Everyone join in...


Well-Known Member
citysherry said:
You can’t compare the super rich with us regular folk in raising kids. Do you think Seal or Heidi have to get up for those 2 am feedings! They have all the help in the world that money can buy and that’s why she’s a super model and not a SUPER MOM.
I'm still trying to figure out wtf her problem is. Seal is just plain nasty looking. :barf:


I Need a Beer
sockgirl77 said:
I'm still trying to figure out wtf her problem is. Seal is just plain nasty looking. :barf:

I'm sure he must bring other atttributes to the table that are impressing her. :killingme I agree, he's not easy to look at.


Enjoying the Beach
My son (now 17) use to have tantrums in stores when he was about 2-3. I read somewhere that you should just step over and ignor them (keeping an eye on them) I did just that the next time he had one in JC Penney. At first he got up and threw himself down in front of me again, so I stepped over again. Then he got up and started talking to me like nothing ever happend LOL. I don't remember him doing it much after that.


professional daydreamer
sockgirl77 said:
Any hints or tips on potty training? My son just thinks that the potty chair is a hiding place for toys. Oh and occasionally he scoots the chair across the room. :ohwell:

I made my daughter clean up her own "mess", at age 3. She was cured in a week.


sockgirl77 said:
Any good Terrible 2 stories?

Toxick Jr. Turns 3 in a few weeks.

He has not taken a breath to pause in his constant scream state in almost a year, every vertical surface in my house is written upon, and everything is broken.




Sleep Deprived
I used the same tatic when my gurl would throw tantrums...throw one with her. She'd be more interested in what mommy was doing and stop or just yell mommy stop it. As far as the potty training thing...my little girl is newly potty trained...and she's three. I tried at two but no success...it was more headache for me because she just wasn't ready. But she was this time. I just put the big girl underwear on her and after a few accidents. She learned she didnt like being wet. I agree though....it doesnt get bad till their 3. LOL


My daughter is almost 2 1/2. I feel your pain. She is hysterical thogh and alot of fun. I ignore the tantrums, and didn't push the potty thing. She is however potty trained with only occasional accidents. She likes it when I make a big fuss over using the potty such as doing a dance while clapping and yelling to the whole house "Celie peepee'd on the potty! Woohoo!!" For my oldest (now 10) I used stickers. I gave her a regular sticker for pee pee and a sparkly or "special" sticker when the poop happened. Worked great! For the middle boy (8 now), he was on his own schedule. One day he just decided and never had an accident. Strange.


curiouser and curiouser
CandyRain said:
My son's terrible twos were related to a two-year timeframe and not his age. From 3-5 I didn't think he'd make it to see 6. He's almost 7 now and so much fun!
I hope mine stops at 5. :lmao:


Be about it
My #2 Pig turned 2 on May 27th and is hell on wheels. She is really, really a terrible 2. Her favorite word is no.


The Smart Hooker
Mine is almost 2 and has already started. I usually ignore him and it's usually done and over pretty quick (the tantrums.)

My neighbor has a 5 year old and is an absolute BRAT. She gets down on the floor and screams and kicks when her mom tells her no she can't have anything. Instead of punishing her or even igorning her, she scoops her up and loves on her and says "Jennifer, don't cry. It'll be okay. You can have it if it makes you feel better. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings." :mad:


Sleep Deprived
My little one turned two Tuesday. It seemed like she hit the terrible two's right on time. We are in the process of potty training. It takes time and patients (these days mine are lacking). We go every two hours. We sit together, read, sing, etc. When she goes we make a big deal out of it...we dance and sing. She gets to put up a sticker everytime she goes. When it's full she gets a surprise (toy). We started about two weeks ago and so far so good. She goes no the potty about 7 times a day. She is in pull ups at daycare and sometimes has accidents but we are working on it. I can't wait for the day when I don't have to buy anymore diapers!
As far as tantrums..she has her share. She is very vocal these days with her "NO's" and everything is "Mine". I'm really having a hard time with the "mine" thing. I try to explain sharing and taking turns but so far no luck. Any suggestions?


Salt Life
elaine said:
Temper tantrums. If you ignore them, they'll go away sooner. Gurl used to throw herself to the ground, kicking, screaming and banging her head on the floor. I thought she was gonna' bust her head open. :yikes:
Mine did that at the most appropriate times - shopping! I remember many, many times I had to drag a two year-old out of the mall while everyone was watching. :lol:


Luckily, I've been blessed with relatively few tantrums.

ToxJr's screams are usually becase of jubilation or boredom. He almost never throws a tantrum when his mother or I take something away, tell him no, or punish him - however he does crank up the air-raid siren when his brother & sister try to "trade" toys when he doesn't want to.

The thing about this kid is that he's so LOUD - it's almost incomprehensible to the mind. My ears have always been sensitive, and his incredibly loud and sustained screeches are painful. It makes my entire head ring when he blasts off.

Mrs. Toxick thinks I'm overreacting or play-acting, and she gets angry when I flip out when he screams. But, DAMN, that kid hurts my ears.

I'd almost rather have normal-volume tantrums over his unfathomably loud thought-shattering giddiness.



curiouser and curiouser
Toxick said:
The thing about this kid is that he's so LOUD - it's almost incomprehensible to the mind.
Same with mine, except that it's his speaking voice that is soooo loud. I'm very softspoken, so I don't know where he gets the idea that he needs to speak so loud. :lmao:


New Member
sockgirl77 said:
And welcome me into the "Terrible Twos". My son turned 2 last Thursday. It's been fun. He hasn't slept throught the night in 3 weeks. He's running around like a little mad man. He's been hilarious, though. He's really getting his personality now. I'm tired. :yawn:

Any good Terrible 2 stories?

Wait until he's a teenager. You will still be tired because you will be up waiting for him to get home. You worry the whole time he is out. Oh the personality thing...enjoy it...it changes........ :jameo: