Entering the Areana.........


In My Opinion
JPC said:
:huggy: I find the LWV to be very knowledgable, respectful, tolerant and enlightened.
And for those reasons I doubt you will be able to convince them that you have any merit as a candidate.

JPC said:
When I say to bring sense and some justice to child support and stop making parents into criminals then people of merit do not bark like some of the lessers do on here.
Lets talk about that reference to the lessers on here shall we?
First while you were shirking your parental duties and sitting in jail for displaying a lack of respect for the laws and for public property, I was spending 10 years in the Navy as an EOD, I got out and went to school and got my BS In information systems, then I worked as a network engineer until 3 years ago when I started my own business. I am married, have a child that I take care of with my wife, I pay my bills and I have a retirement fund set up.
The rest of the people on here are either better than I am, or at least equal. Most of them work at the very base you want to shut down
When we talk about someone having less charactor than someone else, you sir are on the bottom of the list of all the people here as far as I am concerned. The very bottom.

JPC said:
My own child support case is long over, satisfied and closed.
Your case is over because your son is past the age of being paid for. If he were still underage you would still be in and out of jail. Your case may be over as far as the payments go, but you have left a trail behind you that will never fade. As a parent you are worthless.

JPC said:
The c/s system needs reform. To hide from issues is weak and the LWV is not weak.
To hide from real issues is weak. To refuse to acknowlage issues created by someone that is trying to get back at the system is not weak.
To hide from responsibility that you created when you had a child is very weak.
To resort to petty spray paintings on public buildings is very weak.
To take the easy way out by sitting in a jail cell married to Bubba Sue instead of working toward a life is about as weak as I can think of.

I have known many many good people in my time, not all of them very smart, but good people, caring people.

I have never met anyone or heard of anyone until you popped your vile thoughts into the public forum that actually thought it was ok to allow your own children to go without while you played your life away.

You do not deserve the right to sit in any office that deals with the laws that govern the fine people of Southern Maryland. For you to do that would be a slap in the face of all of them.

For once in your life be a man. Slink on back to the undeveloped property that your box sits on and try to think of a way to make an honest living that will provide you with the respect needed to present yourself as a candidate for any office.

To date, you have not earned that respect.

Im done joking with you, I have scraped better content from the bottom of my shoe after cleaning up the horse field.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All free.

bcp said:
And for those reasons I doubt you will be able to convince them that you have any merit as a candidate. ... ... ...

I'm done joking with you, I have scraped better content from the bottom of my shoe after cleaning up the horse field.

:buttkick: Tomorrow Monday is a holiday for me, so I can not be posting on this Forum then, so I suggest the whole Forum shut down for all day tomorrow and we all take the day off and come back here on Tuesday as I plan to do.

Peace and Love....... :howdy:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:buttkick: Tomorrow Monday is a holiday for me, so I can not be posting on this Forum then, so I suggest the whole Forum shut down for all day tomorrow and we all take the day off and come back here on Tuesday as I plan to do.

Peace and Love....... :howdy:
Are you posting from the Library? :confused:

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All free.

JPC said:
:buttkick: Tomorrow Monday is a holiday for me, so I can not be posting on this Forum then, so I suggest the whole Forum shut down for all day tomorrow and we all take the day off and come back here on Tuesday as I plan to do.

Peace and Love....... :howdy:

:elaine: Tomorrow is MLK, Jr. Federal Holiday and I am taking the day off.

Plus as I already suggested the Forum could take the day off too.

It is having a sense and respect for our history. Please.

:yay: ....................... :lalala:


In My Opinion
JPC said:
:elaine: Tomorrow is MLK, Jr. Federal Holiday and I am taking the day off.

Plus as I already suggested the Forum could take the day off too.

It is having a sense and respect for our history. Please.

:yay: ....................... :lalala:
Taking the day off,, what does that mean? that you wont walk to the mailbox to look for your gubmint welfare check?

Respect for our history. Would that include spray painting historic buidings like the state house? would that be respectful?

You suggest the forum take a day off?? who the hell do you think you are? in the first place, this is not your forum, in the second place I doubt that anyone here as any respect for you, so, why would anyone listen.

If we had a national pay your obligations day, would that cause you to pay child support?

what a worthless piece of scum you are.


off the shelf
JPC said:
:elaine: Tomorrow is MLK, Jr. Federal Holiday and I am taking the day off.

Plus as I already suggested the Forum could take the day off too.

It is having a sense and respect for our history. Please.

:yay: ....................... :lalala:

I still don't understand what you get the day off from....I didn't realize you got a day off from being unemployed....does that mean you actually have to work tomorrow?

Respect for our history?....how about you start with something much smaller than that....something that should be worth more to you than your own life....start with respecting your child and his mother....

see if you can pay him and his mother back for all the wrong that you have done to them?....and all the disrespect that you have shown to them....see if you can make up for all those payments that you didn't make and all those things that YOUR child went without because of you.


New Member
bcp said:
Taking the day off,, what does that mean? that you wont walk to the mailbox to look for your gubmint welfare check?

Respect for our history. Would that include spray painting historic buidings like the state house? would that be respectful?

If we had a national pay your obligations day, would that cause you to pay child support? What a worthless piece of scum you are.

We have a winner!!! :killingme


Lem Putt
RoseRed said:
Are you posting from the Library? :confused:

You beat me to it. Looks kind of obvious to me. How does an unemployed person have a day off? I guess he's going to get a job for the holiday. How does that same person afford a computer and access?

Way to live off of the state, JPC. I assume your campaign finance reports will disclose that you are using computer assets that are intended for education. Good move, loser.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
onebdzee said:
I still don't understand what you get the day off from....I didn't realize you got a day off from being unemployed....does that mean you actually have to work tomorrow?
I love that :lmao:


In My Opinion
MMDad said:

JPC. I assume your campaign finance reports will disclose that you are using computer assets that are intended for education. Good move, loser.
Maybe running for an office he is not able to perform in is part of his self education course:shrug:

And we all know that the campaign finance report is just another way that the government tries to get into your business illegally,,,, Im sure that when they ask to see it, he will just spray paint the numbers on one of the government buildings.

But at least now that his "son" is in the workforce age, maybe he can convince him to bail him out of jail?

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All free.

RoseRed said:
Are you posting from the Library? :confused:

:elaine: Yes I am posting from the library, that was a clever guess.

The library has nice PC's and wireless access and laser color printer and the librarians will look up anything I ask them to and if anything breaks then they get repair personel here right away.

If I was to go out and buy this quality of equipment then I still would have less then the library gives to us for free.

It is like having an office here as we even have private conferance rooms too.

My website is free too and the emails are free. The library is just a short walk from my place.

I am pleased to see some one with insight on this board, RoseRed :flowers:

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set us All free.

MMDad said:

... ... How does an unemployed person have a day off? ... ... ...

:coffee: I still work even though I do not have a job.

Running a campaign is a lot of effort.


I bowl overhand
MMDad said:

You beat me to it. Looks kind of obvious to me. How does an unemployed person have a day off? I guess he's going to get a job for the holiday. How does that same person afford a computer and access?

Way to live off of the state, JPC. I assume your campaign finance reports will disclose that you are using computer assets that are intended for education. Good move, loser.
Oh wait.. if these are library assets, that would make them government property.. and didn't Gore and a few others get in trouble for using government assets for their campaign efforts?? Computers, phones etc..

GET A JOB low life