Evolution vs Creationism??? What do you feel should be in public schools?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Cletus_Vandam said:
I've just always heard what I written earlier and never gave it a second thought.
You'll never hear a Christian or any other religious person say "religion has caused more death and war than any other cause". Only the anti-religious toss that out there to "prove" that God and religion are evil.

I'd have to look but, off the top of my head, I'd say that religion is WAY down there on the list of why there are wars or conflicts. Land and power acquisition is probably the #1.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Take my word...

vraiblonde said:
You'll never hear a Christian or any other religious person say "religion has caused more death and war than any other cause". Only the anti-religious toss that out there to "prove" that God and religion are evil.

I'd have to look but, off the top of my head, I'd say that religion is WAY down there on the list of why there are wars or conflicts. Land and power acquisition is probably the #1.

...you don't have to look. It's WAY down the list.


Active Member
I think many of the african wars are also religion based? protestant vs catholic? christian vs muslim? I maybe wrong...

and vrai, many of those land wars have been to spread a religion... :|

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You're wrong....

Spoiled said:
I think many of the african wars are also religion based? protestant vs catholic? christian vs muslim? I maybe wrong...

and vrai, many of those land wars have been to spread a religion... :|

...all tribal. Mogadishu. Somalia. All of them.


New Member
Very interesting reading

I had been reading on this topic since pasting my earlier replay and have found several resources talking on this very subject.


States the following:

The Holocaust, however, is a special case. It still rates the two points assigned to the secular horrors of the Nazis, but because it was the culmination of centuries of Christian anti-Semitism, Christianity easily earns an extra point from Question 5. Because of the loopy racial theories that the Nazis used to support their atrocities, we probably can't say that the Holocaust was mostly religious in origin, but since the only real difference between the Jews and the rest of Europe is religion, we have to at least give religion partial credit.

Again, not trying to prove something either way. I think "religion" may have relivence that in one explaination versus another can be found to be a source of conflict in one form or another.

Like I said earlier, I'm not trying to prove my point, or debunk the others. There is just a lot of interesting reading on the topic....
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Larry Gude

Strung Out

....give it up my man.

The Holocaust was racial, period. Hitler didn't murder gypsies and homosexuals
and Poles and Russians because of their God. Master Race, remember?

WWI is NOT a gray are AT all.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Cletus_Vandam said:
I had been reading on this topic since pasting my earlier replay and have found several resources talking on this very subject.


States the following:

The Holocaust, however, is a special case. It still rates the two points assigned to the secular horrors of the Nazis, but because it was the culmination of centuries of Christian anti-Semitism, Christianity easily earns an extra point from Question 5. Because of the loopy racial theories that the Nazis used to support their atrocities, we probably can't say that the Holocaust was mostly religious in origin, but since the only real difference between the Jews and the rest of Europe is religion, we have to at least give religion partial credit.

Again, not trying to prove something either way. I think "religion" may have relivence that in one explaination versus another can be found to be a source of conflict in one form or another.

Like I said earlier, I'm not trying to prove my point, or debunk the others. There is just a lot of interesting reading on the topic....
Hitler was a radical believer in Social Darwinism and not a Christian; hence the master, ultimate, or elite race; blond and fair skinned.
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Active Member
vraiblonde said:
Communism and Socialism are not religions.
I wasnt talking about WW2 :|

oh well I need to stop trolling and go read... HURRAY FOR THE END OF SCHOOL AND FINALS :|

ill be back in st marys county soon :) BRACE YOURSELVES :)


Football addict
vraiblonde said:
Evolution is a proven science and would be part of a science curriculum. Creationism is a religious belief and would be taught...in what class? None, that's what.

That said, I have no real problem if schools had a World Religion class. Even if you don't believe in God, it's still part of our cultural heritage and something we should at least be familiar with.
How about 'philosophy'! I think it should be mandatory that everyone should have to take this class. I've taken it at CSM and it has been the most enlightening and one of the classes I've enjoyed the most.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
Communism and Socialism are not religions.
Actually in a way they are and are not. The USSR for the longest time supplanted religion with thier government. It creates less competition. Hitler did near the same thing with his dictatorship. Every one of his speeches were made to seem like religious ceremonies.