Entering the Areana.........


Lem Putt
slotted said:
My kids attend Carver and it is not overcrowded. It also did not "burn down". They had a fire caused some damage and had the repairs completed in 2-3 days. Aren't they building a new Carver as well? :confused:

Did you attend the meeting at the school after the fire? I think not.

He is self edumacated so he don't need to go to no skuell to git his lernin.

Besides, it's easier to spew flasehoods than to actually do a little research.


New Member
MMDad said:
He is self edumacated so he don't need to go to no skuell to git his lernin.

Besides, it's easier to spew flasehoods than to actually do a little research.
If he didn't have the problem with his hands, I would tell him to hitchhike :yay: down to Carver School Blvd. and take a look at the new school that is being built.


slotted said:
If he didn't have the problem with his hands, I would tell him to hitchhike :yay: down to Carver School Blvd. and take a look at the new school that is being built.

He's gots legs. He didn't say he has anything wrong with them. :whistle:


New Member
His condition is pretty interesting.. I wonder if you kick him in the :moon:, does his head go numb?? Or, since his hands are numb, does he have another lifeless organ hanging around????

Damn, I almost feel sorry for him now..


JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

harleygirl said:
You have answered, in part, some of the questions asked. As far as the detention center inmates spreading germs, who really cares?! ...

:howdy: Well I sure do care. Not only the inmates but several of the Correctional Officers got sick too. The sickness did get contained but we got lucky again. If they overcrowd the Detention Center then the effects do come out side into the general population. I care about diseases in the Detention Center.

HarleyGirl said:
A platform is your opinion on issues. ... no experience, no vote. ...

:elaine: My last job was as a maintenance inspector at the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant and it was there that I strained my guts (in 1994) on that job and never recovered from the overexertion injury. That was the last job that I had and it ended in 1996.

:yay: It was a great job and I liked it very much. I had a level 2 NRC security clearance which is very high and I had full access around the nuclear reactor and its auxilleries as an inspector.

So I do know a lot about how the plant works and its safty levels. In the end I was laid off because of a work slowdown and that was fine by me. I never did report my abdominal strain injury as I thought that time would heal it.

I just recently had a CT scan at the Bean Medical Center this past November 2005 and there were still clear impressions that the injury was very severe indeed. Plus I still have pain from the injury. I have had two operations in 1995 and another in 1997 and so now I figure that I will have the condition forever. Most people I meet do not even know about my gut damage since no one can see anything so the Dupuytren's Contractures in both of my hands get all the attention. I consider the abdominal injury as by far the worst of my injuries but no one else seems too.

:popcorn: So I do not have a job as I am disabled but I would be able to do the job as a Legislator for District 29B.


New Member
JPC said:
:elaine: My last job was as a maintenance inspector at the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant and it was there that I strained my guts (in 1994) on that job and never recovered from the overexertion injury. That was the last job that I had and it ended in 1996.
You have been unemployed for 10 years? WTF have you been doing in your spare time besides spray painting gov't property and spending time in the klink?


New Member
slotted said:
You have been unemployed for 10 years? WTF have you been doing in your spare time besides spray painting gov't property and spending time in the klink?
Well we know he hasn't been hanging out in Social Services, you know, paying his child support..

Maybe he's that fella that lives in the A&E changing sticky bedsheets for free rent??

No wait.. that would require hands...

Unless he's using his tooth.


New Member
JPC said:
My last job was as a maintenance inspector at the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant and it was there that I strained my guts (in 1994) on that job
You sick bastard.


Iron City
kwillia said:
Don't forget the disabled that are gainfully employed and shaking their head ruefully at a man who feels he is up to running for office yet isn't up for holding down a paying job.

:shakingheadruefully: I'm disabled, sport a Masters Degree, and make a darn good living working on base. I am still happily married with kids. Why would this looney-tune think I would ever vote for him. He's done a pretty good job trying to pizz me off, except I don't care to waste that much energy on a deadbeat. He stands against everything for which I portray in my mundane (but happy) little life. Moreover, he now expects me to pay for his child because he is too busy crying about being disabled and an ex-con. Danm, makes me ashamed to be a conservative Democrat.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

MMDad said:
Honest question: How would you employ people after the base was gone?

:flowers: Why do you think the Base will close?? It is doing all or nothing thinking and it is wrong.

Stopping the Base expansion does not mean closing down the Base. It means stopping the robber barons and stop the senceless greed but the Base will still be here. The Base serves a Military purpose and it is not here only to serve Steny Hoyer and his employee and to make rich the other politicians.

It is only a fear technique that people play with that if we try to protect our homes from this excessive expansion then the powers that be will hurt us back by closing the Base. No, it is not true. Do not worry that the Base will close.

When we vote the bums out then I will not be using fear tactics to control the population.

Consider the over blown possibility that some how the Base was to close. Many people came here because they like the small town atmosphere. It would still take many years before it could actually be closed. And what if we then got access to the land there. It has nice beach front property and we could make the place like Ocean City, MD. Our lives do not depend on the Navy Base. There is other forms of employment and of luxury then having the County infrastructure overloaded to make our local oligarchy more rich then they already are.



Super Genius
JPC said:
:flowers: Why do you think the Base will close?? It is doing all or nothing thinking and it is wrong.

Stopping the Base expansion does not mean closing down the Base. It means stopping the robber barons and stop the senceless greed but the Base will still be here. The Base serves a Military purpose and it is not here only to serve Steny Hoyer and his employee and to make rich the other politicians.
What specifically would you stop?


mv = margaritaville
JPC said:
It has nice beach front property and we could make the place like Ocean City, MD

I don't know what base YOUR talking about...............but you would NEVER be able to make St Mary's into an Ocean City................one because there is no ocean.............two most important pay attention..................there is no beach! stupid!!!!! maybe you should get out every once in a while


Super Genius
mv_princess said:
I don't know what base YOUR talking about...............but you would NEVER be able to make St Mary's into an Ocean City................one because there is no ocean.............two most important pay attention..................there is no beach! stupid!!!!! maybe you should get out every once in a while
There are small sections of beach...definitely not enough for an OC-type area.

BTW JPC, let's assume that we could turn St. Mary's into OC...I thought you wanted to stop expansion. :dork:


mv = margaritaville
ylexot said:
There are small sections of beach...definitely not enough for an OC-type area.

BTW JPC, let's assume that we could turn St. Mary's into OC...I thought you wanted to stop expansion. :dork:

yeah there is a small section.......but i wouldn't want to go in the water. WAY to many jelly fish......find some where else to run..........


Lem Putt
JPC said:
:flowers: Why do you think the Base will close?? It is doing all or nothing thinking and it is wrong.

Stopping the Base expansion does not mean closing down the Base. It means stopping the robber barons and stop the senceless greed but the Base will still be here. The Base serves a Military purpose and it is not here only to serve Steny Hoyer and his employee and to make rich the other politicians.

It is only a fear technique that people play with that if we try to protect our homes from this excessive expansion then the powers that be will hurt us back by closing the Base. No, it is not true. Do not worry that the Base will close.

When we vote the bums out then I will not be using fear tactics to control the population.

Consider the over blown possibility that some how the Base was to close. Many people came here because they like the small town atmosphere. It would still take many years before it could actually be closed. And what if we then got access to the land there. It has nice beach front property and we could make the place like Ocean City, MD. Our lives do not depend on the Navy Base. There is other forms of employment and of luxury then having the County infrastructure overloaded to make our local oligarchy more rich then they already are.


Self-educate yourself on the budget and political climate in DoD. No growth is death. Virginia Beach broke the Navy's rules and now they are scrambling in hopes of saving Oceana.

The State House of Delegates has no power over the Navy. You could do nothing. However, suppose you could? What specifically would you do? Would you force the Navy to build infrastructure prior to growth? Do you realize how many communties in this country would voluntarily build infrastructure to lure a lucrative base like PAX? Bottom line if you got your way, the base closes.

Now answer my original question: How would you employ those left unemployed by the base closing?