Email to the President



:confused: Interesting. The bible says we should avoid 2A. Amen to that!


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PREMO Member
Kizzy said:
:confused: Interesting. The bible says we should avoid 2A. Amen to that!

Amen is rignt - STAY AWAY!

Then you won't be rubbing up his legs with yours next time you're :drunk: you did at the Rondevous a few weeks ago. :lmao:


The reason that gasoline and other petroleum products do not conform to the typical economic rules of supply and demand is that petroleum products are bought and sold on the commodity market. As commodities they are traded, bought and sold on futures. Futures trading is whimsical and left up to not the traditional demand or supply as much as the whimsy, fear or trends of countless middlemen traders who buy and sell on rumor and create artificial price surges based on emotion. A rumor of an adverse impact causes commodity traders to buy futures at elevated prices, then sell them at even higher prices. The frenzy feed itself and causes more panic buying thus driving the price up rapidly on sheer speculation and in many cases hysteria. You have people buying millions of barrels of crude a day out of only a leased office. They own future oil, have no way of or intent on ever “having” the oil, they will just sell it later never having to touch it or see it. It is a game that should be more closely regulated.


2ndAmendment said:
You can still take your kids to day care if you like. Hope it is close to home. If it is not and it is just as economical to travel to the office after dropping off at day care, then go to the office. :rolleyes:

Wonderful - instead of letting my wife take care of the kids during the day, which she loves to do - let me spend an extra $1100 PER MONTH on day care, so I can work at home and save $20 per month bus fare.

I have a feeling you're not listening to my point - or you are, and you just don't care.


Be about it
2ndAmendment said:
Then escape. I don't care.

:confused: You say that working from home is a great idea...and other ppl tell you just why it's not an overall ideal situation for everyone...and you get defensive...

Good grief.


But wait, there's more...
Encouraging federal employees to telecommute is not a new concept that you're springing on Dubya. The federal government already has a flexible workplace policy, and they empower each agency to adapt the policy to their own needs.

First off, the federal gov't cannot -- by law -- force someone to telecommute. It must be mutually agreed upon by the agency/management and the employee. If you tried to force people to telecommute, you'd have one hell of a union isssue on your hands. Secondly, if you force people to telecommute, you then must equip them with all the things they'd need -- computer, printer, fax, desk, chair, network accessibility, etc.

The costs and logistics to do this for the majority of the federal workforce simply don't exceed the costs those employees are subject to with the added cost of fuel right now. That's why the government offers benefits for those who choose to use mass transit (metro, bus, carpool, etc).


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Nearly everyone at my workplace has the option of telecommuting. You have to receive the necessary training, and go through a battery of red tape - but you can do it.

The problem is - I'm a *programmer*. I write programs, and the mainframes I need to access are NOT exposed to the Web, for good reason - and neither is any of the data - ALSO for good reason. I can't write stuff at home and port it to computers at work - for VERY good reasons.

Because if I could do ANY of those things, it would be a major breach of computer security policy. What would be the point of HAVING such a policy, if you allowed people to wantonly flout them?

So I'm more or less limited to what I can do with WORD or e-mail - that is to say, nothing. I couldn't fill out a whole day each month with the very little bit of non-programming work I do.
So it doesn't do me any good.


JabbaJawz said:
:confused: You say that working from home is a great idea...and other ppl tell you just why it's not an overall ideal situation for everyone...and you get defensive...

Good grief.
Be careful Jabba, He won't let you be his friend :nono:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
nomoney said:
Be careful Jabba, He won't let you be his friend :nono:
I am "friendly" with Jabba just like I am with almost anyone I have met including itsbob. Do I consider them my friends? Figure it out from this.

My friends are the kind of people I have known for years and have establish mutual respect and trust. Traveled 2 1/2 hours through hurricane winds and rain to help when no one else would help on the first call for help. Lent $10000 cash without hesitation and no mention of a note, receipt, or when it would be paid just because it was needed. Paid back because that is what is right between friends. Put life on line to save friend's life. Those are my friends. They are life long. That is how I am to my friends and they are to me. We don't abuse our friendship, but we are there for each other through thick and thin all the time every time. My wife is my best friend.

Friends can be closer than family; friends choose each other; family you are stuck with. I would venture to say that many don't have the kind of relationship I have with my friends even with their spouses.

Everyone else are just acquaintances and people I get together with. Some of those I love dearly, but our relationship has not had the proof of time like those I call friend.

I meet lots of people. We like each other or don't. Even if we don't, I am cordial to them. When itsbob and I have met in person, I have been cordial but moved on to those that have been nice on the board as well as in person. In person, itsbob is laid back and not aggressive at all. But he doesn't like what I have to post and I post what I would say in person if the same topics came up, so why bother to converse just to cause tension? We have met twice. I could work amicably with him I think. We can be cordial, but he is not my friend.


2ndAmendment said:
I am "friendly" with Jabba just like I am with almost anyone I have met including itsbob. Do I consider them my friends? Figure it out from this.

My friends are the kind of people I have known for years and have establish mutual respect and trust. Traveled 2 1/2 hours through hurricane winds and rain to help when no one else would help on the first call for help. Lent $10000 cash without hesitation and no mention of a note, receipt, or when it would be paid just because it was needed. Paid back because that is what is right between friends. Put life on line to save friend's life. Those are my friends. They are life long. That is how I am to my friends and they are to me. We don't abuse our friendship, but we are there for each other through thick and thin all the time every time. My wife is my best friend.

Friends can be closer than family; friends choose each other; family you are stuck with. I would venture to say that many don't have the kind of relationship I have with my friends even with their spouses.

Everyone else are just acquaintances and people I get together with. Some of those I love dearly, but our relationship has not had the proof of time like those I call friend.

I meet lots of people. We like each other or don't. Even if we don't, I am cordial to them. When itsbob and I have met in person, I have been cordial but moved on to those that have been nice on the board as well as in person. In person, itsbob is laid back and not aggressive at all. But he doesn't like what I have to post and I post what I would say in person if the same topics came up, so why bother to converse just to cause tension? We have met twice. I could work amicably with him I think. We can be cordial, but he is not my friend.

I guess I should've used the :sarcasm: smilie because I just found it funny that a thread about telecommuting turned into who you are and are not friends with :shrug::lol:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
nomoney said:
I guess I should've used the :sarcasm: smilie because I just found it funny that a thread about telecommuting turned into who you are and are not friends with :shrug::lol:
I find that a bit ironic, too. I really don't care if people agree with me or not. I don't know most of the people on this board at all. They are just words on a computer screen and most don't exist in real life. Of the 5000 plus members of the SOMD forums, there are probably 1000 real people, maybe less. In general, people on this board don't like me or what I stand for. :shrug: When they don't agree and I don't roll over submissively, they make a personal attack. It happens all the time. No big deal. It just shows the character of the people doing it.

I sent the email; I thought it was a good idea for a short term savings. Of course it was not for everyone, but :shrug: I think you should not complain unless you propose a solution. Even if the solution is not a good one, it starts people thinking and maybe someone will come up with a good one.

We encourage all ideas in our design meetings. Some ideas are just bad, some are mundane, and some are very innovative. Many times the innovative ideas grow out of discussion of a bad or mundane idea.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Toxick said:
Wonderful - instead of letting my wife take care of the kids during the day, which she loves to do - let me spend an extra $1100 PER MONTH on day care, so I can work at home and save $20 per month bus fare.

I have a feeling you're not listening to my point - or you are, and you just don't care.
Do you have a door on the room with the computer in it? Does it close?


But wait, there's more...
2ndAmendment said:
I have witnesses. And I didn't pee on a guy's tire in the Rondevous parking lot. Crude, rude, and socially unacceptable.
And just when were you appointed commissar of public morality? :duh:


2ndAmendment said:
I have witnesses. And I didn't pee on a guy's tire in the Rondevous parking lot. Crude, rude, and socially unacceptable.

What the hell are you accusing me of?

Hitting on you?

Like hell I was 2A. It was loud in there, I was trying to hear what you were saying, and if you think for a moment I was trying to snuggle up to you other than to hear the nonsense you were running your mouth about, you are wrong.

AND Almighty ass, I never pissed in a parking lot, that was a joke, but you, and a few others, certainly didn't hesitate to take the ball and run with it. Yet, YOU never spread gossip. :sarcasm:


Well-Known Member
2ndAmendment said:
I have witnesses. And I didn't pee on a guy's tire in the Rondevous parking lot. Crude, rude, and socially unacceptable.

Wha? I'll remain speechless.


I being of high moral standards and of great religious conviction would immediately call the man out on a rug that was hitting on me when he knew I was married. I would do it with out hesitation and right in front of everyone and I would never wait to accuse them on a message board.