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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by dems4me
some of them can get downright verbally abusive.
Some people are natural victims, others aren't. I've never ever had that happen to me. Bums may whine vaguely as I walk past them, but I've never had one actually accost me. And I can't imagine that I'd be MORE inclined to give them money if they started screaming at me. :duh:

But you, Dems, are free to live your life as you see fit.


Originally posted by Pete
Am I detecting a theme here among Democrats, naivete'?

These were past mistakes -- you learn from them Pete.:biggrin:


Originally posted by vraiblonde
Some people are natural victims, others aren't. I've never ever had that happen to me. Bums may whine vaguely as I walk past them, but I've never had one actually accost me. And I can't imagine that I'd be MORE inclined to give them money if they started screaming at me. :duh:

But you, Dems, are free to live your life as you see fit.

That was awhile ago when I was much younger and I think he took advantage of my vulnerabilities. Not to mention we couldn't get away from him because if we did our van wouldn't have stopped not seeing us and went home without us. We tried to ignore him but he kept shoving himself in between us. The next day he was there again and we were doing the usual chatter of "hi" "how was your day" and he jumped up and started saying "we had no idea what en effin nice day was or a bad day, we were just two effn' byatches who knew nothing in life" and continued to curse us and spitting on us as he was yelling all up close and of course people just walked by and didn't want to get involved. He eventually stopped hanging out there and became a reputlican somd forum member. :cheesy: j/k:biggrin:


Originally posted by migtig

I've never tried shouting go away - I was always worried about hurting their feelings. But you are correct, I must thicken my skin. Part of desensitizing.:biggrin:


Originally posted by dems4me
I've never tried shouting go away - I was always worried about hurting their feelings. But you are correct, I must thicken my skin. Part of desensitizing.:biggrin:
You recon they were worried about hurting your feelings when they intimidated you and demanded money? There is a difference between hurt feelings and scaring the crap out of a mark to get money. That is partly why I am a Republican, I do not feel sorry for these people at all. They are users and I don't like my tax money going to help them in any way, shape or form. It doesn't matter if they are scaring people at a bus stop in DC or bilking the welfare sytem in Alabama they are a blight on humanity. Yet the Democrats reward them, even elevate them to be everyones concern. "They are humans aren't they?" My answer.......barely, they are predators, they prey on the generocity of others and the systems put in place to help those really in need. Democrats villify those they deem "rich" yet bat their eyes and coo at those lazy loon bags that contribute NOTHING to society except their demon spawn. They even come up for excuses as to why they are that way......"They are underprivleged because they have not had the opportunities that you and I had "........BS, I went to public school in GA and made it this far because I FORCE myself to get up and go to work and I give a rats azz how I live my life, they do not. These are the people your party champions under the guise that they are "average Americans". Here is a news flash for you.......they are below average at best. They are parasites who suck the will to live out of whatever society will host them. The last thing they want is a program put together to show them how to get a job or daycare so they can work. You know why? Because they can make more with less effort on welfare or scaring people at a bus stop or running a con at a parking garage.


Originally posted by Pete

You sound a little angry there Pete. My problem is you can't lump all homeless people into one category. There are some innocent ones out there. They are not all demon spawn and can't all be lumped together. What about the mentally ill that are all walking around -- they need help and treatment. It's the cons and the addicts that make them look bad. I still try to give the person the benefit of the doubt. You say that you would encourage them to work -- does that mean that when a person wants to pump your gas and wipe your windows - that you would pay them?:confused:


Originally posted by migtig

pssst -- we just got this email sent around to employees - thought i'd share with ya' migg - its about car jackings.

I just received this warning from a friend. When going to your car pay attention to leaflets on windows. Apparently the thieves are placing something on the back window, but you don't notice it until you have gotten into your car and started it up. You get out of the still-running car and walk around to pick it off and then someone jumps in and drives off with your car (and I'll bet you left your purse in there too). Be safe!


Originally posted by dems4me
You sound a little angry there Pete. My problem is you can't lump all homeless people into one category. There are some innocent ones out there. They are not all demon spawn and can't all be lumped together. What about the mentally ill that are all walking around -- they need help and treatment. It's the cons and the addicts that make them look bad. I still try to give the person the benefit of the doubt. You say that you would encourage them to work -- does that mean that when a person wants to pump your gas and wipe your windows - that you would pay them?:confused:
Absolutly....I would give them .05 a gallon to stand there and watch the gas pump whirl and spend the 30 seconds cleaning the windshield. Hand one of those guys a dollar after they pump 20 gallons of gas and see what you get. It will be tossed back at you with an attitude, why? because they do not want work they want a hand out. "But they worked" you will say. Pay is reasonable compensation for manual or intellectual labor. Standing there watching the gas pump ding off numbers is not work, it is minimal effort in an attempt to gain $5 from you.

I am not angry at all and don't you dare use the typical Dem tactic of trying to turn this into some "phobe" or "problem" of mine. I am not angry and I hate everyone equally.

In my opinion 95% are worthless scum. They ruin it for the 5% who really need help.


Originally posted by Pete
I am not angry at all and don't you dare use the typical Dem tactic of trying to turn this into some "phobe" or "problem" of mine. I am not angry and I hate everyone equally.

In my opinion 95% are worthless scum. They ruin it for the 5% who really need help.

Wasn't trying to turn anything around on ya' Pete -- are you hypersuggestable or something??:confused:

Thanks for y'alls input -- I guess I do project a friendly vibe around folks, I'm just used to smiling all the time and telling people hi and have a nice day, etc..:frown:


Originally posted by dems4me
Wasn't trying to turn anything around on ya' Pete -- are you hypersuggestable or something??:confused:

Thanks for y'alls input -- I guess I do project a friendly vibe around folks, I'm just used to smiling all the time and telling people hi and have a nice day, etc..:frown:
Now that I have straightened you out you can vote Republican.


Yo Gabba Gabba
Originally posted by dems4me
You sound a little angry there Pete. My problem is you can't lump all homeless people into one category. There are some innocent ones out there. They are not all demon spawn and can't all be lumped together. What about the mentally ill that are all walking around -- they need help and treatment. It's the cons and the addicts that make them look bad. I still try to give the person the benefit of the doubt. You say that you would encourage them to work -- does that mean that when a person wants to pump your gas and wipe your windows - that you would pay them?:confused:
You say what about the mentally ill, but I would like to see numbers on how many of them refuse treatment and medication. Do you realize how many people actually choose to be homeless, how many there are that don't take advantage of the shelters or the various programs that there are to help them? I would encourage them to work as well. Pumping my gas and washing my windows is not work unless they are employed by a service station. There are plenty of jobs out there for those willing to work. I'd tell them go to a shelter, get yourself cleaned up, and go out and get a phuquing job.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
:lmao: :killingme :lmao:

Dems, you're a professional victim. There's no hope for you, so just accept it.

I'm not a professional victim!!!:biggrin: Just someone that gives people the benefit of the doubt and don't judge one person's actions onto complete strangers. Then again, I have been a victim for a robbing, identity theft, pick pocketers, etc... hmmm. You've given me something to think about vrai thanks!!! I'm just too trusting I suppose. It took years for me to realize I should walk around downtown with my purse zipped up. Car pool folks and other friends would constantly nag me about stuff like that. But I just don't think that way for some reason. I don't do stuff like that deliberately or anything.

BTW, Pete -- give it up -- I will NEVER vote republican no more than you'd vote for my boy Kerry. :biggrin:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by dems4me
Then again, I have been a victim for a robbing, identity theft, pick pocketers, etc... hmmm.
And now you're a victim of "Drive-by Kerrying". Explains a lot.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
And now you're a victim of "Drive-by Kerrying". Explains a lot.
It is sad too because just before she had the "Drive-by Kerrying" she got hit by the Dean bus.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
And now you're a victim of "Drive-by Kerrying". Explains a lot.

what's that mean Vrai -- you lost me. :confused: