For those who know, you know, that most of these sorts of government meetings dedicate far too much time to people bragging about how they are the masters of their own universe. It isn't just at school board meetings, but rather all government agencies.
I was once in a large meeting in Baltimore and they were trying to sneak domestic violence training into 3rd grade classrooms using grant money we got from the Federal government. I spoke up and asked why "Conflict Resolution" wasn't part of the health and wellness curriculum and done in age appropriate increments through-out the years? Frankly, I couldn't understand why a grant to reduce crime was being absorbed by the school board, as is. So, I know first hand the absurdity of what goes on and their little back door meetings dreaming up ways to get their hands on grant money.
They get these big grants from the Federal government that require them to implement social agendas into our schools vs. actually educate our children.
The problems start there, IMO.
But I will say, this woman says it all.
I was once in a large meeting in Baltimore and they were trying to sneak domestic violence training into 3rd grade classrooms using grant money we got from the Federal government. I spoke up and asked why "Conflict Resolution" wasn't part of the health and wellness curriculum and done in age appropriate increments through-out the years? Frankly, I couldn't understand why a grant to reduce crime was being absorbed by the school board, as is. So, I know first hand the absurdity of what goes on and their little back door meetings dreaming up ways to get their hands on grant money.
They get these big grants from the Federal government that require them to implement social agendas into our schools vs. actually educate our children.
The problems start there, IMO.
But I will say, this woman says it all.