

New Member
cool hondo looks fun. we canter the pasos too, don't we paso!

it sure was tight riding in that little arena. spooky too. gosh and then when we were done with out demo, they had some stallions lined up to go in for the parade of breeds and some lady was yelling at me "STALLION!! STALLION!!! GO THAT WAY STALLION!!"

i was like...uhhhh lady, if you are brining a stallion to the expo, they better darn well have some manners and be able to be near other horses.

btw, the STALLIONS were just standing there minding their own business. so bizzare some people. i think it was a gypsy horse and some other horse. not sure.

We have taken Chance to some shows and expo type things where people find it necessary to "let every one know" there is a *gasp* stallion entering the ring. So silly.

We were at the expo 2 or 3 years ago, it was so much fun! That was when the economy was still doing well. We were there with alot of other stallions and breed ally/row was also full.

Any one going to the Pa. expo next month?


Does my butt look big?
WHY - what does it make them do?

keeps the mouth shut so they can not open it and avoid the bit...tie the mouth shut (I have used a nice english (crank) dropped nose band most english jumpers use a nice dropped noseband not mean at all) and tie the head down and work them really works well for making them give..


Rocky Mountain High!!
keeps the mouth shut so they can not open it and avoid the bit...tie the mouth shut (I have used a nice english (crank) dropped nose band most english jumpers use a nice dropped noseband not mean at all) and tie the head down and work them really works well for making them give..
I can understand using a cavesson, I mean why use trimmed barb wire ones?? THATS just cruel.

Spicober, we'll be going to the PA expo sat/sunday i think. I'm not doing that Expo with Hondo cause i want to save my leave, my son and DIL come home next month for a visit from Japan. :yahoo:

This sounds like FUN!

The Wind Rider Equestrian Challenge™ will be returning to the Pennsylvania Horse World Expo. It is presented by Bob Jeffreys and Suzanne Sheppard. The Hottest New Cross Disciplinary Competition in the US!
Compete for prizes and have a blast!

The Challenge is open to riders 12 years or older from all disciplines including western, dressage, hunter/jumpers, trail riders, natural horsemen, gaited horse riders and more.
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New Member
Here's the video

Here's a video with the clip of Hondo. It's at about 2:35ish
YouTube - great HORSE EXPO clips!

To clarify, I didn't take the video. I just found the link. I think she did a great job of recovery! Way to go Dee!!!!! I've seen Hondo on the trails once, he's just so awesome.
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Rocky Mountain High!!
Look like the rider ( Dee) did a great job in saving her seat..Good recovery
Thank you! :diva:

I wasn't feeling that way from INSIDE that arena. :lol: I take no credit, Hondo comes back to me easily and I was asking a lot of him, that place was packed, and he's never done anything indoors in his life so i think he recovered amazingly well, all things considered.

And if you watch the black Rocky just before the pony demo, you'll see he's very lateral, moving side to side, that's a stepping pace which is the "acceptable but not preferred" gait.
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New Member
I think it shows the amazing trust he has in you. You didn't panic so he didn't panic. He jigged a little but then was like ok, mom has it under control. I wish I had the skills to maintain my seat like that. I would have landed on my back.

I certainly don't care for the comments about it being funny or a great clip, but I guess some people will always find humor in others circumstances.

I maintain my original thought: GREAT JOB!


Rocky Mountain High!!
Thanks for digging the video up. You're a super sleuth. I don't even know the girl that posted it. :biggrin:

And I don't care about the viewer comments, i think they're funny! The whole audience gasped, then cheered when we recovered, so it's all good.

He has a ton of mane to grab so had plenty to spare with the death grip i had on it. :lol: