Esperanza Middle School


Save The Bay!!!
umm... i just finished 8th grade at Leonardtown Middle school...
Slightly cool...
We owned EMS :larry:
Heres why...
-State Spelling Bee champ came from us
-Girls Basketball team owned the state
-our MESA team won whatever there was to win :howdy:
-our Speech contests won county
-Chorus festival won and got to go to state competition
--And i forgot the other things but oh well, i think you get my point

havent heard much from EMS...

Oh and by the way... for you peeps who just graduated EMS from 8th grade... make sure to wear a Bullet-Proof vest at GHS
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New Member
Realist said:
The problem at EMS is that people like you hear, but don't know facts. If you are not sure, don't think. You don't have a clue.

Well why don't you just enlighten us all with the facts....


No B.S Pleez
nottheone said:
Well why don't you just enlighten us all with the facts....

I'm not going to throw things out there just for the sake of doing so and then have others like you put their own distorted twist on it. As I've stated, that is the problem there. If someone throws out something I know to be false I will certainly dispute it.
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New Member
Realist said:
I'm not going to throw things out there just for the sake of doing so and then have others like you put their own distorted twist on it. As I've stated, that is the problem there. If someone throws out something I know to be false I will certainly dispute it.

What has been said that you feel is not true?


No B.S Pleez
For starters...

nottheone said:
What has been said that you feel is not true?

Although I don't have stats right in front of me, Ems is a safe place, contrary to what you "have heard". The parents I know having children there are thrilled w/ Mills on multiple levels. I believe someone else has addressed your acusation of the mass exodus of teachers. By your own admission, some of the things you stated were "blown out of proportion".


Barnacle said:
In reference to a couple of the teachers leaving, good riddance to bad trash! However, some are leaving the state/county, some are retiring, some are being transferred! Hardly a mass exodus because of being miserable with their boss.

Why are parents unhappy? Mrs. Mills is always willing to address parents' concerns. What interactions have you had?

Why would you say it is not safe? Any examples where student safety has been jeopardized?

I asked these questions a few pages ago with no response. Any takers yet?


New Member
Barnacle said:
I asked these questions a few pages ago with no response. Any takers yet?

err..well..theyre about to go to great mills, right?? :lmao: (and Im 20 so I can talk about it if i want to lol)

my kids dad went there part of middle school and srms prt, and he says spring ridge was better. this was 10 years ago, though and he does have descriptions of everything, why and all, but not bothering him to find out for sure, so oh well.

but seriously, I moved into the ems district right after 6th grade, and REFUSED to go there, a few of my friends did though, and umm..yeah, theres no way Id send my kids there, but I went to spring ridge, and im not sure its much better, especially now, LOL...and house? wth? somebody been watching/reading too much harry potter or something??

I dont know, I only met a few teachers, and the few that used to switch in the middle of the day/week and teach at great mills, or spring ridge, so I dont know about too many of them other than what my friends said, but that place freaked me out, honestly..just walking in it. so

and I always thought there was something funny about that place, then it being named hope on top of that..just too obscure!


mindy said:
err..well..theyre about to go to great mills, right?? :lmao: (and Im 20 so I can talk about it if i want to lol)

my kids dad went there part of middle school and srms prt, and he says spring ridge was better. this was 10 years ago, though and he does have descriptions of everything, why and all, but not bothering him to find out for sure, so oh well.

but seriously, I moved into the ems district right after 6th grade, and REFUSED to go there, a few of my friends did though, and umm..yeah, theres no way Id send my kids there, but I went to spring ridge, and im not sure its much better, especially now, LOL...and house? wth? somebody been watching/reading too much harry potter or something??

I dont know, I only met a few teachers, and the few that used to switch in the middle of the day/week and teach at great mills, or spring ridge, so I dont know about too many of them other than what my friends said, but that place freaked me out, honestly..just walking in it. so

and I always thought there was something funny about that place, then it being named hope on top of that..just too obscure!

OK, not to be rude, but what are you talking about?? Again, specifics please... no one who has made any allegations about the lack of safety or any other negative comments has been able to provide specifics. Because the name is "obscure" (or AKA Spanish), that is enough to criticize the school?


Well-Known Member
Barnacle said:
OK, not to be rude, but what are you talking about?? Again, specifics please... no one who has made any allegations about the lack of safety or any other negative comments has been able to provide specifics. Because the name is "obscure" (or AKA Spanish), that is enough to criticize the school?
Judging by the spelling in her post, she clearly went to the wrong middle school.