Erectile Dysfunction and IPA...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Vrai probably chastised him for talking about this (notice she hasn't chimed in here....)....... :lol:

We have a winnah. :lol:

I don't see what the big deal is. There ain't a guy alive over 40 who hasn't had an off night (except MMdad) and it is quite a defeating feeling, worthy of thought and discussion and it ain't got nothing to do with her, at all. As I say, things went great for a good time. And then, the decline. The point when life was no longer worth living. The...unhappy ending. :lol:

In any event, I'm glad to see everyone is giving this issue the concern and serious thought it demands instead of trying to make big jokes of it all.

Oh, the cure;

Hard crabs and Sam Adams :buddies:


Lem Putt
Wirelessly posted (Change we can believe in!: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 7.7) 320x240; VZW; Motorola-Q9c; Windows Mobile 6.0 Standard)

Pete said:
Well, now that's he's sobered up and Vrai probably chastised him for talking about this (notice she hasn't chimed in here....)....... :lol:

Maybe she is too exhausted?

Hand cramps?


New Member
We have a winnah. :lol:

I don't see what the big deal is. There ain't a guy alive over 40 who hasn't had an off night (except MMdad) and it is quite a defeating feeling, worthy of thought and discussion and it ain't got nothing to do with her, at all. As I say, things went great for a good time. And then, the decline. The point when life was no longer worth living. The...unhappy ending. :lol:

In any event, I'm glad to see everyone is giving this issue the concern and serious thought it demands instead of trying to make big jokes of it all.

Oh, the cure;

Hard crabs and Sam Adams :buddies:

You certainly wouldn't want any SOFT shelled crabs.....


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I think when someone's spouse goes TMI on a public forum, you should be able to kill them and bury them in the backyard without legal repercussion.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Pick another location

I think when someone's spouse goes TMI on a public forum, you should be able to kill them and bury them in the backyard without legal repercussion.

Your best bet is not to keep the evidence.