He already said - because he thinks only the wealthy and privileged should have access to quality education. I don't think it gets anymore honest than that.
What gets me is - see, in every state, almost to the last, the biggest statewide expense is - schools. You pay all of those taxes, and easily a fourth of it goes to pay for schools. Ditto county taxes. You pay a LOT of money for them.
So the argument that - well, there ARE alternatives - doesn't work - you have EVERY RIGHT to demand better performance from something you pay a lot for. Would you ever - ever - shell out thousands of dollars every year for an inferior product? No, but like anything, yes you can go buy something ELSE - with one proviso - you DO NOT CONTINUE TO PAY for the inferior product once you switch.
Make sense? If you hate Breezeline and switch to Comcast, good for you - Breezeline sucks. But NOT IF YOU STILL HAVE TO PAY BREEZELINE *anyway*.
It makes a LOT MORE SENSE to demand better performance for the one you ARE paying for.
So - school choice advocates have a solution, and it actually works - but Democrats HATE IT -
You pay for private school - and you get a credit on your state taxes for it. It's totally fair - you pay for a school, and you don't pay for the one your kid ISN'T going to. The public school system has one less child to deal with, and their budget - well, it probably doesn't change, actually.
Now, admittedly - this concept has a giant HOLE in it - what about all those taxpayers who DON'T have kids at all - or whose kids have grown - and they still pay the tax. Ok, yeah, I get it - same thing we do with healthcare - people who are well are still paying for the sick, even though they're not getting back what they pay in.
It DOES however, force public schools to try and be competitive, since the kids MOST LIKELY to switch to private schools are going to be the ones you don't want to lose - the ones whose grades and talents keep the school a good school. You don't want to be left as an institution with a bunch of brats and behavioral problems while the good kids leave. Well boo frickin' hoo. THAT, I don't sympathize with.