Erectile Dysfunction and IPA...


Stop abusing Mr. Happy or whatever you call it. Over the years your clogging your veins with food and drinking beer. If your gona do the Nasty that night just stay away from fried food and beer. Hopefully he will work for a few more years. If you need extra help my husband has some re-bar and cement you can try. And yes you can bury him in the backyard as long as you have his life insurance paid up. And remember ladies.....battery's are cheaper than men.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I suffered a flameout last night after about 30 minutes or so of good, clean, All American fun. No, I wasn't alone. :tap:

This is rather odd for me and I can't remember the last time. I think her name was Cleopatra. :shrug: I had a long day, lots of paperwork and planning but I got everything I wanted done, done, which is usually cause for more wood, not less. :shrug:

The only thing I can find to blame, at the moment, is IPA. We dined a Chez Solomoms Pier last night, good food, good service, fun time. However, I had 3 IPA's, DogFish which I adore. :yum:

Then, because we were in full blown conversation mode, we split a pitcher.
Further, I had a low pressure (the rain) headache. However, I was fine to drive as we were there for several hours. I could feel it but, I was fine. For you nanny staters, I am a big guy as well. :neener:

My question is this; rockfish bites or crab balls, which is best?

Oh, and have you ever had a specific beer give you...problems??? :jameo:

Oh my.


New Member
for a somewhat serious reply... I dated an alcoholic for 5 years and YES, certain beers will give you problems in that department. OR having too much can give you problems too.... alcohol allows the blood vessels to expand quicker or something - and this makes the penis stay 'relaxed' so even if you get an erection, it won't last long...

Next time you have a nightcap planned, go easy on the brew... or stop a couple of hours before and drink a couple of glasses of water to try and flush it out of your system :buddies:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Please. No more. :banghead:

Just as I suspected!

Doctors in Japan, who published studies on the dangers in the International Journal Of Impotence Research, said seats on most motorcycles put undue pressure on the perineum, the area between the anus and the scrotum, and restricted blood flow to the penis.

My perineum has been under TONS of pressure this last week; WHAM. WHAM. WHAM. Crash. WHAM. WHAM. WHAM. Crash.