escorting guests on base


New Member
I have visitors with me this week. We'd like to go on base today, but we'll need to take separate cars. If memory serves I have been able to go ahead of them through the gate and tell the guard that the car behind is with me, and they've let us go. Has anything changed with that?


Salt Life
I have visitors with me this week. We'd like to go on base today, but we'll need to take separate cars. If memory serves I have been able to go ahead of them through the gate and tell the guard that the car behind is with me, and they've let us go. Has anything changed with that?

You shouldn't have a problem but some guards like to give people a hard time over simple logistics. I wouldn't stress over it.
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I suggest you call the pass office and ask before you take the trip there.

Last I knew, no one goes thru the gate unless they have a business reason to be there, have been entered into the BASICS II system with a military or civil servant POC and has been issued a pass from the pass office.


Well-Known Member
If it has they'll tell you at the gate

I would have them tail you in like you stated, but make sure they all have a valid ID. There should be no need for the pass office since decals have gone away, I don't even see temporary passes on cars anymore.


New Member
I suggest you call the pass office and ask before you take the trip there.

Last I knew, no one goes thru the gate unless they have a business reason to be there, have been entered into the BASICS II system with a military or civil servant POC and has been issued a pass from the pass office.

Thanks. I did call the pass office and they told me that I can just wave them on behind me, so I guess we're good to go!
Thanks. I did call the pass office and they told me that I can just wave them on behind me, so I guess we're good to go!

Like Chasey said, depends on who is at the gate. I tried to escort some folks in for the Sunday brunch and was refused.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I went on PAX last year with my daughter with Fl tags and my retired ID - no problem. Drove about everywhere on the installation except for the obvious "restricted area" where signs said so.
I went on PAX last year with my daughter with Fl tags and my retired ID - no problem. Drove about everywhere on the installation except for the obvious "restricted area" where signs said so.

Active and retired military get more leniency. Contractors are plague carriers.


Active Member

It's the contractors who do the work the civil service people have no idea how to perform. The contractor keeps them out of trouble and looking good.


New Member
Enjoy the base; there are some cool things to see. Remember you're responsible for your guests, and amateur photography will get special attention, not in a good way.


Power with Control

I am a contractor and certainly not vermin.

It's the contractors who do the work the civil service people have no idea how to perform. The contractor keeps them out of trouble and looking good.

He didnt say vermin, there are human plague carriers also :coffee: I have been one myself since 96, and never really saw that attitude til this last job, when I was really told by some civil servants that they didnt need no damn contractor telling them what to do. In an email with a distro up to the SES level no less. Just very glad those folks knew what was up so there were no negative repercussions, but very annoying still. Just amazed me that there are still a lot of folks with that attitude.


Not White House Approved
I believe the a lot of the attitude towards contractors comes from the contracting officers (KO).

On my contract, contractors don't get 59's, can not charge to the contract when the base is closed like GS's can and are not allowed to do office security checks. All those provisions were removed from the contract by the government contracting office.

I'm starting to see contractors being treated like a second class citizen now a days.