ExElVeeEye game tread...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...I am starting to think this is going to be a blow out.

For the Giants.

I can't discount Brady, at all, but, come on. The Giants D is a murders row. It's not like they've got one super star, or even two, that can get to the QB and there's nothing wrong with their secondary that they can't play tight for 3 seconds. It just seems that, by halftime, it is going to be one of the great all time performances by Brady and his line if he's still in the game.

At the end of the day, as the Ravens proved, the Pats simply have physical limitations as any team does and few teams, (no team?) maximizes what they have like they do. The Ravens flat out shut Brady down and had the game won. I think they will come out clicking and flying but, after awhile, that D is going to get it done and, worse, Eli and his line and his skill people are, simply, as a group, better.

Giants in a blow out.



Bellichek is too crafty. I've felt that the Giants can't lose this game since the start. After all, they looked the scariest Patriots in the face and beat them.

But after watching breakdown this week ad being reminded that the Giants barely made it in, I'm not as convinced. The Giants have lived an died by controlling the LOS. They have extremely floundered against dual TE sets this year. Darth Brady and the sith lord are all about preparation an exploitation. I do not feel Coughlin and little brother Eli are. It seems like when the Pats win it is due to lethal accuracy and a textbook gameplan. The giants, fall into a win like a cruise ship captain into a rescue boat.

No way the empire lets it happen twice. Pats 24-17.


my war
...I am starting to think this is going to be a blow out.

For the Giants.

I can't discount Brady, at all, but, come on. The Giants D is a murders row. It's not like they've got one super star, or even two, that can get to the QB and there's nothing wrong with their secondary that they can't play tight for 3 seconds. It just seems that, by halftime, it is going to be one of the great all time performances by Brady and his line if he's still in the game.

At the end of the day, as the Ravens proved, the Pats simply have physical limitations as any team does and few teams, (no team?) maximizes what they have like they do. The Ravens flat out shut Brady down and had the game won. I think they will come out clicking and flying but, after awhile, that D is going to get it done and, worse, Eli and his line and his skill people are, simply, as a group, better.

Giants in a blow out.


I don't know... I think Brady, Gronkowski and Hernandez are going to have a good day... Regardless, I think it will be tight.

Pats - 28
Giants - 24

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Bellichek is too crafty. I've felt that the Giants can't lose this game since the start. .

I hear y'ah. I've thought the exact opposite from the beginning; the Pat's CAN'T lose for the very reasons you cite. :lol:

I mean, this is the joy of the NFL, any given Sunday, a joy they are desperate to ruin with 18 game seasons or expansion or being cheap to the run of the mill players. In any event, no one is going to be shocked regardless of who wins, yeah?



I hear y'ah. I've thought the exact opposite from the beginning; the Pat's CAN'T lose for the very reasons you cite. :lol:

I mean, this is the joy of the NFL, any given Sunday, a joy they are desperate to ruin with 18 game seasons or expansion or being cheap to the run of the mill players. In any event, no one is going to be shocked regardless of who wins, yeah?


I agree. Won't be a shocking outcome unless Elvis comes back and leads a team to victory.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Giants needed that score more than the Pats did. Dominating the play on the field doesn't mean much if you don't put the points on the board. Now, hopefully, they are awake and remember that they don't just give you the points and the Pats will be all too happy to win.


dances like a granny

Ummm, she is 53 years old and dancing around in 4-5 inch heels. I saw her almost fall and her 1 boot slipped down during her performance.

but the lip syncing I did notice... perhaps because she is known to lip sync most live performances. It was a pretty good 1/2 time show (not great) but good.


You know what I would have preferred... if LMFAO did the entire show instead of just making a brief showing. They rocked their New Year performance.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It was a pretty good 1/2 time show (not great) but good.

It had the makings of a GREAT half time when it started. That whole Roman thing was perfect for Madonna but then just a bleh performance and bleh song choices.

Visually stunning.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
NY finally gets a pass rush

Yeah, it was interesting the D line men dropping back, the mixed coverages, it seemed to me the thing they had to do was just pressure with 4 and take their chances with that. Hey, it worked. 17 points ain't bad against the Brady bunch.


Do you like apples?
Bleh. Ok game. Very clunky. Two HORRIBLE calls. Hard played. Gotta give NE the intensity award; every time the Giants ran or caught the ball I felt like NE was gonna force a fumble.

Poor Bradshaw! :lol:

Just wondering, what did you consider the 2 HORRIBLE calls?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Just wondering, what did you consider the 2 HORRIBLE calls?

The hold on the Giants on 3rd and 1 when Jacobs went for 5 and got the first, late in the first half when they were driving and then the non PI call second to last Giants possession of the game again on third down. Coughlin about had a coronary on that one.

There were two or three Pats holds not called where you could see jersey being pulled away from the opponent. I don't expect perfect from the refs. Let 'em play. Just don't call ticky ones and don't NOT call ones that cause a change of possession.



24/7 Single Dad
Bleh. Ok game. Very clunky. Two HORRIBLE calls. Hard played. Gotta give NE the intensity award; every time the Giants ran or caught the ball I felt like NE was gonna force a fumble.

Poor Bradshaw! :lol:

:bs: Hard fought on both sides, close score with the possibility of NE taking the win in the final seconds.

= good game :neener:


Do you like apples?
The hold on the Giants on 3rd and 1 when Jacobs went for 5 and got the first, late in the first half when they were driving and then the non PI call second to last Giants possession of the game again on third down. Coughlin about had a coronary on that one.

There were two or three Pats holds not called where you could see jersey being pulled away from the opponent. I don't expect perfect from the refs. Let 'em play. Just don't call ticky ones and don't NOT call ones that cause a change of possession.


I agree on that holding call. :yay: It looked more like Wilfork fell than it did a hold. Basically a play you see in the trenches every snap of the ball.

As for the no-call PI, that was a close one. :shrug: IRT, it could go either way, but in slo-mo it def looked like he got there just a little early. No surprise to me that there was no flag.

For the most part, it looked like the Ref's tried to let the players play. 9 penalties (NYG 24 yds, NEP 28 yds). False starts, offsides, 12 men, that bad holding call, safety. I honestly thought there would be a lot more calls in the secondary on both sides (interference, etc.) but they let 'em go. Another great game to watch though.