMICAL prices, and in a few weeks prices will "normalize" around 2.75 and everyone will be ecstatic, and not care about the profit margins.. Profit? Who cares, we HAVE gas, and 2.75 is a lot better then $4.00!!

You're gullible, and you fell for it!!

I've gone out to get gas three times since this NATIONAL fuel shortage.. and other then the price I've had no problem finding gas.. NONE of the stations I sent to were out.. nobody is rationing. There is NO shortage!
And you have some great insight into my mind? You are privileged to conversations about the same topic that I have had with others? You know nothing of me. Even when we have been where we could have talked, I have avoided you. I am who I am on the board and in person. If you don't like me on the board, you won't like me in person. I don't like you on the board, so I choose not to be around you in person.

I fell for nothing. The whole gist of this is to reduce market demand which will drive prices down even if the reduced commute is only one day a week, it will reduce demand.


I bowl overhand
2ndAmendment said:
And you have some great insight into my mind? You are privileged to conversations about the same topic that I have had with others? You know nothing of me. Even when we have been where we could have talked, I have avoided you. I am who I am on the board and in person. If you don't like me on the board, you won't like me in person. I don't like you on the board, so I choose not to be around you in person.

I fell for nothing. The whole gist of this is to reduce market demand which will drive prices down even if the reduced commute is only one day a week, it will reduce demand.
So someone disagrees with you, you automatically dislike them?? That's sad..

You seem to be looking for minions moreso then friends ....
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Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
itsbob said:
So someone disagrees with you, you automatically dislike them?? That's sad..

You seem to be looking for minions moreso then friends ....
Lots of those I hang out with in person from the boards and elsewhere do not agree with me at times. Right now Vrai and Larry are disagreeing on a couple of threads in this forum. I still look forward to seeing them in person. We like each other. We respect each other. Again, you have no idea about me.

You admit to acting like an ass on the boards. I choose not to associate with you. What would make you think I want you for a friend? I am very selective about who I call friend.


I bowl overhand
2ndAmendment said:

If it was only done one day a week, it would save lots of gas and no one would loose their job :)bawl: itsbob). Supply vs demand - demand lower = lower prices - simple economics.

Millions of gallons of gas can be saved every day in the Washington, D.C. area alone. You should mandate that all Federal workers and contractors that can do their job telecommuting stay home.

I don't think your e-mail stated once a week.. is this your way of admitting your wrong, without really saying you are wrong?

Your argument about demand lower = lower prices is truly simple economics.. simple MINDED. Gas is one commodity that defies all principles of economics.. if I thought you could handle the concept of higher level economic thinking I'd explain it to you, but I don't want your head to explode.

I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings by pointing out when you are wrong, and not kowtowing to your superior intellect, and I'm sorry you can't accept that. Someday, maybe you'll attain true wisdom.


Football addict
2ndAmendment said:
I am who I am on the board and in person. If you don't like me on the board, you won't like me in person. I don't like you on the board, so I choose not to be around you in person.
Sorry 2A but I find you more likeable in person. Maybe it's the Hawaiian shirt that sets the tone.:lol:


2ndAmendment said:
Lots of those I hang out with in person from the boards and elsewhere do not agree with me at times. Right now Vrai and Larry are disagreeing on a couple of threads in this forum. I still look forward to seeing them in person. We like each other. We respect each other. Again, you have no idea about me.

You admit to acting like an ass on the boards. I choose not to associate with you. What would make you think I want you for a friend? I am very selective about who I call friend.

Boy thats a good way to follow YOUR god's teachings:yay:


itsbob is right, there was never any shortage:ohwell:
The storm wiped out a state.....the country needs $$ to fix it....
jack up gas prices.....other product will follow...
consumers dumping $$ into the economy for gas/milk/condoms....
VIOLA!!! money available to help the idiots that didn't listen to warnings in the first place


Be about it
2ndAmendment said:
You can still take your kids to day care if you like. Hope it is close to home.

What about father's of children who stay at home w/the mother daily? There's no escape, then, other than the office. :rolleyes:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
itsbob said:
Millions of gallons of gas can be saved every day in the Washington, D.C. area alone. You should mandate that all Federal workers and contractors that can do their job telecommuting stay home.

I don't think your e-mail stated once a week.. is this your way of admitting your wrong, without really saying you are wrong?

Your argument about demand lower = lower prices is truly simple economics.. simple MINDED. Gas is one commodity that defies all principles of economics.. if I thought you could handle the concept of higher level economic thinking I'd explain it to you, but I don't want your head to explode.

I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings by pointing out when you are wrong, and not kowtowing to your superior intellect, and I'm sorry you can't accept that. Someday, maybe you'll attain true wisdom.
You did not address it that way. Just attack mode.

As for friends, I have very good friends.

Thank you and your tard posse. It is nice to know I pick my friends well.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
HollowSoul said:
Boy thats a good way to follow YOUR god's teachings:yay:
Actually it is. The Bible says to be discerning about who you associate with.

2 Timothy 3:1-5

<sup id="en-NASB-29855">1</sup>But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. <sup id="en-NASB-29856">2</sup>For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy,

<sup id="en-NASB-29857">3</sup>unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good,

<sup id="en-NASB-29858">4</sup>treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,

<sup id="en-NASB-29859">5</sup>holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these.
Read these boards and then read verses 2-4.
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