This is a well thought out post. My compliments MMDad.

I do agree that it would be much easier if we had other candidates too that was running to change the greed at all levels but I am only one man and so I have to stand alone.
It would be easier for me if there were honest caring representatives in the County Commissioner positions to help stop the greed. There are two new Democrats already registered for President of the Couty Commissioners but they have no website and I do not know their positions on anything. Lets just thank God that oligarch McKay is out of there this year, and if this area votes for him to the MD. Senate then he will further enrich himself at the expence of the population.
It would also be easier for me to stop the greed if we had strong representatives in 29A and 29C and maybe yet some politician will challenge those position too and maybe I will not have to do it all alone.
So I do agree it would be easier if I had some help but the St. Mary's County oligarchy is bigger than me alone and I can only run election against one of them. BUT, and it is a big "BUT", 29B is the link that holds the oligarchy and the greed together. Take out that puppet regime in 29B and Hoyer will be undermined too and then I can stop the Navy Base growth that is overloading our community whether the rest of them win election or not.
It would be great to have help but I can do it alone from 29B.
A lot of this reality can not be seen because we are still in February and much more of the campaign is going to come out as the election campaign escalates, and it is going to escalate.
The primaries are not till September 12, 2006, and the general election in November 7, 2006. The fun has not really started yet. Then things will become much more clear indeed.
