Esperanza Middle School


Well-Known Member
rigirl said:
My kids have had a very good experience at EMS. Wonderful, caring teachers. The only thing that I'm not thrilled with is the house system. My oldest child never got rewarded as her younger sister did, and they are both well-behaved, no referrals, all A's, kind of kids. It just depends on what house you're placed in. For the past 2 years, the Buccaneers have won a lot of the big rewards, so I think something just isn't right as to how the program is run.
We had Opals, Diamonds, Rubies, and Pearls. Problem with that was that we all knew who the dumb kids were. That's how they divided the teams. But I do not remember them doing any kind of reward system back then.


Resident PIA
rigirl said:
My kids have had a very good experience at EMS. Wonderful, caring teachers. The only thing that I'm not thrilled with is the house system. My oldest child never got rewarded as her younger sister did, and they are both well-behaved, no referrals, all A's, kind of kids. It just depends on what house you're placed in. For the past 2 years, the Buccaneers have won a lot of the big rewards, so I think something just isn't right as to how the program is run.
Welcome to the world of Harry Potter. Yes, the house system is/was rather lame. I will say this, at least the kids had some intermural sports there. It was an activity that was lacking (suprising that Ms Mills would allow a competitive activity like that).
Sockoh, Burch finally retired, about 10 years to late. Some of the teachers that retired I wish would have stayed, other like Ms Burch, hung around to long. Also seems you are the only one who had a problem with Mr H.


New Member
I hear there are real problems at ems.... i am not sure but I think mills is on her last legs.... have you ever dealt with her? I am not sure she ever knows what the truth is..... My kids loved hofmeister, he is an icon in this county.


Main Streeter
nottheone said:
I hear there are real problems at ems.... i am not sure but I think mills is on her last legs.... have you ever dealt with her? I am not sure she ever knows what the truth is..... My kids loved hofmeister, he is an icon in this county.

Can you be more specific? What do you mean by “real problems”?


New Member
large number of staff leaving, parents un happy with mills on multilpe levels, I have not had good interaction with her, I hear the place is not safe...... do you have kids there?


New Member
The 8th grade dance was a mess, did your kid go to that? and I heard some little kid got hurt at that hawian thing they have evey year..... they make a ton of $$ there and no one knows where the $$ goes......


Main Streeter
nottheone said:
large number of staff leaving, parents un happy with mills on multilpe levels, I have not had good interaction with her, I hear the place is not safe...... do you have kids there?

My daughter went there in the mid-90s and my son is starting there in the fall.


Main Streeter
nottheone said:
The 8th grade dance was a mess, did your kid go to that? and I heard some little kid got hurt at that hawian thing they have evey year..... they make a ton of $$ there and no one knows where the $$ goes......

My son was at that dance and he had a blast. They let the 5th graders come from 3-6. I stayed there for a bit just to observe and it seemed okay to me. Somewhat chaotic but with that many kids, some chaos will happen. As far as the money, I guess I'll have to stay involved with the PTSA as I was at the elementary school. They’re usually the fundraising arm of the school and the exec board makes those decisions.

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nottheone said:
large number of staff leaving, parents un happy with mills on multilpe levels, I have not had good interaction with her, I hear the place is not safe...... do you have kids there?

In reference to a couple of the teachers leaving, good riddance to bad trash! However, some are leaving the state/county, some are retiring, some are being transferred! Hardly a mass exodus because of being miserable with their boss.

Why are parents unhappy? Mrs. Mills is always willing to address parents' concerns. What interactions have you had?

Why would you say it is not safe? Any examples where student safety has been jeopardized?


New Member
The money from the dance that they had went to to the NJHS, the kids in NJHS do everything for that dance. Yes a kid did get hurt at the luau, but from my understanding he was doing a backflip off the bleachers. Ive had no problems with the teachers in anyway, in fact they went out of their way to help my daughter when she had hip surgery this year.


New Member
awpitt said:

My son was at that dance and he had a blast. They let the 5th graders come from 3-6. I stayed there for a bit just to observe and it seemed okay to me. Somewhat chaotic but with that many kids, some chaos will happen. As far as the money, I guess I'll have to stay involved with the PTSA as I was at the elementary school. They’re usually the fundraising arm of the school and the exec board makes those decisions.

I think you are talking about the hawian party thing, the 8th grade dance was on saturday I think, police were called to escort kids off the property, parents fussing at the teachers that were there helping out etc... I guess maybe it was not that big a deal, and maybe most kids had a good time. I just heard from my kid and their friends.... so maybe it was blown out of proportion.

Good to be on top of the money thing..... I think the ptsa is a great thing.... I know at the elementary level they really do great things.... the kids all gain from that to be sure.


New Member
Pooh31 said:
The money from the dance that they had went to to the NJHS, the kids in NJHS do everything for that dance. Yes a kid did get hurt at the luau, but from my understanding he was doing a backflip off the bleachers. Ive had no problems with the teachers in anyway, in fact they went out of their way to help my daughter when she had hip surgery this year.

I hope your daughter is better.... yes there are great people at ems to be sure.... What does NJHS do with the money that is made? It has to be about all profit....


sockgirl77 said:
I had great teachers. Gutman, Sweeney, Burch, Fox, and a few others. There were some weird ones though.

Hey Mighty Mouse, remember the one that used to lick her keys?

Mrs. Harned. And she used to run her finger along the tray of the chalkboard then lick it! :crazy:


New Member
nottheone said:
I hope your daughter is better.... yes there are great people at ems to be sure.... What does NJHS do with the money that is made? It has to be about all profit....

Thank you very much, my daughter is doing much better.

The NJHS uses the money for different things with thier club. And the dances that they have every month are put on by different departments, I am guessing that they use the money that they make to buy stuff for the departments. You would be supurised how many teachers pay out of their own pocket for these dances.


New Member
Pooh31 said:
Thank you very much, my daughter is doing much better.

The NJHS uses the money for different things with thier club. And the dances that they have every month are put on by different departments, I am guessing that they use the money that they make to buy stuff for the departments. You would be supurised how many teachers pay out of their own pocket for these dances.

Teachers, most anyway, are there for their students, and help out in many ways... it is sad they have to help pay for the dances. I know the njhs does the relay for life thing, but what else do they need money for? I heard there was a trip but I think it was still over a hundred bucks a kid.....


nottheone said:
Teachers, most anyway, are there for their students, and help out in many ways... it is sad they have to help pay for the dances. I know the njhs does the relay for life thing, but what else do they need money for? I heard there was a trip but I think it was still over a hundred bucks a kid.....

nottheone, why have all of your posts been so negative? Do you have an axe to grind with Esperanza?


Well-Known Member
Jameo said:
Mrs. Harned. And she used to run her finger along the tray of the chalkboard then lick it! :crazy:
Eew. I remember all of that. Didn't Mighty Mouse steal her keys? Someone did.


Main Streeter
nottheone said:
I think you are talking about the hawian party thing, the 8th grade dance was on saturday I think, police were called to escort kids off the property, parents fussing at the teachers that were there helping out etc... I guess maybe it was not that big a deal, and maybe most kids had a good time. I just heard from my kid and their friends.... so maybe it was blown out of proportion.

Good to be on top of the money thing..... I think the ptsa is a great thing.... I know at the elementary level they really do great things.... the kids all gain from that to be sure.

Yes, you're right. My son was at the Friday afternoon event which was a "carnival" out front then a dance in the gym.


No B.S Pleez
nottheone said:
I hear there are real problems at ems.... i am not sure but I think mills is on her last legs.... have you ever dealt with her? I am not sure she ever knows what the truth is..... My kids loved hofmeister, he is an icon in this county.

The problem at EMS is that people like you hear, but don't know facts. If you are not sure, don't think. You don't have a clue.