Evolution vs Creationism??? What do you feel should be in public schools?


Well-Known Member
Homo Erectus is a class that is generally comprised of Java Man (Tibia and Skull cap alone) found in the late 1800's and also the collection of individuals called "Peking Man" (all the fossils disappeared on the eave of WWII)..only molds currently exist with a few fragments found after the war.

The alien angle is refreshing....but


They evidenced fire, communal living, yet had actually quite small stature and distinctly smaller brain cc....Debate still rages as to where they fit in the descent. (600,000-800,000 ya) estimated--rarely ever to Physical Anthros reveal their dating method---go figure. :cartwheel

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Hessian said:
Homo Erectus is a class that is generally comprised of Java Man (Tibia and Skull cap alone) found in the late 1800's and also the collection of individuals called "Peking Man" (all the fossils disappeared on the eave of WWII)..only molds currently exist with a few fragments found after the war.

The alien angle is refreshing....but


They evidenced fire, communal living, yet had actually quite small stature and distinctly smaller brain cc....Debate still rages as to where they fit in the descent. (600,000-800,000 ya) estimated--rarely ever to Physical Anthros reveal their dating method---go figure. :cartwheel
Aside from the alien thing, I find this stuff absolutly facinating.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Well how about this...

Evolution vs Creationism??? What do you feel should be in public schools?

What if the local school system reflected the majority opinion of the local community? Or is that too novel an idea?

I no more want a 'uniform' national scholastic identity than I want a uniform national personality.

If you went to school in the Bible belt, perhaps your folks wanted you raised with an emphasis on the Almighty. If you go to school in Oakland, California perhaps your parents could care less and don't mind of you're taught 'ebonics' instead of E-english.

If you go to school in an NYC borough, maybe it's because your folks want you getting condoms at school.

I do know that I am happy with our local school system. Some kids are doing drugs. Some are preagnant. Some of the teachers are kinda wacky. Some are very, very good. By and large our kids are getting a decent enough rounding of experiences to get them started. They're not learning in a war zone and they're not learning in the most rigid environment on the planet.

We fill in the blanks at home in terms of details about money, religion and some of the more personal things schools aren't so good at and at the end of the conversation I think that is the REAL issue; there's an intellectual intimacy that needs to be filled in at home. I know that kids who don't get it seek it. I know that sometimes they get it form teachers but, as policy, that's a tough sell.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
If you went to school in the Bible belt, perhaps your folks wanted you raised with an emphasis on the Almighty. If you go to school in Oakland, California perhaps your parents could care less and don't mind of you're taught 'ebonics' instead of E-english.

If you go to school in an NYC borough, maybe it's because your folks want you getting condoms at school.
Or perhaps that just happens to be where they live and what they're stuck with.

This is why I'm all for school choice.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
Or perhaps that just happens to be where they live and what they're stuck with.

This is why I'm all for school choice.

Now, we can sure argue over what 'stuck' actually means but, yeah, when we're spending in Frederick County almost $10,000 per pupil per year, there is NO argument against allowing unhappy parents to seek better for their kids.

Poor people in DC are near hostages in terms of how out of control their school administration is.


I never received one class in twelve years if school on creation. The only place I learned about the concept was at bible school, church, or at home.

I am against teaching creation in public schools because it is a religious concept, and every religion has its own view of how man was created. Who's to say that Christianity has it worng, and that the American Indians' belief that eagles carried us down here are all hosed up?

I think the Detective Friday approach is best - "Just the facts ma'am."


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Lincoln, NE, of all the places in the world. We had a lot of fun electives.
I didn't know you were from Nebraska. I went to college in Beatrice.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
I think that's what scares everybody, (or liberals as you like to call them vrai :lol:). You start talking about teaching a religion class and people get all in arms like it's going to be a bible study class. You don't even have to use the bible to teach the basic dogmatic principles of Christianty.
Everybody != liberal. That is a liberal lie. :lol:

I really do not see how you teach Christianity without the Bible, nor do I see how you can teach Judaism without the Torah, nor do I see how you teach Islam without the Qur'an.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
We fill in the blanks at home in terms of details about money, religion and some of the more personal things schools aren't so good at and at the end of the conversation I think that is the REAL issue; there's an intellectual intimacy that needs to be filled in at home. I know that kids who don't get it seek it. I know that sometimes they get it form teachers but, as policy, that's a tough sell.
Eureka! Here is a key! But alas, most people are stupid, including "parents", and are incapable of teaching much of anything, because they do not know much of anything themselves. I know that this seems harsh, but it is true. Remember, the average IQ is 100. That means for everyone that there is that has an IQ of 130, there is someone with an IQ of 70. My IQ, when last measured, was above 150. That means there is someone drooling in a corner somewhere. I would venture to say that the majority of those posting in Politics have IQs above 120; they are balance by many of those posting in Chit Chat.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
I never received one class in twelve years if school on creation. The only place I learned about the concept was at bible school, church, or at home.

I am against teaching creation in public schools because it is a religious concept, and every religion has its own view of how man was created. Who's to say that Christianity has it worng, and that the American Indians' belief that eagles carried us down here are all hosed up?

I think the Detective Friday approach is best - "Just the facts ma'am."
Creationism is fact to me and to many (70% of U.S. citizens claim to be Christian and then there are the Jews and Muslims that also believe in creation). The idea that all life just "popped up" through some magic of combination of chemicals is as far from fact for me as the notion that the moon is made of green cheese and is certainly not fact.


New Member
Bustem' Down said:
Religion until recent times was the major force in almost all world events ....

I'm not sure what you mean by this comment.

Religion is still the basis for nearly 100-percent of the conflict in the world today. Conflict in Ireland still rages on and that is based definitely based on religion, and in one form or another, the war on terrorism is religion based. The attacks on the USA were propagated by the fact that the USA chooses to back/support Israel (and their conflict with neighboring countries is religious differences between Judaism and Islamic beliefs).

I’m not debating if USA’s support of Israel is right or wrong (that could be another entire thread), just trying to make a point that the majority of today’s wars and conflict are religious based.

Agree or disagree?

More people through the course of history have died due to religious difference versus any other cause…


Active Member
Cletus_Vandam said:
The attacks on the USA were propagated by the fact that the USA chooses to back/support Israel (and their conflict with neighboring countries is religious differences between Judaism and Islamic beliefs).
that isnt entirely true, were more factors than just that... thought it did contribute :|


Super Genius
2ndAmendment said:
I really do not see how you teach Christianity without the Bible, nor do I see how you can teach Judaism without the Torah, nor do I see how you teach Islam without the Qur'an.
It's easy to teach the principles of those religions without reading quotes from their respective books. I'm sure you could summarize Christianity without quoting the Bible. Teaching them without mentioning them, that's a different story...


New Member
Spoiled said:
that isnt entirely true, were more factors than just that... thought it did contribute :|

I agree that the topic of the attacks against the US are a very deep subject, but do you honestly think that if we didn't support Israel on nearly 100% of what they do, we wouldn't have been attacked?

Again, just a question....


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
It's easy to teach the principles of those religions without reading quotes from their respective books. I'm sure you could summarize Christianity without quoting the Bible. Teaching them without mentioning them, that's a different story...
How do you teach the precepts of Christianity without telling the story of Y'shua (Jesus)? Where are the most accurate and complete accounts of Y'shua found according to Christians? It is as impossible to leave Biblical quotes out of teaching Christianity as the teaching of E=MC<sup>2</sup> when teaching physics.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Wrong and wrong...


Religion is still the basis for nearly 100-percent of the conflict in the world today

The Middle East, the Balkans, Ireland, religious, yes.

South America, Afircan wars, no. They are tribal and political conflicts.


More people through the course of history have died due to religious difference versus any other cause…

In the last century, WWI and II killed over 50 million people. They were not religious wars in any significant way.

In our Civil War 600,000 Americans died, 1/2 to combat, the other 1/2 was disease.

The Spanish flu of 1919 killed bewteen 20-40 million human beings.




New Member
Larry Gude said:

The Middle East, the Balkans, Ireland, religious, yes.

South America, Afircan wars, no. They are tribal and political conflicts.


In the last century, WWI and II killed over 50 million people. They were not religious wars in any significant way.

In our Civil War 600,000 Americans died, 1/2 to combat, the other 1/2 was disease.

The Spanish flu of 1919 killed bewteen 20-40 million human beings.



Interesting post. You've got me really thinking on this now.... I'm going to look into this further. Not trying to prove you wrong or prove me right. I've just always heard what I written earlier and never gave it a second thought.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Bad form, bad form!

Cletus_Vandam said:
I've just always heard what I written earlier and never gave it a second thought.

Religious conflicts are the day in and day out mundane killing that mankind does to keep from being bored until a REAL war comes along.

Religious fights, by their nature, just go on and on and on at some intensity or other.

Lincoln was asked during our Civil War the question as to whether God was on our side (the Union) or their side (the Confederacy). It was suppossed to be one of those clever 'gotchas' as both sides were very much Christian and American Christian to boot.

Lincoln, being a very clever man, said (as he was one of our more reflective Presidents):

"Let us just pray we are on Gods side."

Patton, some 80 years later, being on his own side first last and always, simply prayed for weather good enough to kill Germans thereby sparing the Almighty any strain in choosing sides what with conflicting prayers coming in right and left.

You'll find that, while we humans argue about God enough, we don't kill in His name as often as we do for commercial purposes.