Well-Known Member
I would say BE CAREFUL, as big an asshat as you might think they are, recording them, without their permission, could lead to more severe penalty for you, then them.
I don't worry too much about that possibility. Somebody cuts me off making a signal-less lane change across multiple lanes of traffic to get into a turn lane or runs a red light and plows into me....."SMILE, you're on Candid Camera!" "And oh, BTW, I WILL be submitting this as evidence in court."
Good. So dash cam footage IS admissible in court.From what I have gather from here, and from others, the police and courts seem to be less restrictive on evidence, how it's collected and used in court.
That's when video of the accident takes the LEO(s) out of the equation. They didn't witness the accident, but the camera did. To me, it's open and shut, with or without the testimony of a non-witness. A picture may be worth 1000 words, but video tells volumes.I've asked friends who worked in other jurisdictions, why they didn't write a citation for an accident when the evidence supported the eyewitness description of the cause. The response was that they would have to testify in court to something they did not witness, so unless it was a DUI, they generally stayed away from writing a citation on top of a accident report.
Well, when I'm in slow moving traffic, or I'm already in a turn lane and stopped for the light.....or even creeping forward to keep up with the traffic flow and the aforementioned asshat decides to squeeze into space that doesn't exist; hits me and starts screaming 'YOU hit ME!', that's when I say, 'Let's look at the game tape.'The other thing you might find interesting is your video might actually hurt you when it comes to insurance. The reason drivers do some of the #### they do is because they operate on the belief that if you hit them, you are automatically "at fault" in the accident.
Like I said, trying to get into a space that doesn't exist; taking out one of my fenders, bumpers or doors in the process; while I am already where I'm supposed to be, doing what I'm supposed to be doing.....'Yes, 9-1-1?" "There has been an accident on.....I can provide video proof who was at fault."Insurance companies don't like assuming all the liability, they will subrogate the claim. You will be given partial responsibility for the collision. If your evidence were to show you could have avoided the collision, your portion could go higher.
.....and that's why I have and will continue to use a dash camera.