Entering the Areana.........


aps45819 said:
why do you think it's only "poor" people that don't pay?

That one's easy..

Since it's only the rich who receive the bounty from tax-cuts, only they are the one's who can afford to pay child support.

Therefore all child support should be handled with tax-payer monies.

And with all the bastard children running amok, the only sensible thing to do would be to raise taxes on everyone so we can afford them.

And anyone who disagrees with anything I just said hates children.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

Toxick said:
Insult the voters! :yay:
Good way to win! :yay:

You are correct. It was wrong of me to insult the poster that way. I do appologize. :howdy:

He irritated me by !@#$%&((&^%$##@ so I over reacted.
:bonk: :bonk: :bonk:


JPC said:
These kids now really do deserve better and I will make certain of it. :war:
You will not :rolleyes: You will ride your 15 minutes of fame with this sham candidacy, you will pick up a couple of cans of Krylon when you get trounced and will make a spectacle of yourself again by expressing your outrage on county property and you will go back to jail where you will dazzle the other convicts with your stories of grandeur.

The man done me wrong :war: The man done me wrong :bawl:


24/7 Single Dad
My second issue for my campaign is reform of child support. We have a process of putting impoverished parents in MD. prison for 3 years and Fedeal prison for 5 years. If the parent had any money or assets then the State will take it, so only deadbroke parents go to prison for child support.
You worked construction, how often were you paid in cash? How many people have assests hidden in company assets. You see Daddy driving around in a new pickup every year, but it's not "his" because it has XYZ Construction on the door. He has no salary, just an expense account form his sucessful contracting company. His 4 bedroom house is the company office. On paper he owns nothing. He goes to court and tells the judge he's deadbroke. Is this the guy you want to rescue?


JPC said:
You are correct. It was wrong of me to insult the poster that way. I do appologize. :howdy:

He irritated me by !@#$%&((&^%$##@ so I over reacted.
:bonk: :bonk: :bonk:
I find it refreshing the real you came out. :yay:


I love this guy! :lmao:

Hmm, let's look at the logic about getting rid of the base will improve lives.

base closes --- property values tumble --- people default on mortages --- people move out of the county --- property tax base for St. Mary's County drops --- less money for schools (okay, this is the simplistic approach, but :neener:)

How does that equate to making it better? Oh, maybe when people default on mortgages and leave the county, there will be many abandoned buildings for bums like JPC, Sr. to squat in? :shrug:

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

:coffee: So yes I do know that my spelling is lacking and many words I do spell wrong. Just the way I is.

:howdy: Now I have to go. I figure to start up a real thread about child support so we can get to the point.

:flowers: I can only get to the Forum a couple times a day as I do have other things to do. So do try not to get angry about me not posting or answering as "I shall return". I will be back later or tomorrow or the next day but sometime I reccon for sure????????????/



JPC said:
You are correct. It was wrong of me to insult the poster that way. I do appologize. :howdy:

He irritated me by !@#$%&((&^%$##@ so I over reacted.
:bonk: :bonk: :bonk:

It happens. But if I remember correctly, the Board Admin made a point to mention this is a tough crowd. Also very many of us make a living, either directly or indirectly from the base that you've sworn enmity with.

That you're going to be hammered in here is a given.

Personally, I'd like to see some of your answers to many of the questions that's been put out there, childish and meaningless ones included. Particularly the one's regarding your views on child support and why Pax is an unnecessary evil.

I know these views are detailed on your website, as you've said, but visiting political websites is frowned upon where I am, and I don't have The Internet at home.
Last edited:


Lem Putt
JPC said:
Do not kid the people here. The trailers are for overcrowding.

Liar. They are being used to house the students at Carver while their new school is built. I guess new school construction is something you would stop, also. If you have a problem with the trailers at GMHS, talk about them. You sure do backpedal like a career politician.


Here's a good one!

The hidden secret about child support is that the highest intentions are not to help the children and not to help the custodials, the highest intention of child support is to punish the separated parent. The seperated non custodial parent is considered guilty by default because they do not have possession of the children, and so they are vulnerable and subject to punishment through the child support and custody laws.
That is the high political reasoning for the blatant injustices done to the non custodial parents in that they are presumed guilty of breaking up the family and thus deserving of punishment.
James P. Cusick , Sr.


James, it's called RESPONSIBILITY to your child!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Let me try:

James, do you not understand that it is the responsibility of parents to support their children? And that if you were too poor to give said support, you shouldn't have had children in the first place?

What you're talking about is expansion of welfare - Bebe Daddy won't pay so the rest of us get to clothe, feed and house children that do not belong to us. Because, as I'm sure you're aware, the "state" does not have any money except for what we, the citizens of Maryland, pay in taxes.

If you feel "punished" because you have to financially support the son that YOU brought into this world, how do you think your son must feel knowing that his father does not care enough about him to help pay for his food, shelter and clothing? And then to make a website about it and actually run for public office on the platform that your flesh and blood is not worth a dime of your money.

My god.


Lem Putt
vraiblonde said:
Let me try:

James, do you not understand that it is the responsibility of parents to support their children? And that if you were too poor to give said support, you shouldn't have had children in the first place?

What you're talking about is expansion of welfare - Bebe Daddy won't pay so the rest of us get to clothe, feed and house children that do not belong to us. Because, as I'm sure you're aware, the "state" does not have any money except for what we, the citizens of Maryland, pay in taxes.

If you feel "punished" because you have to financially support the son that YOU brought into this world, how do you think your son must feel knowing that his father does not care enough about him to help pay for his food, shelter and clothing? And then to make a website about it and actually run for public office on the platform that your flesh and blood is not worth a dime of your money.

My god.

Vrai, you may want to visit his website. On the top right, he appears to be showing somd.com endorsing him:

"Perks.As a member of the Democrat Party, Mr. Cusick believes in wisely using our infrastucture within reasonable limits, supporting emergency services of police, fire Department, Rescue Squad, protecting the work force, conserving our natural resources, excellence in education, and affordable health care.

Plus liberty, equity and justice for all.

Southern MD. News, www.SOMD.com ,"


curiouser and curiouser
MMDad said:
Vrai, you may want to visit his website. On the top right, he appears to be showing somd.com endorsing him:

"Perks.As a member of the Democrat Party, Mr. Cusick believes in wisely using our infrastucture within reasonable limits, supporting emergency services of police, fire Department, Rescue Squad, protecting the work force, conserving our natural resources, excellence in education, and affordable health care.

Plus liberty, equity and justice for all.

Southern MD. News, www.SOMD.com ,"
Contact Candidate info.

P.O. Box 1252
Lex Park, 20653

Email, JPCusickSr@Yahoo.com

No phone calls, as the budget is tight.

Southern Maryland Forum,

MD. Election Info,

We're being used. :drama:


Well-Known Member
Wow! I just read this guy's bio. It appears the only work he has done is a spray painter and full time deadbeat dad. There is no point in picking him apart as he is doing a great job of that without help.