What protection do you have in place to ensure your child will get his inheritance if you die before your wife? If you go first and leave it all to her, your child is not in line as an heir of hers so it will be entirely up to her if she wants to give even a dime to your kid.
It seems to make more sense that you would will directly to your kid upon your passing.
Our family is going through this right now.
The husband has passed and the wife (step-mother) received all.
Now she is moving away, with all of the belongings and selling the property.
She has her own son so at the time of her passing his children/grandchildren stand to get nothing and her son/grandchildren all.
Unless she chooses to leave something to his family.
His daughters are very upset as they both felt they should have gotten money/belongings when he passed. I as a grandchild of his do not agree with the daughters and feel it's the stepmothers to do with as she pleases. He obviously felt the same or he'd have made other arrangements prior to his death. Personally I hope she spends all and has fun doing it, she worked as hard as he for what they had together and should enjoy it.